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Homework 1: Imagine what Bill said about these things

 There were only computers

 There weren’t laptops
 There weren’t videogames
 We didn’t have modern cellphones
 Our cell phones we not tactile
 Didn’t have a camera ,cellphones
could not be carrier in your woman's
 There wasn’t fast food in my city ,
there was only in big cities and It
was very expensive
 I didn’t eat fast food because mi mother cooked delicious
 There are only parks with trees
 The children played in the street

Homework 2: My day up to now

I woke up at 6 o’clock but got up at 6:30,after had
a shower and got dressed.
I had bread with butter and orange juice,I wore
jeans, a white T-shirt, black sneakers and my
watch ,didn't make me up ,I brushed my hair,I went
to take a bus and went to university. I lisned to my
microbiology class ,after I went to the chemestry
laboratory ,I went back to my house and had lunch ,after I went to my
English class
Homework 3: Francisco Antonio Zela Biography
Francisco Antonio de Zela was an illustrious
character of Tacna; gave the first cry of freedom,
He was born in Lima, July 24, 1768, his father
was Alberto de Zela and his mother was Mercedes
de Arizaga
He married María de la Natividad Siles and
Antequera. He was the leader of the first armed
insurrection for the independence of Peru.
Zela was supported by a large group of people,
the chieftain of Tacna, Toribio Ara, with his son
José Rosa Ara and the chieftain of Tarata and
Putina, Ramón Copaja.
On June 20, 1811, Zela raised a flag with blue and white colors to four
triangular fields, establishing for a few days a free government, self-
government adhered to the principles of the Board of Buenos Aires, then
zela was brought to trial and he was sentenced to death but thanks to his
family he was only sentenced to jail for life in the Chagres prison in
He died on July 18, 1819

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