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Organizations have to bridge the gap between the industry standards and their salary
packages. They cannot provide compensation packages that are either less than the
industry standards or are very higher then the market rates. For the purpose they
undertake the salary survey. The Salary survey is the research done to analyze the
industry standards to set up the compensation strategy for the organization. Organizations
can either conduct the survey themselves or they can purchase the survey reports from a
reputed research organization. These reports constitute the last 2-5 years or more
compensation figures for the various positions held by the organizations. The analysis is
done on the basis of certain factors defined in the objectives of the research.

Objectives of Compensation Survey

 To gather information regarding the industry standards
 To know more about the market rate i.e. compensation offered by the competitors
 To design a fair compensation system
 To design and implement most competitive reward strategies
 To benchmark the compensation strategies

Compensation survey is of two types.

STANDARD: Standard surveys are undertaken by organizations on a regular basis.

These surveys are conducted annually based on the organizational objectives. These
surveys attempt to cover the same companies every year and provide the same time of

CUSTOM: At times, a few organizations need to know some specific information. The
surveys which cater this need are known as custom surveys. The organizations either
higher research organizations to conduct theses surveys for them or they themselves
conduct the survey by sampling few of the competitors on their own. These surveys do
not have any time interval.

ICICI Lombard is a general insurance company. The company caters to non life
insurance like health, accident, marine, fire, home, overseas travel, student medical
insurance etc. There are different departments with verticals to handle the various
There is a vertical called health claims Mumbai that caters to insurance pertaining
to Group Health Insurance which is headed by Niall D’Souza. In his team there is Shweta
Jadhav who is customer support manager and an outsource named Siddharth
Bhattacharjee. Siddharth was working since 6th September 2006. Siddharth had multiple
functions in his department. His salary was Rs.7033/- PM
1) Saving all the endorsement on daily basis. This includes a PDF file of the policy
and the excel sheet that caries the data of the policy holder. Some time there is
discrepancy and the same has to be sent back to the healthenrollment team for
rectification. For this job Siddharth had to come on Sunday’s also. He had
sacrificed his personnel life.
2) Whatever claims were rejected, he had to take national manager’s approval after
receiving the marketing approval from the relationship manager to settle the same.
Regular follow-up had to be done with the TPA for their settlement and after that
for the release of cheque.
3) There is cashless cases where communication had to be done with the TPA for
issue of the same.
4) Also what ever reimbursement and cashless cases were done, all had to be
updated online.

In-spite of all these, many times he had to handle one of his colleague named Shweta
Jadhav. Even if the Relationship manager takes wrong approval, Shweta used to blame
Gautam. So the blame game was there. Siddharth had informed Niall D’Souza to look
into the cases but no action was taken

Though Siddharth worked relentlessly, he was not happy with the pay structure. His pay
was only Rs. 7033/-. After he completed two years, he received a mail that how much
increment he was expecting. He reverted Rs.3000/-. But in the next month also he
received his previous salary only. This ultimately lowered his morale. So the day was not
far when Siddharth bid good bye to the company and joined HDFC Standard life
insurance with a salary of Rs. 20,000/- PM.


1) Job pressure
2) Without any fault, he is being blamed
3) Salary structure

As it is evident that Mr. Siddharth Bhattacharjee is a very industrious outsource in ICICI
Lombard, but he was not happy with attitude. He never got the desired reward or
appreciation. The company should have taken the initiative to raise his salary. The
biggest issue is that he was not being paid as per the market trend. The company should
conduct a proper compensation survey. What job Siddharth was doing for Rs.7033, for
the same job in HDFC standard life insurance he got an offer of Rs. 20,000/- PM. Hence
to retain skilled staff, compensation has to be on par with other organization.


Conflict resolution is an essential skill for all managers This resource can be used
by Head Start directors and managers. As cultural diversity is embraced among staff and
families, the Head Start community must expect to encounter conflicting values,
experiences, beliefs, and perceptions. As we embrace cultural diversity among staff and
families, we must expect to encounter conflicting values, experiences, beliefs, and
The manager's role isn't to eliminate all conflict, but to minimize the anger,
grudges, hurt, and blame it can cause.
Conflict resolution must be a cornerstone of Head Start's organizational structure.


There are four primary levels of conflict.

