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Polyhedron Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 2113~2115,1986 0211-5387/86 s3.00+.

Printed in Great Britain 0 1986 Pergamon Journals Ltd.




Department of Chemistry, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales 2308, Australia

(Receiued 6 June 1986; accepted 23 June 1986)

Abstract-Activation volumes for aquation of cis-[Co(en),(NO,)Cl]+, trans-[Co(en),

CWlI +, cis-a- and cis-#?-[Co(trien)Cl,]+ have been determined, and are compared with
values reported for a range of chloroaminecobalt(II1) complexes. Variation of reported
AV* in terms of, particularly, solvation effects is discussed.

The mechanistic value of measured activation vol- The significance of the problem can be gauged
ume (Al’&,) in reactions of coordination complexes further by the observation that AV& for chloride
has been the basis for extensive study.ld At least aquation from a range of cobalt(II1) amines vary
for reactions involving exchanges of small neutral between - 10 and + 11 cm3 mo1-‘.8*‘3 Here,
molecules, interpretation of AV&, in terms of differences must lie not just with the central metal
volume changes arising from displacement of par- ion or leaving group but also with the non-leaving
ticles at the active site seems relatively straight- groups and overall charge. We have been working
forward.6 This is because motions of small neutral to extend the number of such examples for which
molecules should not involve any large changes in AK& have been measured. Recently, AV,f,, for
solvation from precursor to transition state. If aquation of [Co(NH,),Cl]‘+, trans-[Co(NH,),
we assign to the experimental activation volume (NH,CH,)Cl]‘+ and [CO(NH,CH,),C~]~+ were
separate contributions from intrinsic displacement compared. ’ 3 It was found that A V& becomes more
(Al’&) and solvation (A&$,,) terms, where the positive with increasing molar volume of the cation.
former term carries the mechanistically significant Here, we report AV&, for several other chloro-
information, it becomes clear that interpretation of aminecobalt(II1) complexes, and examine the over-
AI/&, values depends on small AI/$, components all trend.
or at least an understanding of the significance of With stereochemically unconfined cobalt(II1)
this term in various circumstances. complexes, isomerization can accompany spon-
With ionic leaving groups, a dissociative tran- taneous aquation,14 which can make interpretation
sition state may involve formation of, or substantial of AI/&, more difficult. The complexes cis-[Co(en),
motion towards formation of, a new charge centre. (Nwc11+, trans-[Co(en),(CN)Cl] + and cis-
In polar solvents, significant electrostriction of the [Co(trien)Cl,] + were chosen for study because they
new charge centre with concomitant changes in are reported to undergo aquation with retention of
molar volumes of participating solvent molecules configuration.‘-’ Hydrolyses were followed in 0.1 M
will occur. The result is seen experimentally as a HClO, on a Varian 635 spectrophotometer fitted
negative contribution to AV& Variation in with a high-pressure cell at a fixed wavelength and
AV,Z,, from + 1.2 to -9.9 to - 18.5 cm3 mol-’ for a constant temperature. Minor enhancement of
[Co(NH,),L-J”+ hydrolysis’** as L varies from OH, observed rate constants with increased pressure
to Cl- to SO:- can be used to illustrate the role were observed in all cases. Results { 104k,,b, (s- ‘)
of electrostriction. While these complexes aquate [P(bar)]) obtained were as follows: cis-
by essentially the same mechanism, clearly AV&, [Co(en),(NO,)Cl] + : 3.63 + 0.10(l), 3.78 + 0.20
alone is not mechanistically definitive, being (345), 3.92 + 0.15 (690), 4.03 f 0.10(1035), 4.23 + 0.05
masked by solvent electrostriction terms in the (1380); trans-[Co(en),(CN)Cl]+: cis-a-3.10 & 0.09(l),
latter two examples. , 3.16 + 0.07(345), 3.20 k 0.10(690), 3.36 f 0.16
2114 Communication

