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Dear Ms.


I wish to apply for the Budget Officer II position of the Provincial Government Office in Pagadian City.

I was informed by my coworker about the job vacancy in your office and I believe that I am qualified for
the said position.

I have been the Budget officer I of ZCSEZA since January of 2003 to present. My job requires me to
perform daily monitoring of Budget of the Company, Annual Preparation of Budget Proposals,
coordinate with other divisions in preparation of their plans and programs to be included in the
Company’s Budget and also do clerical jobs.

For you to be able to validate and assess my qualifications, I have attached the following requirements,
to wit:

 Accomplished Personal Data Sheet;

 Performance rating for the second semester of CY 2019;
 Photocopy of certificate of eligibility; and
 Photocopy of Transcript of Records

I hope that you will find everything in order and consider me for an interview.

Thank you and more power.



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