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Diagnostic Tests: Absences

Diagnostic Auto Correct

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management
Version: 1.0
Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
FAQs for Diagnostic Tests ........................................................................................ 3
What corruption does this diagnostics test deal with? ......................................... 3
What are the input parameters required for this diagnostics test? ...................... 3
What is the output of this diagnostic tests? ......................................................... 4
Does running this diagnostics test lead to any change of data? ......................... 4
How to check whether the corruptions are corrected after this test was run? ..... 4
What is the name of the backup table? ............................................................... 4
How to identify the records updated by the diagnostic test? ............................... 4
Roles required for executing the Diagnostic Tests .................................................... 5
Absences Diagnostic tests framework ...................................................................... 6
Test Name: Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection .......................... 6
Test Name: Absences - Delete Absences of Canceled Work Relationship......... 9
Test Name: Absences - Update Absence – Period_Of_Service_Id .................. 11
Test Name: Absences - Delete Orphan Time Card Entries............................... 13
Test Name: Absences - Delete Processing Data of Withdrawn Absences........ 15
Test Name: Absences - Update Assignment number for Work Schedule ......... 17
Test Name: Absences - Delete orphan ADJOTH/INIT entries .......................... 18
Test Name: Absences - Delete orphan COVREX entries ................................. 20
Test Name: Absences - Update Formula_id in Entitlement Band ..................... 22
Test Name: Absences - Delete Orphan FORFT entries .................................... 23
Test Name: Absences - Update Enrollments for Termination ........................... 25
Test Name: Absences - Delete Enrollments of Canceled work relationship...... 27
Test Name: Absences - Delete Calculation card entries - Absences ................ 29
Test Name: Absences - Delete Calculation card entries – Accruals ................. 31
Test Name: Absences – Withdraw/Unprocess absence ................................... 33
Test Name: Absences - Delete enrollments with end date prior to start date.... 35
Test Name: Absences - Delete Absences for end dated type ........................... 37
Running the diagnostic tests ................................................................................... 39
Sample Test Case Execution in different modes .................................................... 49
Validate Mode Execution: ................................................................................. 49
Commit Mode Execution: .................................................................................. 51

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 2

Customers can run the "Absences Diagnostic Auto Correct" diagnostic test to view and correct
absences-related data corruptions for which no decision-related input is needed.

FAQs for Diagnostic Tests

What corruption does this diagnostics test deal with?

The “Absences Diagnostic Auto Correct” diagnostic test can be used to view and resolve absences-
related data corruptions, for which no decision-related input is needed.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostics test?

The input parameters would be different for different diagnostic test executions. All the generic
input parameters used for these tests execution along with their description are as follows:
1. Person number or person numbers: This parameter specifies the person number or
person numbers for which the diagnostic test is run to detect any data related corruptions.
The user can enter a single person number (for example: 123), a comma-separated list of
person numbers (for example: 123,456,789) or keep the parameter blank. If left blank, the
diagnostic test will be run for the entire population.

2. Run mode: The two options for this parameter are “Validate” and “Commit”. If the
diagnostic test is run in Validate mode, the changes made by the diagnostic test will be
rolled back at the end instead of being committed to the database. If the diagnostic test is
run in Commit mode, the changes made by the diagnostic test will be committed to the

3. Business Unit (BU): This parameter specifies a Business unit within the organization,
where a person or group of persons is an employee. It is required to be selected from the
group of values in dropdown.

4. Legislative Data Unit (LDG): An LDG is a boundary that can share the same setup and
still comply with the local laws. Based on the specific person, group of persons or
organization location or legislative code, it is required to be selected from the group of
values in dropdown box.

5. Legal Employer (LE): This parameter specifies the Legal Employer name, for which the
test is to be executed. It is required to be selected from the group of values in dropdown.

6. Plan Id: It is the unique id, associated to the Absence plan, so that the test would be
executed specific to that entered plan only.

7. Per Plan Enrollment Id: It is unique id, associated with the enrollment for any specific
plan within a period, so that the test would be executed specific to that plan enrollment
8. Person Absence Entry Id: It is unique id, associated to the applied absence for a person.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 3

What is the output of this diagnostic tests?

This diagnostic test will generate a list of the known data corruptions based on the parameters
provided by the user.

If the diagnostic test is run in validate mode, the test will indicate a rollback at the end. However,
if the test is run in commit mode, the test will indicate that the changes are committed.

Does running this diagnostics test lead to any change of data?

