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In this seminar, the speakers speak about the minds of children and how they feel. They said that

they must understand how the children feel. They said they can meet up with children mind by

understanding schemas. Children should be offered material with which they can explore. They

then show an image in which children have made a little roller coaster by putting toy trucks

upside down and then use an iron bucket to move on it. It shows the creative minds of the

children. Although it is a bit dangerous, the children are enjoying it. The speakers said that

material, with which they can explore the dilemmas as written below, should be given to them to

increase their creativity:-

 Transporting

 Transforming

 Trajectory

 Rotation and Circulation

 Enclosing and Enveloping

 Connecting and Disconnecting Orientation

At the end of their schema, the speakers say that the children have a high potential of learning

but to use it in positive way, they must have an active mind and must have a lot of creativity.

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