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Drug addiction is on increasing problem in today’s society.

Drug has been increasing immensely among

our society today. It can either help us or destroy us from accomplishing our goals or dreams in life.
People sometimes feel they are too bright, too powerful, too much in control to become addictive
however addiction can trap anyone. It can lead to harming one’s body, causing problems in the person
family and also in societies and the communities. This topic is interesting because it is an ongoing
problem in the world and more people are becoming addicted and cannot stop. This topic talks about
peoples decisions they make and how their lives can change in minutes and how can they recover from
it.What people do not realize is that they putting their lives in danger what they don’t understand about
it, do people wake up and be like I want to do drugs today. My belief is that people start using drugs just
trying to escape their problems in life and can’t just deal with it. I think my topic speaks about the many
people that have used or didn’t use drugs, I have seen people doing drugs in front me and offered me do
to it with them, those people’s lives changed now but it could’ve been worse for them, one of my uncles
who was a really good student in school came to America to study, he became friends with people that
offered him to do drugs with them, when he did he ended up dropping out of college and really didn’t
make a thing out his life, until he stopped. His life really changed because he started to use drugs and
until today he talks about how he ruined his life over a small decision. What I am saying is that people
like this are everywhere in the world.Most people suffering from drug addiction know that they are
starting to test drugs in their teens. Puberty drug abuse is one of the biggest problems in today's society,
and its problems are increasing and expanding year by year. Drugs are the universal force of our culture
today. Expecting that children are not affected by the culture of time is as unrealistic as believing in
teeth fairies (Bauman 140). Teenagers sometimes take illegal drugs to have their friends try drugs, drugs
are weak, drugs are used to fight family or society, or enjoying having fun with their interests. they
are.Drug abuse in adolescence is usually due to the fact that children aged 13 to 19 years old became
children in their teens. The main reason for increasing drug abuse and social impact in adolescence is
that they want to adapt and be accepted by their colleagues. Between 13 and 19, children are more
likely to make a wrong decision as their bodies may experience many different changes and they may
not know how to deal with them It is high. Drug addiction has long been and still is a topical issue
around the world. There are different reasons why people get addicted and various levels to which
people become dependent on drugs. Some people start taking them because of pure curiosity, others so
as to improve their athletic performance or reduce stress and get rid of depression. It doesn’t matter
why people start, the main thing here is to get help at the right time and not to ruin their life and
health.When people start taking drugs, with time the way their brain functions and looks is altered. First
of all, drug taking causes elevation of dopamine level in brain, which results in the feeling of pleasure.
Brain remembers this event and wants it repeated. So, the drug a person takes eventually reaches the
significance that other physiological needs have. As a result, the person’s abilities to think clearly,
control behavior, exercise good judgment and feel well without drugs intake becomes affected. This, in
its turn, causes problems in relations with family, friends, at work or in university. It is extremely
important to recognize drug addiction at the right moment, preferably in the beginning, so as not to
spoil social relationships and health. It is necessary to understand that the sooner the problem will be
attended, the better it is for the treatment progress. There are certain symptoms of drug abuse: when
drug is getting people into legal trouble, if because of it people start neglecting their responsibilities,
when they use drugs under dangerous conditions, and when they cause problems in relationships.It is absolutely
necessary to prevent drug addiction levels’ raise, and it is necessary for all the people to take part in this
prevention program.

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