Yes, running this diagnostic test will cause data changes in the tables where the corruption is

Any data that is changed because of this diagnostic test will first be saved in the appropriate
backup tables. This is to make sure that the original data is not lost.

The user can first try running the diagnostic test in Validate mode to verify the data changes and
make sure the changes were as per expectations (this can be verified from the messages
generated by the diagnostic test).

After verifying that the data changes were the intended modifications, the user can run the
diagnostic test in Commit mode with the other input parameters unchanged. The user can also
choose to run the diagnostic test in Commit mode directly, but recommended to verify first using
Validate mode.

How to check whether the corruptions are corrected after this test was

Firstly, the user must check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed.

The user can then run this same diagnostic test in Validate mode for the person or persons for
whom the changes were made. The updated messages will indicate if the data was successfully
corrected in the previous run.

What is the name of the backup table?

PER_DIAG_BKP_ROWS is the table used to store the backup data for all rows corrected via
diagnostic test. Backup data are stored in CLOB type with XML format only when diagnostic test
is executed in Commit Mode.

How to identify the records updated by the diagnostic test?

Diagnostic Test will update the LAST_UPDATED_BY column with 'DI:'||execution_id (For
Example DI:8CC1CC42DE2A4224E05333D6F00AEF17 ) and LAST_UPDATE_DATE with run
timestamp of the diagnostic test.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 4

Roles required for executing the Diagnostic Tests

There are certain roles required for executing these diagnostic tests. Following are the
details for the same:

1. Application Diagnostics Administrator: Users having this role would have

access to diagnostic dashboard, from where they would be able to run all the
diagnostics tests. This role is not assigned by default, if this role is not enabled,
kindly follow the steps to provide to grant this role access to a specific user:

 Kindly login with the admin user, who has the default access to Security
 Go to Security Console and navigate to the User Accounts tab.
 Search for the user, for whom the application diagnostics administrator role
is required.
 Edit the same user details and click on the Add Role button on UI.
 Search for the ‘application diagnostics administrator’ role and provide the
same role membership to the same user and save the user accounts detail.
 The user would now have the required role and can able to perform the
diagnostics tests.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 5

Absences Diagnostic tests framework
Following are the tests performed using the absences diagnostics test framework:

Test Name: Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. This test is majorly executed to check the corruption in the system, either for all the tests
or a specific test.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

It is a generic report, which would list all the types of corruptions which might occur in any of the
below test cases. The release available section describes the base supported release in which
customer would be able to perform the specific diagnostic test.

Test Name Description of the test Release

Absences - Update Absence entries from
Absence - ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRIES with Period of
Period_Of_Service_Id service id having null values.
Absences - Delete Absences whose period of service id does not
Absences of Canceled Work have the valid reference in
Absences - Delete Orphan Absence Type entries that do not have
Time Card Entries reference in ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRIES.
Absences - Delete Absences that are in withdrawn status, but
Processing Data of their processing data still exists in the absence
Withdrawn Absences related database tables.
Absences - Update Work Schedules that have incorrect
Assignment number for ASSIGNMENT_NUM column.
Work Schedule
Absences - Delete orphan “Other Adjustment” and “INIT” entries that do
ADJOTH/INIT entries not have reference to any enrollments.
Absences - Delete orphan “Carryover Expiration” entries that do not have
COVREX entries reference to any carryover entries.
Absences - Update Band detail row from
Formula_id in Entitlement ANC_ENTL_BANDS_DTL_F with
Absences - Delete orphan “Forfeiture” entries that do not have reference

ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST entries that do not

have reference in
Absences - Update Future enrollments that exist even after the
Enrollments for Termination termination of an employee.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 6

Absences - Delete Enrollments whose period of service id does
Enrollments of Canceled not have the valid reference in
work relationship PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE.
Absences - Delete Orphan entries are present in Calculation
Calculation card entries – cards even if the absence is withdrawn or
Absences deleted.
Absences - Delete Orphan entries are present in Calculation
Calculation card entries – cards even if accruals are deleted.
Absences – Withdraw Withdrawal of the corrupted absences.
corrupted absence
Absences – Delete Deletion of corrupted enrollments whose end
enrollments with end date date is prior to their start date.
prior to start date
Absences – Delete Deletion of future corrupted absences
absences for end dated type enrollments whose plan type is end dated in
the past and absences are still active.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of No
(BU) values provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values No
Group (LDG) provided.
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values No
(LE) provided.
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Test Code One of the predefined Test codes. No, if person number is not null,
(Currently the execution of test for Yes, if person number is null
the entire population is not allowed,
hence test code is mandatory when
person id is null)

Restriction in input parameters:

Only the following combinations are allowed while running this diagnostic test:
1. Input is only person number.

