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Drowning in debt? All work and no play?

Barely keeping your head

above water?? Want debt relief NOW? 

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Join us for Law Jam Sessions weekly with a Master-At-Law, as he

explains the remedy-in-law that all Americans have available and should
be informed about, but hardly anyone has ever heard of it. Why?
Because the Congress hid it in an obscure House Joint Resolution that
became law, providing a guaranteed procedure for debt relief. (HJR-
192). Knowing America was quite literally Bankrupted in 1933, these
career politicians devised a to cover their own assets, but the best part of
the story, the same remedy is available to you and me~!

Topics to be discussed:

~ Conditionally accepted claims and returning for value

~Liability and Remedy Maxim

~Remedy for Debt: House Joint Resolution 192 and Executive Order

~ Your SS# is Your Proof of Exemption from Levy

~What is Legal Tender

~ What are Promissory Notes

~ What are Negotiable Instruments

~ What is Protest for Non-Acceptance

~ Why or Why not become a "Secured Party Creditor"?

~ How Your Wet-Ink Signature Creates Real and Substantial Value

~ Prepayment to Americans

~Accessing Treasury Direct Accounts

~Abusing the Process and Criminal Intent

~ A4V: How it is done precisely

~ Unlimited Credit and how to access it

The Disappearance of Debt thru HJR-192 and the A4V Process w/Rob

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Sui Juris- Law for Beginners

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