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Materials Science and Engineering A192/193 (1995) l-l 3

A review of the mechanical properties of B2 compounds

I. Baker
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 0375.5, USA


The mechanical properties of B2 compounds are reviewed and their major features outlined by citing specific examples. B2
compounds exist in a wide range of alloy systems and thus exhibit many different types of mechanical behavior. Generally, the
mechanical properties of B2 alloys depend strongly on the concentrations of constitutional defects; that is, on the constitutional vacan-
cies and antisite atoms present, and hence on the composition. For disorderable compounds, the mechanical properties also depend
strongly on the degree of order.

Keywords: B2 compounds; Mechanical properties

1. Introduction

The B2 crystal structure, shown in Fig. 1, is adopted

by many AB-type compounds. B2 alloys often exist
over a range of compositions on either side of the stoi-
chiometric composition, and their phase fields take
many different forms on phase diagrams [ 11.Deviations
from the stoichiometric composition are accommo-
dated by constitutional defects, i.e. either by vacancies
on the deficient element’s sublattice sites or by antisite Fig. 1. B2 structure, showing the slip vectors.
atoms of the excess element [2]. The mechanical
properties depend strongly on the concentrations of
these defects. In some compounds, e.g. AgMg [3,4], tion-dependent from 40 to 48 at.% Al but rises
deviations from the stoichiometric composition are dramatically as the stoichiometric composition is
accommodated by antisite atoms on either side of stoi- approached [ 14,151.
chiometry. However, for many compounds the defect In addition to single constitutional defects, triple
structures are different on either side of the stoichio- defects (two vacancies on one sublattice site and an
metric composition. For example, deviations from the antisite atom on the other sublattice) may be present
stoichiometric composition in CoGa [5], FeAl [2,6,7], [9,10,13]. Triple defects were proposed [16] in an
NiAl[2,6-81, NiGa [9,10] and PdIn [11,12] are accom- attempt to explain both the anomalously low formation
modated in transition-metal-rich compositions by energies for vacancies (calculated assuming that only
antisite atoms, whilst transition-metal-poor composi- single vacancies are present) and the remarkably high
tions are accommodated by constitutional vacancies. In vacancy concentrations (up to several atomic percent)
some compounds, e.g. aluminum-rich NiAl, the vacan- that are present at elevated temperatures [ 17-191.
cies may be ordered [ 131. As in many of its properties, Triple defects, consisting of nickel vacancies and nickel
FeAl exhibits point-defect behavior which differs from antisite atoms, occur in NiGa [lo] at all Ni:Ga ratios,
that of other B2 compounds, i.e. the equilibrium consti- whereas they do not occur at all in PdIn [20]. The large
tutional vacancy concentration is only weakly composi- vacancy concentrations present at elevated tempera-

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2 I. Baker 1 Materials Science and Engineering AI 92/l 93 (1995) l-13