2. Input is Person number and test code.

3. Input is only test code and one of the filters (LDG, LE, BU).

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

This diagnostic test will provide an overview of the Absence related data corruptions currently
present on the pod. This diagnostic test will generate a report providing the following details for
each of the corruptions:

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 7

1. Number of persons affected by the corruption
2. Action plan for resolution of the corruption

The report contains all the information needed to take the next step in resolving the corruptions.
The person numbers for whom the corruptions will be identified depends on the input parameter
"Person Number".

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

Running this diagnostic test will not result in any data changes.

How to check whether the corruption handled by this diagnostic test has been corrected
after it has run?
First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
This test is ideally used to verify all the tests and verify whether the corruption is successfully
removed or not.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 8

Test Name: Absences - Delete Absences of Canceled Work Relationship

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a case in which an employee tries to record an absence. While selecting the
type value, duplicate absence types are displayed. This happens due to the orphan period
of service id. This test would delete those absences having corrupted values.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test is dealing with the orphan absences whose period of service id does not exist
because of the canceled work relationship.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those orphan absences whose period of service Id does not exist. Here,
the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those orphan absences whose period of service Id does not exist. Here,
the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

Running this test will delete the absences whose period of service id does not exist.

How to check whether the corruption handled by this diagnostic test has been corrected
after it has run?
First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 9

The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete Absences
of Canceled Work Relationship’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 10

Test Name: Absences - Update Absence – Period_Of_Service_Id

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a case in which an employee tries to record an absence. While selecting the
type value, we can able to see duplicate values, which happened due to the orphan
period of service id. This test would update the correct period of service id where the
corruptions are present.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with the orphan absences whose period of service id does not exist
due to some mismatch or corruption in the database entries.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those absences whose period of service Id is null. Here, the changes
would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would update those absences whose period of service Id is null. Here, the changes
would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test populates the correct period of service id in the Absence entry rows with Period of
service id as null.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 11

How to check whether the corruption handled by this diagnostic test has been corrected
after it has run?
First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Update
Absence - Period_Of_Service_Id’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 12

Test Name: Absences - Delete Orphan Time Card Entries

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a case in which you try to submit a new time card entry. When we try to submit
a time card entry and receive an error “Absence record does not exist” on UI, it
specifically means that some absence in that period does not contain proper mapping,
and hence consider orphan absence entries.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those orphan absences that do not have the reference in the

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those orphan absences that do not have reference in
ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRIES table. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the
end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those orphan absences that do not have reference in
ANC_PER_ABS_ENTRIES table. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the
database at the end of the test execution.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 13

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?
This test deletes the Absence Type entries that do not have reference in

How to check whether the corruption handled by this diagnostic test has been corrected
after it has run?
First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete Orphan
Time Card Entries’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 14

Test Name: Absences - Delete Processing Data of Withdrawn Absences

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider certain absences which are already in withdrawn status. Upon checking the
accrual balance in plan participation, it is seen that the accrual balance is also deducted
for those withdrawn absences which should ideally not be deducted. It means that the
accrual processing data is not deleted for those absences, although the absence is
withdrawn and deleted.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those corrupted withdrawn absences, whose processing data still
exist in multiple tables.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those orphan absences that are in withdrawn status, but their processing
data still exists. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test
Commit Mode:
It would delete those orphan absences that are in withdrawn status, but their processing
data still exists. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the
end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes the processing data of the Absences that are in withdrawn status, but their
processing data still exists.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 15

How to check whether the corruption handled by this diagnostic test has been corrected
after it has run?
First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete
Processing Data of Withdrawn Absences’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 16

Test Name: Absences - Update Assignment number for Work Schedule

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider a work schedule is not assigned to any user, but still we are not able to change
the work schedule setup, where it should be editable ideally.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those work schedule assignments, for which the
ASSIGNMENT_NUM is either null or having some incorrect value.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
Work Schedules that have incorrect ASSIGNMENT_NUM column would be displayed
correctly. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test
Commit Mode:
Work Schedules that have incorrect ASSIGNMENT_NUM column would be updated
correctly. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of
the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test updates the value of ASSIGNMENT_NUM column of Work Schedules that have
incorrect ASSIGNMENT_NUM value.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether the
changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Update
assignment number for work schedule’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 17

