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Sights of Kyrgyzstan

First of all, I need to say that Kyrgyzstan has a lots of beautiful and outstanding
sights that’s were built by people or created by the nature. Kyrgyzstan is famous
for its magnificent mountains (Central Tien Shan and Pamir Alai), their high
snowy peaks, which hundreds of outdoor enthusiasts enjoy every year, picturesque
lakes, stormy rivers, frozen glaciers and endless green forests. If I’m going
describe each sights of Kyrgyzstan individually it would take eternity to do. So I
picked a 3 sights that in my honest opinion are more popular than the other.
One of the most important cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz people is the epos
«Manas». The monument is dedicated to the main protagonist of this epos and
called «Manas» . It’s located in the heart of Kyrgyzstan on the central Ala-Too
square. The height of its monument is about 18 meters and in person it looks
monumental like The Colossus of Rhodes and shines under the sun like gold.

The second one would be the Burana Tower. One of the most ancient sights of
Kyrgyzstan that was built about 1000 years ago by the Karakhanid Empire. Near
the tower is a "rock garden" which contains the so-called "balbals" (VI-X
centuries) - ancient tombstones, ancient millstones, and stones with cave paintings.
It’s the most iconic sights of Kyrgyzstan if anybody hear «Kyrgyzstan» they will
immediately remember the Burana Tower.
The last but not the least my favorite sights in Kyrgyzstan that located in Karakol
and it is Dungan Mosque. It was created by the Beijing architect Zhou-Sy with a
group of builders and made in the style of Chinese culture.The walls are purple.
The columns must be painted red, as it protects against disasters and evil spirits.
The roof of the mosque is green, which brings prosperity and happiness. Carved
patterns are divided into vegetable (green) and images of mythical creatures
painted in yellow, symbolizing wealth and greatness. The Dungan mosque is a
striking example of Chinese culture in Kyrgyzstan. Having stood for a century,
guarded by supernatural forces, it brings peace and tranquility to the hearts of
guests and visitors.
Proshenkov Gleb U-5-19

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