ture can, on quenching, or after quenching and anneal- orders (about 740 K), the decrease in A is not abrupt,
ing, produce either dislocation loops and/or spiral being 5.41 at about 0 K, 4.95 at 300 K, 4.54 at 500 K
dislocations [21-281. and 3.90 at 800 K. It was concluded that the variation
in elastic constants as a function of temperature could
be explained using a second-nearest-neighbor model
2. Elastic properties [321.
B2 alloys are anisotropic; the extent of this aniso-
tropy, as measured by Zener’s parameter, A = 2C,,/ 3. Slip systems
(C,, - C12)where C, are the elastic stiffness constants,
varies from one B2 compound to another: for example, Dislocations with three different slip vectors, namely
A is 3.28 for NiAl [29], 3.47 for AgMg [30,31], 4.95 (loo), (110) and (ill), see Fig. 1, have been observed
for CuZn, 5.92 [32,33] for AuZn [33,34] and 11.86 for in B2 alloys, depending on the composition and defor-
AuCd [34,35]. For single crystals, Young’s modulus E mation temperature. The high elastic anisotropy of
may depend strongly on orientation; e.g. near-stoichio- some B2 compounds, e.g. CuZn, means both that some
metric NiAl has values of 96 GPa, 187 GPa and 275 line directions are elastically unstable and are unlikely
GPa for (loo), (110) and (11 l), respectively [ 361, Other to occur, and that dislocations are straight since they lie
B2 compounds might be expected to show similar along low-energy directions [42,43].
trends. With a single exception [44,45] (see below), only
Concerning the compositional dependence of the (100) or (111) Burgers vectors have been observed at
elastic constants, for NiAl, A depends strongly on the low temperature. In alloys which normally deform by
Ni:Al ratio, ranging from 5.67 for Ni-45Al through (100) slip, (111) slip can be activated in single crystals
3.74 for the stoichiometric composition to 1.85 for by straining along a direction close to (OOl), when the
Ni-55Al [36,37]. Compositions given in atomic resolved shear stress on (lOO){Okl} systems is very low
percent throughout. For FeAl, A also decreases with [44,46-501. The slip vector can also be changed by
increasing Al content from 4.4 for Fe-35Al to 3.8 for alloying. For example, at room temperature, NiAl
Fe-40A1[38]. But E for polycrystalline FeAl, NiAl and deforms by (00 1) slip and FeAl by (111) slip. By chang-
CoAl is not strongly composition dependent at about ing the Ni:Fe ratio for B2 alloys containing 40 at.% Al,
250 GPa [39-411. Both CuZn [32] and AuCd [35] Patrick et al. [51] demonstrated that the (1 ll)/(OOl)
show greater anisotropy away from the stoichiometric slip transition occurs at around 20 at.% Ni.
composition: for CuZn [32], the change in A is sharp (110) slip has been reported in CuZn [52-561 and
for a small deviation from the stoichiometric composi- NiAl[57-601 at higher temperatures. However, at least
tion but moderate thereafter with, possibly, a peak in the case of NiAl, there seems to be some dispute
around 48 at.% Zn, whereas C,, shows a minimum at about whether (110) slip really occurs, since in several
46 at.% Zn, see Fig. 2. studies [6 l-6 31 the (110) dislocations have been shown
A, Cll, C,2, C,,and E all decrease with increasing to be junction dislocations, resulting from the collision
temperature [29-35,411. Measurements on stoichio- of gliding (100) dislocations. (110) dislocations have
metric CuZn [32] show that whilst C,, and (C,1- C,,) also been noted in NiAl at low temperature [44,45].
decrease more rapidly (over a range of about 150 K) High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
just below the temperature at which the compound dis- (HRTEM) has found that the cores of (110) edge dis-
locations in NiAl dissociate into either two (100) dis-
locations or into climb-dissociated partials [64], both
configurations being non-planar on a scale of about 1
run. Calculations using the embedded-atom method
suggest that only the decomposition of the (110) dis-
location into (100) dislocations is relevant to bulk
behavior and that the dissociation into partials is a thin-
foil artifact [64]. These observations tend to indicate
that (110) dislocations would not normally be mobile
in NiAl.
Some alloys, notably AgMg [47], CuZn [52-56,651
and FeAl [66-711, show a change at around 0.45 T,,,
from (111) slip to (100) slip with increasing tempera-
Fig. 2. Graph of Zener’s parameter A and the elastic constant ture; CuZn also appears to exhibit (110) slip at higher
C, ,, as a function of composition for CuZn [32]. temperatures [52-561. In FeAl, the temperature at
I. Baker / Materials Science and EngineeringA192/193 (1995) 1-13 3

which (100) slip occurs increases with increasing iron There have been a number of estimates of the APB
content [68], although, interestingly, from 50.8 to 52.8 energy in various B2 compounds [77], but few
at.% Fe the slip transition temperature in FeAl single measurements. The only published effort to measure
crystals has been reported to decrease [67]. The slip systematically the APB energy of a B2 compound as a
transition is not sharp, at least in FeAl polycrystals, so function of composition was in FeAl, where it was
that at intermediate temperatures both (100) and (111) found that the APB energy decreased linearly with
dislocations can be observed [ 7 l]. increasing Fe from 109 to 28 mJ m-’ for 63 to 73 at.%
There have been several attempts to rationalize the Fe [81]. This dependence may explain the fact that
observed slip vector based on: FeAl exhibits some cross-slip at the stoichiometric
composition, where the APB energy is high and the
(1) a nearest-neighbor model to estimate the critical partials’ separation small, but that slip becomes planar
ordering energy [46]; with only a small deviation from that composition,
(2) the dislocation mobility M and line energy [72,73]; when the APB energy is lower [80]. In contrast, for
(3) the size ratio of A-type to B-type atoms to deter- fully-ordered FeCo, irrespective of Fe: Co ratio (from
mine the maximum out-of-plane movement for the 25 to 75 at.% Co), where the APB-coupled a/2(1 11)
rigid-body relative motion of two adjacent slip dislocations have intermediate partial separations,
planes, d, [74]; planar slip occurs in the ordered state [82]. This
(4) a combination of the dislocation line energy and changes to wavy slip in the disordered state when the
the product Md, [ 7 51. u/2( 111) dislocations move independently [82].
The variation of APB energy with orientation has
These models are discussed in detail elsewhere been studied in CuZn, where it was found that the APB
[76,77]. It is sufficient here to note that it is not clear energy on (011) was more (50 mJ m-‘) than that on
that any of the models can explain the operative slip { 112} (37 mJ m-*) [83]. Interestingly, APB tubes have
vector in all B2 compounds or the change from (111) been observed in FeAl [84-871. These form behind
slip at low temperature to (100) slip at high tempera- gliding-edge or near-edge APB-coupled u/2( 111) dis-
ture observed in some alloys. locations, but probably contribute only slightly to the
The commonly-observed slip planes for (100) dis- work hardening and so are of little importance [87].
locations are (011) and {OOl}, although in principle
(100) dislocations can glide on any (Okl} plane. The
(100) dislocation does not dissociate into partials, and 4. Strength
so the screw dislocation can, if the core is undisso-
ciated, cross-slip easily. Thus, slip may be non- The strength of B2-structured compounds depends
crystallographic, particularly with increasing on their composition, the temperature and, for
temperature, as observed in AuZn [49]. The core order-disorder compounds, their degree of order.
structure may change with stoichiometry; e.g. for NiAl,
HRTEM has shown that the dislocation core is com- 4. I. Order-disorder compounds
pact at the stoichiometric composition but becomes
spread out with the addition of Ni [78,79]. This nicely The yield strength of B2 compounds which exhibit
explains observations which show that cross-slip an order-disorder transformation depends strongly on
occurs readily in stoichiometric NiAl [44,59,80] but prior heat treatment. For example, FeCo exists from
that cross-slip becomes more difficult with increasing 25-75 at.% Co, and disorders at a temperature which
(Ni-rich) deviation from the stoichiometric composi- varies with composition and is a maximum at stoichio-
tion [80]. metry [ 11. At room temperature, the yield strength has
(111) dislocations normally slip on (0 1 l}, { 112) a minimum at the stoichiometric composition in the
or { 123). Since a(1 11) dislocations dissociate into fully-ordered state but a maximum at this composition
a/2( 111) partials coupled by an antiphase boundary when disordered [82,88]. FeCo in the disordered state,
(APB), whether screws can cross-slip or not depends on particularly at the stoichiometric composition, can be
the APB energy. For large APB energies the a/2(1 11) stronger than in the ordered state, an effect which has
dislocations are close together and can recombine been attributed to short-range ordering [82,89]. The
and cross-slip easily. For very low APB energies, room-temperature mechanical properties of both stoi-
the partials are so widely separated that they can cross- chiometric FeCo [90] and FeCo-2V [89] have been
slip independently. For intermediate values of APB investigated as a function of the long-range order
energy and, hence, intermediate partial separations, the parameter S produced by quenching from different
(111) dislocations will be confined to their slip planes temperatures. Their strengths exhibit peaks at S- 0.3,
(in which case dislocation pile-ups are more likely). and the fully-disordered states are stronger than their
4 I. Baker / Materials Science and EngineeringA192/193 (1995) 1-13

