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We have a dedicated team of obstetricians, physicians, intensivists

and pediatrician to manage high-risk obstetric patients like
eclampsia, PPH with 24 hours availability of intensive monitoring
with multipara monitor central oxygen system, Non-Invasive
Ventilator (NIV) and expert staff.

 Delivery Facility.
 Painless Labour.
 NST- Nonstress Test.
 Obstetric HDU.

Painless Labor

 The feeling of being a mother and giving birth to a child is an

unparalleled and enthralling experience but labour pain can be
 With the advent of modern medicines and techniques, the pain
can be reduced.

NST- Nonstress Test

 One of the most common tests associated with high-risk

pregnancies, that doctors perform after the 27th week of pregnancy, is
the foetal non-stress test or NST.
 It is called so because it does not trouble your baby while it is
being performed; in fact, all it does is observe your baby’s natural
 It is used to monitor the foetus’ heartbeat to gain an
understanding of its health status.
 First, the baby’s heart rate is measured when it’s resting or
asleep, and later measured when it is active.
 If the heart rate matches the activity level, you can rest assured
that the baby is receiving enough nutrients and oxygen.
 The NST is usually suggested when there is a higher chance of
foetal mortality, as this test can tell if you or your foetus require
hospitalization or treatment or in case a pregnancy has gone beyond
the suggested due date.

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