(1035), 3.45 &- O.lO(1380); cis-cr-[Co(trien)C1,]+:1.89 transition state for aquation reactions in complexes
f 0.06(l), 2.01 + 0.13(345), cis-/I-E2.19 + 0.11(690), where chelate rings exist may differ from the situ-
2.33 + 0.06(1035), 2.50 + O.lO(1380). Further, ation with simple ammines if molecular relaxation
aquation of cis-jI-[Co(trien)Cl,] + was reexam- and rearrangement to permit a choice of geometry
ined, since deviation from first-order behaviour in the successor are involved in part in the activation
was more substantial than expected in the initial process for aquation.
study,” limiting accuracy of determined kobs. Except for [Co(tren)Cl,] ’ and [Co(dtcd)
The revised results, using a different sample of W,)Cll +, all complexes show a quite close
complex, which yields a different AV&,, are linear relationship between AI/Z, and AS&,. For
for cis+[Co(trien)Cl,] +: 14.7 * 0.4(l), 15.0 f0.3 the [Co(tren)Cl,]+ ion, the first hydrolysis is a
(345), 15.5 f 0.4(690), 16.1 f 0.4(1035), 16.4 f 0.3 composite reaction since two non-equivalent sites
(1380). Experiments were conducted at 35, 35, 27 exist, one of which may be especially labile;”
and 25”C, respectively. Activation volumes for com- observed Al/.& in this case may be less accessible
plexes were calculated in the usual manner,5 and to interpretation. Alone amongst the complexes,
are included in Table 1, along with activation aquation of [Co(dtcd)(N,)Cl]+ involves loss from
enthalpy and entropy values previously deter- a large substituted and unsaturated macrocyclic
mined, and data for similar complexes. complex, which may represent a special situation.”
Although in all cases chloride aquation from Since intrinsic and electrostrictive effects should
cobalt(II1) is occurring, with the consequent expec- usually contribute in a like sense to AI/&, and
tation of a basic mechanistic constancy, it is clear AS:,, a correlation between these terms is not
from data in Table 1 that both AI’& and AS& unexpected, and has been addressed previously.”
vary appreciably. Since a strictly limiting dissoci- One interpretation of the significantly positive
ative character is unlikely,14 variations could in A I’& for [Co(tren)Cl,] + and [Co(dtcd)(N,)Cl] +
part reflect differing Co 3+-C1- separation in the could be to assert a significant shift towards a
transition state, which would affect both AI’:,, and limiting dissociative mechanism in these cases.
AV;,, terms. In any case, the sensitivity to particu- However, there seems no special case for this
larly non-leaving groups is apparent. Variation in assertion at least with the trans-[Co(en),Cl,]+ ion,
the series trans-[Co(en),(X)Cl] + is notable, since where A V,&, is also large and positive;’ thus it may
AI/:, changes with trans-X group from + 11 cm3 not be an acceptable interpretation in general.
mol-’ (X = Cl-) to +0.7cm3 mol-’ (X = N;) to Reactions of cobalt(II1) complexes in acid, while
-2.0cm3 mol-’ (X = CN-). At least for the first believed to be dissociative in nature, have rarely
two, aquation occurs with some isomerization.‘4 been considered to involve a limiting mechanism.
Since isomerization reactions alone in cobalt(II1) Lifetimes of any intermediates are probably in no
chemistry can exhibit large positive AI’&” vari- more than the picosecond range, which should
ations observed may reflect the amount of not permit complete solvent reorganization in the
rearrangement in the transition-state formation. activation process itself. Varying the non-leaving
The extent of bond stretching necessary to reach the groups may vary the lifetime of the activated

Table 1. Activation parameters for aquation of chloroaminecobalt(II1) complexes

Complex” (s-l) (kJmol-‘) (JK-‘mol-‘) (cm3 mol - ‘) Reference
[CO(NH,),CI]~ + 1.7 x 10-6 93 (& 1) -44 (f 3) -9.9 (k 0.5) 8
trans-[Co(NH,),(NH,CH,)Cl]‘+ 1.1 x 10-s 95 (* 2) -19 (+ 6) -4.6 (+ 0.5) 13
[CO(NH,CH,),CI]~ + 4.0 x 10-s 95 (+ 1.5) -lO(k4) -2.3 (+ 0.4) 13
cis-a-[Co(trien)Cl,] + 1.6 x 1O-4 90 (* 1.7) -24 (+ 6) - 5.0 ( + 0.4) *, 17
cis-/I-[Co(trien)Cl,)+ 1.5 x 10-3 88 (k 1.7) -11 (+ 6) - 2.0 (+ 0.6) *, 17
cis-[Co(tren)Cl,] + 3.0 x 10-3 74 (* 2) -45 (+ 6) +7.3(+ 0.4) 11
cis-[Co(en),(NO,)Cl] + 1.2 x 10-4 90 (&- 0.5) - 17 (&- 2) -2.9 (+ 0.3) *, 15
Pans-[Co(en),Cl,] + 3.1 x 10-s 115 (+ 5) +56 (+ 15) +11.0(+0.6) 9, 23
trans-[Co(en),(CN)Cl] + 7.8 x lo-’ 94 (+ 0.6) -9 (* 2) - 2.0 ( f 0.4) *, 16
trans-[Co(en),(N,)Cl] + 2.2 x 10-4 93 (+ 4) +2 (* 11) +0.7 (f 0.1) 12, 24
tmns-[Co(dtcd)(N,)Cl]+ 4.6 x 1O-4 77 (* 2) -51 (+ 6) +8.3 (+ 0.4) 10
“en = ethane-1,2-diamine, trien = 1,8-diamino-3,6_diazaoctane, tren = N,N’-bis(2-aminoethylkzthane-1,2-diamine,
and dtcd = 5,12-dimethyl-1,4,8,1 l-tetraazacyclotetradeca-4,11-diene.
*This work.
Communication 2115

groups may vary the lifetime of the activated 2. D. R. Stranks, Pure Appl. Chem. 1974,X$303.
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5. G. A. Lawrance and D. R. Stranks, Act. Chem. Res.
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is involved. An increase (in a positive sense) in
6. A. E. Merbach, Pure Appl. Chem. 1982, 54, 1479.
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14. W. G. Jackson and A. M. Sargeson, Inorg. Chem.
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OCH . N(CH,), yields essentially identical
15. S. Asperger and C. K. Ingold, J. Chem. Sot. 1956,
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16. S. C. Chan and M. L. Tobe, J. Chem. Sot. 1963,514.
CCo@MWPH2)1z+ complexes, even from H,O 17. A. M. Sargeson and G. H. Searle, Inorg. Chem. 1967,
to D,O as solvent,” show differences in AV,2,, 6, 2172.
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understanding of the part played by solvation terms 21. G. A. Lawrance, Znorg. Chem. 1982, 21, 3687; S. D.
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AV&, when ionic leaving groups are involved. 1978, 56, 2609.
22. G. A. Lawrance, Aust. J. Chem. 1980, 33, 1649.
23. R. G. Pearson, C. R. Boston and F. Basolo, J. Am.
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