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New American Inside Out Upper intermediate

Unit 8 Test
Name _______________________ Score ______/50


1 Underline the most appropriate word.

a) Look at that baby’s cute little cheekbones / dimples / bone structure.

b) Frank was a tall, well-built man, with a square / big / full jaw.
c) That actress is famous for her good / full / arched lips.
d) Sarah had plastic surgery to get the turned-up / smooth / high little nose she’d always wanted.
e) What attracted me to Dylan were his full / good / sparkling eyes.
f) Japanese Geisha women have distinctive square / arched / white eyebrows.

(6 points)


2 Complete with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

enigmatic laid-back open-minded self-centered sensible sensitive

stand-offish trustworthy

a) Are you always a practical, __________ person, or are you silly sometimes?
b) Jen is totally dependable and __________ . In fact, I’d put my life in her hands!
c) Who is that mysterious, __________ woman in the black hat?
d) Roger never worries about anything. I’ve never met anybody so __________ .
e) Your brother was kind of __________ at the party. He didn’t talk to anybody.
f) Sasha is pretty __________ . She only ever talks about herself.

(6 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 8 Test 1

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010
Passive report structures

3 Write the words in the correct order.

a) flat / was / many / for / it / that / years / thought / the / was / Earth
b) in / Europe / is / by / most / many / to / Paris / be / the / romantic / city / considered
c) to / believed / swimming / is / beneficial / be / a / very / widely / exercise
d) find / often / said / language / easy / that / it / to / children / is / a / new / learn / it
e) been / eating / suggested / vegetables / prevent / it / fruit / has / that / help / disease / and / can
f) harmful / use / it / to / be / did / thought / that / wasn’t / smoking ?

(6 points)

have / get something done

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have / get and the words in

a) Where do you ____________________ ? It looks fabulous. (hair / cut)

b) The doctor advised him to ____________________ every month. (eyes / test)
c) We’ve just ____________________ upstairs. Do you want to see it? (a new shower / install)
d) This house is in terrible condition. It ____________________ for years. (not / decorate)
e) I ____________________ at 10:00 tomorrow, just in time for the wedding. (nails / do)
f) Where should I go to ____________________ ? (the hole in my suit / repair)

(6 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 8 Test 2

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010
Unreal conditionals

5 Complete the sentences with would or were and the correct form of the verbs in

a) If I __________ (can have) a vacation anywhere in the world, I __________ (go) to Australia.
b) Supposing I __________ (can make) a wish, I __________ (wish) for world peace.
c) Assuming you never __________ (have to work) again, what __________ (you / do)?
d) Suppose you __________ (win) a million dollars – what __________ (you / buy) with the money?
e) Imagine you could travel to a different planet – which planet __________ ( you / choose)?
f) Assuming the package __________ (not arrive) tomorrow, what are we going to do?

(6 points)

Useful phrases
6 Replace the words in bold with the correct form of the expressions in the box.
There are two extra expressions.

a shoulder to cry on cost an arm and a leg get it off your chest make up your mind
play it by ear put your foot in your mouth this neck of the woods

a) Tim always ____________________ and upsets people.

b) If something’s bothering me, I always have to ____________________ .
c) Lisa must be loaded. Her new car ____________________ .
d) I don’t know this part of town. I’m not from ____________________ .
e) Harry isn’t sure if he’s going to take that job, but he needs to ____________________ soon.

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 8 Test 3

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010
Part B

7 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) It is only since the invention of plastic surgery that people have been able to change their bodies to
look more beautiful. _____
b) Foot-binding was practiced in China for many years, but isn’t any more. _____
c) There is evidence that head-shaping can lead to brain problems in babies. _____
d) A shaved head was considered to be very attractive in Elizabethan times. _____
e) Queen Elizabeth I used lead-based make-up during her life. _____

You might think that the current popularity of cosmetic surgery suggests that altering your appearance to conform to
ideals of beauty is a modern obsession. But it is not so. If you look back in history, you will see that although what is
considered to be beautiful has not always been the same, human beings have often gone to extraordinary lengths to
achieve a look that was thought to be beautiful at the time.

For thousands of years in China, a 10-centimeter foot was considered a sign of perfect beauty, and until the 20th
century, many girls had their feet tightly bound with cloth to inhibit growth. This caused foot and leg problems later in
adulthood, and often a lifetime of pain and suffering. Moreover, women with bound feet were unable to work in the
fields or lead a life independent of their husbands.

For the ancient Mayans, an elongated head was thought to be attractive, and head-shaping was widely practiced on
babies. The skull was molded by putting the newborn’s head between two wooden boards, which were worn until the
infant’s soft skull had formed into a pointed shape. It is not known what effect this may have had on the brains of the
Mayans, but it is certain that many young children suffered considerable discomfort.

Elizabethan women in England plucked or shaved the hair at the front of their heads to make their foreheads appear
bigger, as a high forehead was considered to be a great asset. Lead-based make-up was also widely used at this
time, and this caused many health problems, including kidney failure and scarring of the skin. By the end of her life,
Queen Elizabeth I herself had ruined her looks with years of make-up use, and she banned all mirrors from her
palace as she couldn’t bear to see her own reflection.

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 8 Test 4

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010
Syllable stress

[Track 17]

8 Listen and underline the stressed syllable in each word.

a) maturity
b) compatibility
c) generosity
d) flexibility
e) sensitivity

(5 points)

[Track 18]

9 Listen to three people talking about beauty. Choose the best words to complete
the sentences.

1) Frank thinks that a lot of Hollywood actresses _____ .

a) are beautiful b) look the same c) have had plastic surgery
3) Frank believes western ideas of beauty _____ .
a) are spreading to Hollywood b) are restrictive
c) don’t reflect the real world
3) The term “jolie laide” is used to describe _____ .
a) French women b) ugly women c) a kind of imperfect beauty
4) Jane believes _____ .
a) people aren’t always as beautiful as they seem b) a person’s appearance isn’t important
c) beautiful people are more confident
5) Frances believes that being beautiful _____ .
a) can improve your life b) is due to plastic surgery
c) can hold you back in life

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 8 Test 5

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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