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Eder, Ella Justine F.

March 17, 2020


Topic Proposal

Sorting Hat-like Admission Exam: Universities should select the student’s degree
course based on its natural aptitude and competence

For me, choosing a degree course in college is one of the most important choices
we’ll make. It is a choice that will mould our future. We are always advised to
choose something that will makes us happy, or something we really wanted to do in
the future. But up until today many students have difficulty in choosing a career for
themselves. It is where a test or exam like National Achievement Test or NAT will
be very helpful. It’s a test that also gives result of what professions are appropriate
based on their academic level, strength and weaknesses, and knowledge learnt.
But most of the time, the results do not reach the students. Letting the students to
decide for themselves by themselves, often is a mistake that associates with misfit

In entering college, entrance exams are given which determine if a student fails or
passes for admission. But what if instead of a result of pass or fail, universities will
offer students a course fitted for them based on their strength and weaknesses on
academic level and skills; just like how the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter book series
determines which of the four Houses each new student belongs most to. In such
way, it can utilize and enhance one’s talent. Also, students will be introduced to
courses they wouldn’t thought suitable for them and there will be control over the
number of professionals by each courses. Certainly, universities will produce more
competent graduates.

I am reminded with an advice from a very successful South Korean artist, GD, in
one of his interviews he said that talent and aptitude are more important for
success, than resolution and will. He added, “I think you should have your own
talent, rather than just starting early. It is important to understand your own aptitude
first. Of course, a will is also important, but you have to have the right talent.”

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