700 800 900 loo0 1100 1200

Temperature (K)

Fig. 3. Graph of flow stress (at 0.1% strain) as a function of 0

quench temperature and test temperature for FeCo-2V [89]. 300 400 500 600
Temperature (K)

highly-ordered states, see Fig. 3. This effect arises from Fig. 4. Compressive yield strength of CuZn single crystals as a
the change in dislocation behavior; i.e. slip in the function of temperature and orientation [93].
highly-ordered state occurs by planar glide of closely-
spaced pairs of a/2(1 11) superdislocation part&,
whereas in the disordered state deformation occurs by explain the yield strength-temperature dependence for
wavy slip of single, unpaired a/2( 111) dislocations. As CuZn. Umakoshi et al. [94] suggested that the increase
S decreases, the spacing of the paired partial disloca- in flow stress with increasing temperature is related to
tions increases so that at S - 0.3 they are able to move the cross-slip of (111) dislocations from their {0 11) slip
independently. The idea is that gliding APB-coupled plane to the { 112) twinning plane, whilst Saka et al.
dislocations leave wrong bonds behind, thus creating [55,96] proposed that the observed transition from
APB trails, which result in an increase in strength [89]. (111) to (110) plus (100) slip at the peak temperature,
The more widely spaced the dislocation part&, the together with the dissociation of the (111) dislocations
more wrong bonds are produced and thus the higher by climb rather than glide, could explain the peak. In
the strength. Thus, the peak strength occurs just below addition to the yield strength peak at about 500 K,
the value of S (0.3) where the a/2(111) dislocations another peak has been observed at about 200 K [97],
move independently. Domain strengthening arising which has been attributed to the translational motion of
from short-range order may strengthen the weakly- unit screw dislocations overcoming the Peierls poten-
ordered alloys, and vacancies retained during quench- tial [98].
ing also probably increase the yield strength of the
disordered state. 4.2. Strongly ordered compounds
The strengths of both FeCo [90] and FeCo-2V [89]
also vary with testing temperature, and again exhibit At room temperature, most strongly-ordered B2
peak strengths at S - 0.3, but the ordered states exhibit compounds, whether they deform by (100) or (111)
the higher strengths, Fig. 3. The strength maximum is slip, exhibit minima in both their yield strength and
again associated with the degree of order above which hardness at, or near to, the stoichiometric composition
superpartial dislocations can glide independently. The [80,99-1041, Fig. 5. The reason is that both vacancies
rapid decrease in strength above the critical tempera- and antisite defects provide strengthening, and these
ture T, has been attributed to deformation becoming usually have their minimum concentrations near the
diffusion controlled [89,91]. stoichiometric composition. In some compounds, e.g.
A second example is CuZn, which is disordered AgMg [loll, AuZn [99], NiAl [SO,lOO], the strength
above 740 K, exhibits its minimum yield strength at the increase on either side of the stoichiometric composi-
stoichiometric composition [92], and exhibits a peak in tion is different, see Fig. 6. FeAl behaves differently: i.e.
both yield strength and flow stress at about 500 K 1931, the hardness exhibits a monotonic increase with
see Fig. 4. The temperature of this peak depends not increasing Al, whereas the yield strength shows a mini-
only on the orientation of the deformation axis, the mum at about 45 at.% Al and its highest value at the
maximum temperature being associated with loading stoichiometric composition, see Figs. 5 and 6
along (100) [94], but also on the sense of the applied [14,80,104]. The reason for the unusual behavior of
stress, i.e. a higher peak temperature is observed during FeAl is not fully understood, but appears to be related
tension rather than compression testing, for all orienta- to the very high concentrations of vacancies that are
tions [95]. Several theories have been proposed to present in near-stoichiometric compositions [ 14,151.
I. Baker / Materials Science and EngineeringA192/193 (1995) 1-13 5