Test Name: Absences - Delete orphan ADJOTH/INIT entries

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider a person accrual balance is different than the intended balance, even after a
‘Other Adjustment’ or ‘INIT’ balance is provided to the same person.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those ‘Other Adjustment’ and ‘INIT’ orphan entries that do not
have any reference with any enrollments.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those “Other Adjustment” and “INIT” entries that do not have reference
to any enrollments. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test
Commit Mode:
It would delete those “Other Adjustment” and “INIT” entries that do not have reference to
any enrollments. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the
end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes the “Other Adjustment” and “INIT” entries that do not have reference to any

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 18

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete Orphan
ADJOTH/INIT entries’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 19

Test Name: Absences - Delete orphan COVREX entries

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a person accrual balance is different than the intended balance, even after a
‘Carryover Expiration’ balance is provided to the same person.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those “Carryover Expiration” entries that do not have reference to
any carryover entries.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Plan Id Plan id for filtering the correction records No
Per Plan Per Plan enrollment id for filtering the No
enrollment Id correction records
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those “Carryover Expiration” entries that do not have reference to any
carryover entries. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test

Commit Mode:
It would delete those “Carryover Expiration” entries that do not have reference to any
carryover entries. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the
end of the test execution.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 20

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?
This test deletes the “Carryover Expiration” entries that do not have reference to any carryover

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete Orphan
COVREX entries’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 21

Test Name: Absences - Update Formula_id in Entitlement Band

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a case in which a person tries to record an absence of the qualification type,
and receive an error corresponding to the formula_id having 0 values. It means that the
formula_id is incorrect and needs to be updated with the correct value to resolve the

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with corrupted entries having Band detail row from

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display the entries having Band detail row from ANC_ENTL_BANDS_DTL_F
with ENTL_DTL_OUTPUT_FORMULA_ID as 0. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll
backed at the end of the test execution.

Commit Mode:
It would update the entries having Band detail row from ANC_ENTL_BANDS_DTL_F
with ENTL_DTL_OUTPUT_FORMULA_ID as 0. Here, the changes would be indicated, and
committed to the database at the end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test updates the ENTL_DTL_OUTPUT_FORMULA_ID to null or any correct value for the
as 0.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Update
Formula_id in Entitlement Band’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 22

Test Name: Absences - Delete Orphan FORFT entries

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider a person accrual balance is different than the intended balance, even after a
‘Forfeiture’ balance is provided to the same person.
2. This test will delete orphan ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST entries also.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those FORFT or ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST entries in the table
that do not have reference in ANC_PER_ACCRUAL_ENTRIES.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Plan Id Plan id for filtering the correction records No
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those FORFT or ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST entries that do not have
reference in ANC_PER_ACCRUAL_ENTRIES. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll
backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those FORFT or ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST entries that do not have
reference in ANC_PER_ACCRUAL_ENTRIES. Here, the changes would be indicated, and
committed to the database at the end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 23

This test deletes the FORFT or ORA_ANC_FORFT_REST entries that do not have reference in

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete Orphan
FORFT entries’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 24

Test Name: Absences - Update Enrollments for Termination

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider a person is terminated, and the enrollment assigned to that person is still
active, which means the enrollment is not end dated. This would mean that the
enrollment is corrupted, as it needs to be end dated upon the termination of person.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those plan enrollments that exist even after the termination date
of an employee or group of employees.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Plan Id Plan id for filtering the correction records No
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would end date those plan enrollments that exist even after the termination date. Here,
the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would end date those plan enrollments that exist even after the termination date. Here,
the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test end dates the Future enrollments that exist after termination to the termination date.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 25

The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Update
Enrollments for Termination’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 26

Test Name: Absences - Delete Enrollments of Canceled work relationship

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a case in which an admin tries to add or update enrollment for a specific or
group of persons. While selecting the enrollment, they can able to see duplicate values,
which happened due to the orphan period of service id. This test would delete those
enrollments where such corruption is present.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test is dealing with the orphan enrollments whose period of service id does not
exist because of the canceled work relationship.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Plan Id Plan id for filtering the correction records No
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those plan enrollments whose period of service id does not exist. Here,
the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those plan enrollments whose period of service id does not exist. Here,
the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes the Enrollments whose period of service id does not exist.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 27

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete
Enrollments of Canceled Work Relationship’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 28

