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C- Hello my friend, how are you?

B- Hello bro, very good and you?

C- I'm glad, very well, thank you.

B- What will you do this afternoon?

C- I was going to the court but it was canceled, what do you propose?

B- Well, I know a cafe near your house.

C- Fabulous, I would like to go, I really like the cappuccino with cookies

B- What a good bro! also my favorites. Do you know where is it?

C- No friend, could you tell me please?

B- Of course, look: Go down Bond Street two blocks, you get to the rotund and turn right, go one
block and it is on the right.

C- Oh well, is it really close to my house, see you at 3:00 p.m.?

B- Yes, my friend, that hour is fine, see you at that hour.

C- How are you bro, time without seeing us!

B- Yes brother, but was your arrival easy?

C- Of course, my mother tells me that they let us prepare cookies, do you know how to prepare

B- No bro, I don't know how to prepare them, you know?

C- I do know, it is very easy, come with me.

B- Yes, I am eager(iguer) to learn, they are delicious.

C- Let's start with the ingredients:

First: two hundred grams butter ointment (soft at room temperature)

Second: One hundred and twenty grams of sugar

Third: Two hundred eighty grams of wheat flour.

Fourth: A teaspoon of vanilla essence.

B- ok, can you tell me the steps to prepare the cookies

A- Mix butter with sugar.

B- We add vanilla essence and flour

C- Once the mixture is ready, we put the cookies together and put them in the fridge for an hour

D- We bake them at one hundred and eighty degrees, and in twelve minutes they are ready!

B- Oh excellent bro !, I did not think it was so easy to make them and they are hardly to be shared
with a delicious coffee.

B- in fact I know how to make cappuccino

B- Cold milk from the fridge, 50 ml

Black coffee, 1 cup

Cocoa powder or ground cinnamon, optional

Sugar or sweetener, optional and to the taste of each one

A glass bottle with a lid of about 400 ml capacity

a. We make a single cup of coffee (I have used a Nespresso capsule, but it can be an
espresso, Italian coffee, or even instant).
b. We close the bottle with the milk and shake vigorously for about 30 seconds.
c. We open the bottle, we put it in the microwave without lid for 20 seconds at 800 W, with
this, apart from heating the milk, the foam will stabilize on the surface and the milk
without frothing will remain on the bottom.
d. To pour the milk into the cup, we very slowly turn the bottle over the cup so that the milk
falls while the foam continues to float over it.
e. We put the coffee on top and, finally, the foam (we can also put the milk on the coffee and
then the foam on top, but to take the photos I thought it would look better like this).
f. Sprinkle with cocoa powder or ground cinnamon and serve with sugar or sweetener to

C- I told you friend, of course if they are bad, will you tell me please.

B- You got bad ... Just kidding friend hahaha.

C- Hahaha how funny. Friend, you who know about plans, where are we going now?

B- Let's go to the cinema, it's close, you don't know where it is either?

C- No brother, I don't know much about the city.

B- No problem, we only go along the King's road two blocks, when we reach the rotund we cross it,
go one block and it is on the left.

C- Ok Bro, let's go there, let's see a movie and learn the way at the same time.

B- How did you like the movie bro?

C- Excellent movie, I will recommend it.

B- I'm glad you liked it, friend.

B- We should do this more often

C- Yes, but our jobs make it difficult for us

B- Yes, what a pity

C- Thank you very much for the incredible day, see you later bro.

B- God bless you, greetings.

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