-30 35 40 45 50 55
at. % Au or Al 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 5. Yield strength of AuZn [98], NiAl[99] and FeAl[80] as a Homologous Temperature
function of composition. Fig. 7. Yield strength as a function of temnerature for CoTi
[lt‘?l], NiAl[99] andYFeAl[107]. ’

f SOO-

$ 700-
5 6CQ-
2 5GQ-
”m 400- NiAl

5 3@J- FeAl

2On-t -I
-33 38 43 48 53 1s 35 55 65
at. % Al at. % Mg

Fig. 6. Hardness of CoAl [ 1291, NiAl [ 1291 and FeAl [ 1031 as a Fig. 8. Compressive yield stress as a function of at.% Mg for
function of aluminum content. AgMg at various homologous temperatures [ 1lo].

The temperature dependence of the yield strength of (4) Above about 0.6 T,, diffusional processes contri-
strongly-ordered B2 compounds is broadly similar to bute to deformation, and the yield strength decreases
that of bee metals with four distinct regions, see Fig. 7: rapidly with decreasing strain rate and increasing tem-
(1) Below room temperature the yield strength perature.
decreases rapidly with increasing temperature; behav- In some compounds, at elevated temperatures the
ior attributed to control of yielding by the Peierls variation of strength and hardness with composition
double kink mechanism. observed at low temperature is reversed, so that the
(2) Between room temperature and about 0.4 T,,, the maximum strength is observed at the stoichiometric
yield strength is approximately independent of tem- composition, Fig. 8 [ 110,l 111. This behavior arises
perature (in some cases there is a peak in strength at because deformation is diffusion controlled and the
about 0.4T,) [70,102,105-1071. In this regime constitutional vacancies in off-stoichiometric alloys
impurity atoms have a strong effect on yielding, result- enhance diffusion, thereby reducing the strength com-
ing in prominent yield points. The peak in yield pared with the stoichiometric alloy [70,101,112]. The
strength observed in some compounds has been peak strength at the stoichiometric composition may
attributed to thermally activated cross-slip of screw arise because this composition generally has the
dislocations which become sessile and inhibit further highest melting point and deformation is, therefore, at
dislocation motion [102]. Another explanation is that a lower homologous temperature.
the peak arises because of the change in slip systems At room temperature, grain refinement has been
which is observed in some compounds with increasing shown to increase the yield strength of B2 alloys, e.g.
temperature, e.g. FeAl[70,108,109]. AuZn [99], FeAl [80], FeCo [82,113] and NiAl
(3) At intermediate temperatures ( - 0.4 T, < T< - [80,114]. The variation of the Hall-Petch relationship
0.6 T,) the interaction of solute atoms with dislocations parameter k has been studied as a function of composi-
becomes dynamic, producing phenomena such as a tion and order in a number of compounds, see Fig. 9.
maximum in the temperature dependence of strain For AuZn [99,115] and NiAl[80] k is very small at the
hardening and serrated stress-stain curves stoichiometric composition but increases with increas-
(Portevin-Le Chatelier effect); ing deviation from that composition, whereas for FeAl
6 I. Baker I MaterialsScience and EngineeringA192/193 (1995) 1-13