1. Intrapersonal Conflict
2. Interpersonal Conflict
3. Intra-Group Conflict
4. Inter-Group Conflict



The time will come when a problem with someone will need to be addressed. Don't wait
too long to acknowledge that a problem exists--the earlier a problem is confronted, the
easier it is to solve. Choose a time and a place to meet with the other person, and keep the
following ideas in mind when meeting:

1. Keep your focus on what can be done in the future. REMEMBER: What's done is
2. Each person should take turns speaking. Listen carefully to the facts, and to the
other person's feelings.
3. Resist the urge to bring more issues into the discussion, REMEMBER: You can
take up another issue later.
4. Personal attacks and blame will only distract from solving the problem,
REMEMBER: The problem is your enemy--not each other.
5. Be prepared to describe your feelings only and your impression of the facts of the
situation. Don't speak for or about others.


 Poor communication.
 Seeking power.
 Dissatisfaction with management style.
 Weak leadership.
 Lack of openness.
 Change in leadership.


 Body language.
 Disagreements, regardless of issue.
 Withholding bad news.
 Surprises.
 Strong public statements.
 Airing disagreements through media.
 Conflicts in value system.
 Desire for power.
 Increasing lack of respect.
 Open disagreement.
 Lack of candor on budget problems or other sensitive issues.
 Lack of clear goals.
 No discussion of progress, failure relative to goals, failure to evaluate the
superintendent fairly, thoroughly or at all.


 Meet conflict head on.
 Set goals.
 Plan for and communicate frequently.
 Be honest about concerns.
 Agree to disagree - understand healthy disagreement would build better decisions.
 Get individual ego out of management style.
 Let your team create - people will support what they help create.
 Discuss differences in values openly.
 Continually stress the importance of following policy.
 Communicate honestly - avoid playing "gotcha" type games.
 Provide more data and information than is needed.
 Develop a sound management system.


ICICI Lombard is a general insurance company with a turnover of more than two
thousand crore. Hence customer’s each and every query is handled with due importance.
Of all the insurance, one of the most important insurance is health insurance. The
employees of the client company whose name has been endorsed are entitled for health
insurance. The employee’s can either go for cashless or reimbursement.
The relationship manager who handles the corporate gets the data of the
employees, passes the endorsement, sends the data to HEALTHENROLMENT TEAM.
This team then verifies the data and sends the same to the TPA. But if any discrepancy is
found then the same is sent back to the relationship manager.
Whenever any employee gets admitted in a network hospital and wants to avail
cashless, the hospital sends a cashless request to the TPA. If data is available with the
TPA, then cashless is provided. But if the data is not available with the TPA, then they
send a mail to HEALTHCLAIMSMUMBAI team to know what needs to be done. The
relationship manager sends the detail of the employee and necessary approval is taken
and then cashless is given. Three teams are basically involved, the Relationship Manager,
the Health Enrolment and Healthclaims Mumbai.

Kaustav Dey is a relationship manager who managed to get the order second time
from Siyaram Silk Mill. He had sent the data to health enrolment team. But there was
some discrepancy and the same was sent back to Kaustav. But unfortunately Kaustav had
not looked into his system and was not aware of the fact that data had not been sent to the
TPA. The director of Siyaram Silk Mill was admitted and as a result cashless facility was
not provided to him. Kaustav Dey blamed healthclaims Mumbai that why the cashless
was denied. He was updated that data was not sent to TPA by healthenrolment team.
Again healthenrolment team updated Kaustav that there was discrepancy in the data and
the same was sent back to him. He should have checked the same in his system. There
was a blame game among the three teams. The matter went up to Anuj Gulati who is one
of the directors of ICICI Lombard. Manager HR summoned a meeting. An amicable
solution was sorted out. As the corporate was renewed, so the data should be roll-over so
that the employees receive the full benefit of the insurance facility.

One key factor in employee motivation and retention is the opportunity employees want
to continue to grow and develop job and career enhancing skills. In fact, this opportunity
to continue to grow and develop through training and development is one of the most
important factors in employee motivation. Training is a process of learning sequence of
programmed behaviour. It is the application of knowledge. Development is a related
process which improves job performance and in addition brings about growth of


You can impact training and development significantly through the responsibilities in an
employee’s current job.

 Expand the job to include new, higher level responsibilities.