Test Name: Absences - Delete Calculation card entries - Absences

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider an absence is withdrawn or deleted from the system for a specific person.
Upon checking the payroll calculation card for the same person, it is seen that the
balance is deducted for the same absence, as ideally it should not be deducted.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those corrupted calculation cards that exists even if the absence
is withdrawn or deleted.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those calculation cards that are present even if the absence is
withdrawn or deleted. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the
test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those calculation cards that are present even if the absence is withdrawn
or deleted. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of
the test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes the Calculation cards that are present even if the absence is withdrawn or

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 29

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?
First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete
Calculation Card Entries - Absences’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 30

Test Name: Absences - Delete Calculation card entries – Accruals

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider some accruals are removed for a specific person. Upon checking the payroll
calculation card for the same person, it is seen that the balance is deducted for the same
accruals, as ideally it should not be deducted.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those corrupted calculation cards that exists even if the accruals
are deleted.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those calculation cards that are present even if the accruals are deleted.
Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those calculation cards that are present even if the accruals are deleted.
Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the test

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes the Calculation cards that are present even if the accruals are deleted.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 31

The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete
Calculation Card Entries – Accruals’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 32

Test Name: Absences – Withdraw/Unprocess absence

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider a case in which an absence is not able to withdraw from UI. It means that the
absence data is corrupted, so those absences can be withdrawn using this diagnostic

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those corrupted absences whose withdrawal is required. It would
withdraw all such absences as per the requirements.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Person Absence The unique absence entry id, corresponding Yes
Entry ID to each applied absence. You can either
enter a single value or comma separated
multiple values.
Absence Mode Withdraw or Un process. No
Default: Un process
Un process: It would remove only the accrual
data from absence but does not withdraw it
Withdraw: It would withdraw the absences
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test requires at least 1 absence entry id for execution.

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those absences which are required to be withdrawn or unprocessed.
Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those absences which are required to be withdrawn or unprocessed.
Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the test

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes those absences which are required to be withdrawn or unprocessed.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 33

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences – Withdraw/
Unprocess absence’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 34

Test Name: Absences - Delete enrollments with end date prior to start date

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1. Consider a case in which a person is running the accrual for a specific plan enrollment,
and receive an error corresponding to the over lapping or inactive plan enrollments, it
means that certain enrollments are corrupted, and might be having a case in which the
end date is prior to its start date.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those corrupted plan enrollments whose end date is prior to their
start date, which causes imbalance in the system.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.
Delete Mode TXN or ABS_TXN No
Default: TXN
TXN: Corrects the corrupted enrollments by
only deleting the accrual related data.
ABS_TXN: Corrects the corrupted
enrollments by deleting both the accrual and
absence related data.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those corrupted plan enrollments whose end date is prior to their start
date. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 35

It would delete those corrupted plan enrollments whose end date is prior to their start
date. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the
test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes those corrupted plan enrollments whose end date is prior to their start date.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete
enrollments with end date prior to start date’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 36

Test Name: Absences - Delete Absences for end dated type

What are the functional error scenarios for running this diagnostic test?
This diagnostic test would be required to be executed when any of following scenarios occur:
1 Consider a case in which an absence type is end dated to a specific date, and some
absences are already recorded with the future date in the same type. Now, those
absences would be considered as orphan, as the corresponding type is not active. It is
required to delete those orphan absences, to maintain consistency in the system.

What is the corruption this diagnostic test is dealing with?

This diagnostic test deals with those corrupted future dated absences whose plan type is
already end dated.

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?
Parameter Expected Value Mandatory
Business Unit One of the business unit from list of values No
(BU) provided.
Legislative Data One of the LDG from list of values provided. No
Group (LDG)
Legal Employer One of the LE from list of values provided. No
Person Number Null (for whole population) No
Single Person number
Multiple (comma separated)
Mode Validate or Commit No
Default: Validate
Validate: Corrects the data without
committing it to the database.
Commit: Corrects the data and commits the
data to the database.

Restriction in input parameter:

This test cannot be run for the entire population, so at least one parameter is required excluding

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

Validate Mode:
It would display those corrupted future dated absences whose plan type is already end
dated. Here, the changes would be indicated, and roll backed at the end of the test execution.
Commit Mode:
It would delete those corrupted future dated absences whose plan type is already end
dated. Here, the changes would be indicated, and committed to the database at the end of the
test execution.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any change in data?

This test deletes those corrupted future dated absences whose plan type is already end dated in
the past.

How to check whether the corruption is handled or not?