1750 nucleated at the oxide/metal interface [ 1261. Many

low-ductility B2 compounds are also sensitive to
surface roughness after machining [ 1271.
Third, impurities can dramatically affect ductility if
by segregating to the grain boundaries they cause inter-
granular fracture. For example, it has been demon-
strated that impurities at the grain boundaries in AgMg
and NiGa result in hardening there through the
04 0 8 I 1 1 impurities occupying interstitial positions with a result-
25 35 45 55 65 75
ant ductility loss, the familiar {pest} problem
at. % Al or Co
Fig. 9. Graph of the Hall-Petch parameter k as a function of at.% Fourth, ductility can be strongly affected by the
Al in FeAl and NiAl [80] and as a function of at.% Co in FeCo
cooling rate after annealing, not only in disorderable
compounds, where changes in the degree of order
occur, but also in strongly-ordered compounds. For
k has a minimum value at 45 at.% Al and its largest example, large numbers of vacancies are retained in
value at the stoichiometric composition [80]. In these FeAl after rapid cooling [133]. This results in increased
cases the variation of k with composition largely hardness and yield strength for polycrystalline FeAl,
mirrors the variation in lattice resistance with composi- together with a reduction in ductility and an increased
tion [80]. In contrast, for FeCo, k is a maximum at the incidence of intergranular fracture [134-l 361. In
stoichiometric composition in both the ordered and contrast, air cooling of stoichiometric NiAl single
disordered states [82] but has no clear relationship to crystals after elevated-temperature annealing (as
the lattice resistance. For FeCo, both disordering opposed to furnace cooling) can raise the fracture
[82,113] and increasing the temperature [ 116,117] toughness value on { 100) from about 4 MPa m1i2 to
reduce k. about 13 MPa m1i2 [ 1371. Even higher values ( 17 MPa
m1’2) can be obtained by giving crystals a 673 K anneal
followed by an air cool [137]. These effects arise from
5. Ductility strain aging whereby interstitial solutes lock disloca-
tions and prevent plastic energy-dissipative processes.
It is worth noting that several extrinsic phenomena Larger elongations can also be obtained in stoichio-
can significantly affect the room-temperature ductility metric NiAl by appropriate heat treatment [ 1381,
of some B2 compounds. First, the testing environment
may substantially change the room-temperature ductil- 5.1. Compounds exhibiting (100) slip
ity. This has been reviewed elsewhere [ 1 l&120] and
will not be dealt with in detail here. It is sufficient to B2 compounds which deform by (100) slip have
note that water vapor can dramatically decrease the only three independent slip systems. This is insufficient
ductility of some compounds, particularly those con- for generalized plastic flow in a polycrystalline
taining Al, such as FeAl. It appears that atomic hydro- aggregate [139] and, thus, polycrystals are not be
gen arising from a reaction between water vapor and expected to be ductile. Twinning could provide
Al atoms leads to crack-tip embrittlement [ 1211. The additional deformation modes, but B2 compounds
intrinsic ductility of a compound such as FeAl is thus cannot twin by the mode observed in bee metals,
only observed when testing is in an atmosphere con- (11 l)( 112}, since this would result in a loss in order.
taining little water vapor [ 1211 or, if water vapor is However, twinning has been observed on { 114) in NiTi
present, at high loading rates [ 1221. Similarly, poly- through a mechanism involving both shear and shuffle
crystalline P-brasses are prone to intergranular [ 1401.
fracture when tested in air, salt water or aqueous Single-crystal stoichiometric NiAl is the most
ammonia [123,124]. extensively studied compound in this group, and sub-
Second, surface finish can have an effect on ductility. stantial plastic flow occurs under compression
For example, the ductility of polycrystalline NiAl may [44,50,100,112,141,142], with the strain to failure
be reduced by oxidation, possibly owing to the pres- depending upon the compression axis. At room tem-
ence of small crack-like wedges of oxide at the grain perature, non-(00 l)-oriented crystals are more ductile
boundaries [ 1251. In contrast, thin oxide films on than (OOl)-oriented crystals since the critical resolved
single-crystal NiAl may improve ductility (and reduce shear stress required to activate (100) slip is less than
yield strength) by “surface film softening”, a pheno- that required to activate other slip vectors. Even with
menon whereby mobile non-screw dislocations are only three independent slip systems, several percent
I. Baker i Materials Science and Engineering A1921193 (1995) I-13 7

elongation (78%) can typically be obtained in stoi- displaying (100) slip. It is, perhaps, surprising then that
chiometric NiAl single crystals under tension before whilst single crystals of FeAl can undergo considerable
failure ensues [138]. plastic flow in compression [156], iron-rich crystals
Polycrystalline NiAl is generally regarded as being (Fe-40Al), which are the most ductile, show only about
brittle at room temperature, fracturing intergranularly 1% failure strain in tension [ 1571. This behavior
at the stoichiometric composition and with increasing appears to be associated with highly localized yielding.
transgranular fracture with increasing deviation In contrast, single crystals of both AgMg [47,48] and
fracture that composition [113,143,144]. Limited CuZn [ 1581 are quite ductile under tension.
tensile elongation (2%) has been observed in polycrys- Polycrystals of AgMg and CuZn [101,103] (and
tals of stoichiometric NiAl [ 145-1481 but the tensile compounds which exhibit (100) slip, such as NiAl) are
fracture strain falls rapidly to zero with small devia- most ductile where they exhibit a minimum yield
tions from the stoichiometric composition, see Fig. 10. strength, i.e. at the stoichiometric composition. In
Near-stoichiometric compositions of both PdIn [ 1491 contrast, FeAl is both brittle, failing intergranularly,
and CsBr [ 1501 also show limited tensile elongations and has its highest yield strength at the stoichiometric
(2-6%) and also exhibit principally intergranular frac- composition [80,144,148]. The ductility of FeAl
ture. In contrast, polycrystalline AuZn [99] shows increases with increased Fe content, fracture occurring
extensive tensile ductility at all Au:Zn ratios, where it by increasing amounts of transgranular cleavage as the
has been suggested that (111) slip contributes to defor- iron concentration increases [ 144,148], see Fig. 10.
mation, although no direct experimental evidence was As might be expected, the ductilities of both AgMg
provided [99]. It has also been suggested that poly- [ 1011 and CuZn [93] mcrease
. with increasing tempera-
crystalline AuZn exhibits a stress-induced martensitic ture. As noted above, with increasing temperature
reaction, which may be responsible for its ductility some compounds undergo a transition from (111) slip
[ 15 11. Several B2 compounds which deform by (100) to (100) slip, which provides insufficient slip systems
slip, e.g. NiTi [ 1451 and (Co,Ni)Zr-based compounds for plastic flow [ 1391. At higher deformation tempera-
[ 152,153], display considerable ductility at room tures, diffusion-controlled processes, such as climb,
temperature (the fracture strain of (Co,,Ni,,)Zr,, is can contribute additional deformation modes [ 1591.
more than 40%); behavior associated with stress- Thus, for example, the ductility of FeAl increases with
induced reversible martensitic transformations or increasing temperature even though a change from
stress-induced pseudoelasticity [ 1541. (111)to(100)slipoccurs[15,70].
Grain refinement can substantially improve ductility,
e.g. at 400 “C the ductility of polycrystalline Ni-49Al 5.3. Disorderable compounds
can be improved dramatically by reducing the grains to
below a critical size (20 pm), when tensile elongations The effect of the degree of order and of alloy stoi-
over 40% are achieved [ 1141. Unfortunately, for chiometry on the ductility of this class of compounds
Ni-49Al the critical grain size appears to be less than has been investigated quite extensively for FeCo. It has
about 4 pm at room temperature. The critical grain been shown that in the fully-ordered state the com-
size is largest for stoichiometric NiAl owing to lack of pound is quite brittle, failing before yielding, both at
(hardening from) constitutional defects [ 1251. the stoichiometric composition and when iron-rich (30
Polycrystalline stoichiometric NiAl shows a sharp at.% Co) but shows about 18% elongation when Co-
increase in tensile ductility above 0.45 T, [ 112,146]. rich (70 at.% Co) [82,89]. The alloys exhibited the
Recovery processes such as dislocation climb provide same trends in the disordered states, but with slightly
additional deformation modes and thus stress relief at greater ductilities [82]. It should be noted that the rapid
the grain boundaries [ 1551. The stoichiometric alloy, at
least at large grain sizes, requires the highest tempera-
ture to become ductile, presumably owing to the lack of
g6 oC_FeAl
constitutional defects. In contrast, the ductility of
AuZn was found to increase with temperature from 77
K to 273 K and above 423 K, but decreased from 273
K to 423 K [99].

5.2. Compounds exhibiting (111) slip 01

32 37 42 47 52
at. % Al
Polycrystals of B2 compounds which display (111)
slip have five independent slip systems and are thus Fig. 10. Strain to failure vs. at.% Al for polycrystalline NiAl and
more likely to be inherently ductile than compounds FeAl tested in vacuum [ 1441.
8 I. Baker / Materials Science and EngineeringA (1995) l-13