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 37

First, the user should check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether
the changes have been successfully completed or not.
The user can then run the diagnostic test Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection for
the person number(s) or parameters (BU/LE/LDG) with test code as ‘Absences - Delete
absences for end dated type’ for whom the changes were made.
If the changes were made successfully, the reported corruptions would be removed.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 38

Running the diagnostic tests
We are showing a sample step by step example of running the diagnostic test and detecting any
corruption present in the system. We would also demonstrate a way in which the corruption can
be corrected, and successfully verifying that the corruptions are removed from the application.

Following are the steps with screen shots to followed for executing the diagnostic tests in any of
the environment.

1 Click the user name in the global header region, and then click Run Diagnostics Tests from
the Settings and Actions menu.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 39

2. The diagnostic dashboard page is displayed.

3. Search for the Master Report – Absence Data Integrity Detection test in the Search
for Tests section. From the search result, select the check box and click Add to Run.
This will add the test to the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section on the right

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 40

4. Add input parameters if needed by clicking the icon under the Input Status column in the Choose
Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section. A dialog box is displayed that allows you to enter the
input values. Here, we are running the test with a single person number, and single test code,
but It can also be ran for other parameters also.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 41

5. Enter a run name in the Run Name box, and then click Run. The run name is not mandatory
but is helpful for tracking.

6. Initially, the Diagnostic Test Run Status would be running, which specifies that the test is
currently executing.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 42

7. Continue refreshing the Diagnostic Test Run Status table until your test completes. The
Completed status is displayed under the Execution Status column of the table.

8. Click the icon under the Report column in the Diagnostic Test Run Status table. A page is
displayed that contains the meta details on the test that was run

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 43

9. Click the link under the Execution ID column of the table in the Executions area. This
will load the execution output of the test. The following screens shot displays a part of
this output. The out put here describes the corrupted rows and the test case to be
executed for correcting the corruptions.

10. Just for fast output, you can skip the meta details of the test that was run and directly
access the actual diagnostic test output. To do this, expand the test you ran in the
Diagnostic Test Run Status table. Then, click the icon under the Report column of the
actual diagnostic test itself.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 44

11. As per the corruption found, we would run the same test case Absences – Delete
Absences of canceled work relationship.

12. We are running this test with the same parameter, as described in the master test report,
to get the same result. We are first running the same in Validate mode, to check the

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 45

13. The test execution shows the number of rows, which are corrupted. As shown here,
there is 1 row, which is corrupted. As we have ran it in the Validate mode, it would just
display the corrupted rows and rollback the correction.

14. Now, we would execute the same test in the Commit mode, to correct the corruptions, by
keeping all other parameters same as before.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 46

15. After the execution of the test, we would be able to see that the corruptions are
corrected and committed to the database, as we had executed the test in Commit mode,
after the insertion of the same in some backup tables, for further requirements, if any.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 47

16. For verification purpose, we would now again execute the same Master Report –
Absence Data Integrity Detection test, using the same parameter as described before.
We will keep the name of this test as Master Report Verify, just for easily identification.

17. It would now show that there are no corruption present for the same input in the same
test case, as done before.

Based on this report, it can be successfully verified that the corruptions are removed for the
same test case. This test can also be executed for other scenarios and test, whenever required
following the same step by step approach.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 48

Sample Test Case Execution in different modes
This section describes the execution and out come of the sample absence diagnostic test case
in both the commit and validate mode.
We had taken the Absences - Update Absence - Period_Of_Service_Id, for the sample test
case execution and would display the results of the test case in both the Validate as well as
Commit mode of execution.

Validate Mode Execution:

1. Search for the Absences - Update Absence - Period_Of_Service_Id in the Search for
Tests section. From the search result, select the check box and click Add to Run. This
will add the test to the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section on the right

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 49

2. First, we are providing the Vision Corporation Enterprise in the Business Unit and
executing the same test case in the Validate Mode.

3. Checking the test case execution completion for the above ran diagnostic test.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 50

4. Here, the corrupted data rows would be displayed and the corruption would be roll
backed, as the execution is done in the Validate mode.

Commit Mode Execution:

1. Search for the Absences - Update Absence - Period_Of_Service_Id in the Search for
Tests section. From the search result, select the check box and click Add to Run. This
will add the test to the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section on the right

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 51

2. Here, we are providing the Vision Corporation Enterprise in the Business Unit and
executing the same test case in the Validate and Commit Mode.

3. After the execution of the test case, in the report generated, the corrupted data rows
would be corrected and the corruption would be commited to the database, as the
execution is done in the Validate and Commit mode.

Diagnostic Tests • Absence Diagnostic Auto Correct 52

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