ordering kinetics of FeCo always results in a partially- (da/dl\r) vs. stress intensity factor range AK exhibit the
ordered state [155]. The addition of V or Cr improves usual three stages [163]. Many microstructural
the ductility of stoichiometric FeCo, producing greater features, such as extrusions/intrusions, surface rough-
tensile elongations in both the ordered (about 5%) and ening, fatigue striations and persistent slip bands,
disordered states (about 15%) [89]. For FeCo-2V there which occur during fatigue of non-orderable alloys,
is a marked room-temperature brittle-to-ductile transi- also occur in ordered alloys [163-1831.
tion at S- 0.3 with decreasing order, with a con- Most research has been on order/disorder com-
comitant change in fracture mode from transgranular pounds [163-170,175,179], which generally show
cleavage to ductile shear (see Fig. 1 l), an effect due to greater fatigue resistance in the ordered state than in
the change in slip behavior from planar glide of paired the disordered state [ 1651, with the crack nucleation
a/2(1 11) dislocations in the ordered state to wavy slip rate being affected more than the crack propagation
of single a/2(1 11) dislocations in the disordered state rate. This behavior is attributed to the greater difficulty
[89,160]. Both disordered and ordered FeCo-2V of cross-slip [ 1651 in the ordered state. Generally, in
become more ductile as the testing temperature the ordered state crack nucleation is suppressed
increases, as indicated by the brittle-to-ductile transi- [163,165,167] and crack propagation rates may be
tions that occur in both states [ 1601. However, the reduced for low and intermediate values of AK [ 1731
transition occurs around 173 K for the disordered state but little affected for high AK values [175]. Inter-
but at about 723 K for the ordered state. The improved estingly, ordering FeCo-V decreases the rate of fatigue
ductility in the ordered state with increasing tempera- crack nucleation but increases the fatigue crack propa-
ture arises because dislocation cross-slip becomes gation rate [177], a feature possibly related to the
easier with increasing temperature [ 1601. brittle behavior of the ordered material.
The effect of ternary additions, which affect the
degree of order, on the ductility to CuZn has been
examined. Mn additions reduce T, and reduce the 7. Diffusion and creep
degree of order [161,162]. Hence, the a/2(111) super-
lattice partials spacing becomes larger and the planarity The creep behavior of a material is closely related to
of slip increases. This has the effect of increasing the its diffusion behavior and, hence, to the point defects
yield strength (the yield strength is also increased by present. Thus, the diffusion behavior of B2 compounds
solid-solution strengthening) but reducing the ductility. is briefly surveyed. The dimensionless parameter
Conversely, additions of Au or Ni increase T,, which Q/RTrn, where Q is the activation energy for diffusion
increases order, so that superlattice partials become and R is the gas constant, varies widely for B2 com-
more closely spaced and slip becomes more wavy. This pounds [ 184-1911 from about 11 for Ga in NiGa
still results in a slight decrease in ductility, compared [ 1921, typical of a bee rare earth, through 15 for Ni in
with unalloyed CuZn, presumably because of the yield NiAl [ 1841, a value typical for bee transition metals
strength increase from solution hardening. [193],toabout25forCoorGainCoGa[194].
For a particular B2 compound, the diffusion behav-
ior mirrors the variation of constitutional vacancy con-
6. Fatigue centration with alloy stoichiometry. For alloys such as
AgMg [3,4], in which the excess of either element is
Phenomenologically the fatigue behavior of ordered accommodated by antisite atoms, it has been shown
alloys is similar to that of non-ordered alloys; i.e. that the diffusion coefficient, D,+,, increases and that
graphs of fatigue crack length increase per cycle both Q,+,t and the diffusion constant, Do (in the
Arrhenius equation), decrease with increasing devia-
tion from the stoichiometric composition [3,4], see Fig.
12; a result which has been concluded to support the
six-jump cycle diffusion mechanism [161,195,196].
DNi in NiAl[197,198] and DAUin AuCd [199,200] also
have minima at their stoichiometric compositions but
for NiAl, L& increases more rapidly with deviation

s 6 -9. from the stoichiometric composition on the Al-rich

. -0 side, a feature related to the large numbers of consti-
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 tutional vacancies on the Ni sites. As might be
Quench Temperature (K) expected, QNi for NiAl shows a maximum at the stoi-
Fig. 11. Graph of elongation vs. quench temperature for FeCo chiometric composition, when few antisite atoms or
f891. constitutional vacancies are present.
I. Baker / Materials Science and EngineeringA192/193 (1995) l-13 9

The diffusion behavior of CoGa is somewhat differ- NiGa shows different behavior again [ 1921: DNi is
ent. D, and Q for both Co and Ga increase slowly with independent of composition, whilst Do, is (for all but
increasing Ga concentration [ 1941, i.e. with the increas- the lowest temperature measured) found to be a
ing concentration of constitutional vacancies, see Fig. minimum at the stoichiometric composition. DNi in
13. This correlated diffusion behavior has also been NiGa was also somewhat higher than DNi in NiAl, DA,,
taken as evidence for the six-jump cycle mechanism. in AuCd or DAs in AgMg at similar homologous tem-
peratures. Both these features of the Ni diffusion
behavior are consistent with the existence of vacancies
on the Ni sublattice on both sides of the stoichiometric
composition. QNi and D,(Ni) have maxima, and Qoa
- 3oca
and D,,(Ga) have minima at the stoichiometric com-
position, Fig. 13, whilst Do, is always somewhat
6 smaller than &. The differences in the compositional
-2ooo dependencies of the two species in NiGa led to the
conclusion that the Ni and Ga diffuse by two different
uncorrelated mechanisms.
- loo0
For B2 alloys at an elevated temperature, the strain
rate i can be related to the applied stress 0 through the
Dorn equation; i=A(o/G)” exp( -AH/RT)
1,010 40 50 60
at the
absolute temperature T, where A is a constant and G is
at. % Mg the shear modulus. The activation energy for creep,
Fig. 12. Activation energy Q and diffusion coefficient Do for Ag AH, and the stress exponent n obtained by fitting data
in AgMg [3]. to this relationship are shown in Table 1 for several B2
alloys. Interestingly, values of the dimensionless
parameter AH/RTm and of II are similar for AgMg,
CoAl and NiAl to those for bee a-iron [201].
The effect of ordering, which inhibits diffusion, on
Q(Ga) in CoGa
creep has been studied for CuZn [202] from 600 K to

8 /------f(,.,.
\3i T,, and it was shown that, whilst II does not change,
there is a large increase in creep rate and a decrease in

Q(Ga)in NiGa
AH above T,, see Table 1. Similar behavior was
observed for FeCo [203] and FeCo-2V [204], indicat-
ing that ordering improves creep resistance. However,
in some alloys the beneficial effects on creep of long-
Q(Ni) in NiGa ??
‘- range ordering can be offset by the large concentra-
tions of constitutional defects and thermal vacancies
42 44 46 48 50 52 54 present.
At. % Ga There have been several creep studies on NiAl,
Fig. 13. Activation energy for diffusion, Q, as a function of at.% although the results are ambiguous. Both Vandervoort
Ga for Ni and Ga in NiGa [192], and for Co and Ga in CoGa et al. [205] and Yang and Dodd [206] demonstrated
/:1941. that the creep rate varied with both composition and

Table 1
Activation energies for creep, AH, and stress exponents, n, for B2 compounds. Compositions are nominally stoichiometric for CoAI,
FeAl and NiAl

Alloy Structure AH (kJ mol-‘) AH/RT, n Reference

CuZn Ordered 160 17 3.5

CuZn Disordered 97 10 3.5
FeCo-V Ordered 689 47 4.6
FeCo-V Disordered 395 27 4.6 t;i;
NiAl Ordered 310 20 5.5 [2081
CoAl Ordered 310 20 4.7 m91
FeAl Ordered 453 34 3or6 12111
AgMg Ordered 213 23 5.7 12161
10 I. Baker / Materials Science and Engineering Al 92/l 93 (I 995) I-13

grain size. At temperatures of 1500 K or higher, the exhibited dislocation creep, at strain rates between
stoichiometric alloy showed the greatest creep resist- 1O-9 s-l and lop5 s-i, and the secondary strain rate
ance, presumably since this composition had fewer could be described by the Dorn equation. For FeAl and
constitutional vacancies and was at a lower homolo- the iron-rich alloys, II was about 3.5 and the micro-
gous temperature than other compositions, see Fig. 14. structure consisted of dislocation tangles, consistent
The creep rate was higher for the Al-rich alloys than with creep controlled by viscous glide. For NiAl and
that for the Ni-rich compositions, reflecting the defect- the nickel-rich alloys, II was about 5 and the micro-
controlled diffusion behavior. At lower temperatures, structure consisted of well-defined subgrains, suggest-
creep resistance was a minimum at the stoichiometric ing dislocation-climb-controlled creep. At lower
composition, because the lower constitutional defect stresses, diffusion creep occurred, as-described by
concentration in this composition would hardly C=A(QD/RTd2) u, where Q is the atomic volume, d
impede dislocation movement [205,207]. The creep is the grain diameter, and D is the effective diffusion
rate was reported to decrease with decreasing grain coefficient, for both diffusion through the grain
size between 1073 K and 1273 K [205,206]. In (Nabarro-Herring creep) and along grain boundaries
contrast, in a later report, except at low strain rates and (Coble creep). The Ni-rich compositions demonstrated
very high temperatures, the creep rate between 1200 K a greater tendency to exhibit diffusion creep.
and 1400 K was found to be independent of composi-
tion and grain size for NiAl containing between 44 and
53 at.% Al [208]. 8. Conclusions
The creep rate of CoAl has also been reported to be
independent of grain size, with a minimum at the stoi- The mechanical properties of B2 alloys have been
chiometric composition [209]. CoAl undergoes a reviewed. This class of materials occurs in a wide range
transition in dislocation creep behavior, from viscous of alloy systems and thus encompasses several different
glide control at 1200 K to climb control at 1400 K types of behavior. The mechanical properties of B2
[210]. In contrast, between 1100 K and 1400 K, the compounds are dominated by the presence of constitu-
creep rate of FeAl appears to be largely independent of tional defects, i.e. constitutional vacancies and antisite
composition, but depends on grain size in two distinct defects, the presence of which is generally understood.
regimes [ 2 11,2 121, i.e. a high-stress-exponent regime One of the key features of the deformation of B2 com-
(n - 6) where creep strength increased with decreasing pounds, the occurrence of (100) vs. (111) slip, has still
grain size; and a low-stress-exponent regime (n - 3) not been explained adequately.
where the creep strength decreased with decreasing There are several apparent anomalies in mechanical
grain size. Although the mechanisms in these regions behavior of B2 compounds. For example, it is not clear
must be different, they appear to have the same activa- why some B2 compounds show a creep strength which
tion energy. depends on grain size, e.g. FeAl, whilst others, e.g.
The most comprehensive study of creep in B2 alloys CoAl, do not. Also, it is unclear why some B2 com-
was performed in compression between 923 K and pounds which deform by (111) slip are brittle, whilst
1373 K for (Fe,Ni),,Al,, alloys in which the Ni:Fe ratio others which deform by (100) slip can show limited
was varied [2 13-2151. At higher stresses the alloys ductility. The origins of the yield strength peaks
observed in some compounds are also still unclear.


The authors wish to thank Mr. D. Mandal for help

with preparing the figures and Dr. F. Liu for helpful
comments on the manuscript. This work was
supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of
Basic Energy Sciences through contract DE-FG02-

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