 Reassign responsibilities that the employee does not like or that are routine.
 Provide more authority for the employee to self-manage and make decisions.
 Invite the employee to contribute to more important, department or company-wide
decisions and planning.
 Provide more access to important and desirable meetings.
 Provide more information by including the employee on specific mailing lists, in
company briefings, and in your confidence.
 Provide more opportunity to establish goals, priorities, and measurements.
 Assign reporting staff members to his or her leadership or supervision.
 Assign the employee to head up projects or teams.
 Enable the employee to spend more time with his or her boss.
 Provide the opportunity for the employee to cross-train in other roles and
 Allow employees to pursue training and development in direction they choose, not just
in company-assigned and needed direction.
 Have your company support learning, in general, and not just in support of knowledge
needed for employee’s current or next anticipated job. Recognize that the key factor
is keeping the employee interested, attending, and engaged.
Ms Leena Rastogi was a new staff who had four years of working experience in a
TPA. She joined ICICI Lombard as a staff. She was facing too much of problems in
ICICI as she was not getting much co-operation from her peers. She was not in a position
to handle her job properly. Her performance was properly checked. She herself was very
de motivated. Her cases were being escalated. It was a matter of concern for the
department. She was reporting to Rashmi Survey. Once a meeting was held were the
National Manager Mr. Murtuzza was present. He was not much happy with Leena’s
work. But he was immediately informed that Ms Leena was a new joinee from a TPA.
Leena was provided a proper workshop. Two days training period was conducted
for her. After that she improved. Her present performance was compared with her initial
performance. There was a marked difference. Leena gained her confidence and after that
she was never questioned about her work.


Morale indicates happiness of the employees with the organizational environment.

It is akin to job satisfaction.

Employee morale benefits everyone involved in a work place. Boosting employee

morale means that people will take more pride in their work,


Most people thrive on feeling appreciated. You can improve employee morale by
showing your appreciation in simple ways, such as rewarding an employee by saying,
"job well done," or, "thank you for the good work." It is a grave mistake on the part of
employers to only interact with their workers when there is a problem.

Another way to show appreciation and boost employee morale is by being

friendly and interested in your employees. A warm smile and a sincere query about how
one is doing will in turn motivate employees. Knowing people’s names and personalizing
the work environment inspires employees to want to help you.

Encouraging social interaction between employees and immediately resolving

conflict is another way to improve employee morale. Social events such as office picnics
and softball games create a sense of camaraderie between employees.

A very important factor in improving employee morale is the work environment.

Psychological research shows that atmosphere greatly and directly affects the motivation
level and feeling of well being of the employees in a workplace. When possible,
providing comfortable and aesthetically pleasing furniture is one way that researchers
suggest to motivate people. Lighting, flowers and artwork can also help improve
employee morale.

There is no more powerful tool for improving morale (with the possible exception
of doubling one’s salary) than making work fun. Fun, humor and laughter are enjoyable
in their own right, but they also make your work more enjoyable by reducing the stress
your job generates—as well as the negative emotional state that goes with it. They help
let go of frustrations and upsets that accumulate during the day. Jokes related to the
source of the upset provide a means of airing complaints in a way that doesn’t feed
negativity in the office. This kind of venting is especially valuable in sustaining morale in
situations where you simply have to learn to live with a negative situation for the time
being. During the Vietnam War, POWs were tortured and kept isolated in an effort to
break their morale. Gerald Coffee, author of Beyond Survival, spent seven years in a
Vietnamese POW camp. He noted that one way he and fellow prisoners kept their morale
up was by telling jokes to each other in Morse code through their prison walls.

Chief executive officers often find unique ways to bond with employees at all
levels. Here’s one example. Global design and structural engineering consulting firm
Meinhardt International’s Singapore-based CEO, S Nasim, has successfully devised a
new method of ensuring employee morale. During his first meeting with a new employee,
he gives out his mobile and home phone number as well as his personal e-mail ID. The
employees are also told that if they ever feel frustrated or upset with anything in the
company, they can directly contact him. This helps keep employees happy and satisfied

ICICI Lombard is a general insurance company. There are good numbers of
Relationship Manager. They belong to different vertical like, FIG, CSG, CMG & SME.
But lately the business was going down. There was not much productive. Absenteeism
was also increasing. There were no new customer and also the company lost some of its
platinum to Reliance. These platinum companies were major fund riser. The company
was indeed going through crisis.
Manager HR Mr. Jitesh Baba had to look into the matter. He had sent mail to all
the relationship managers with a list of question. Those questions were as below.
1. Their tenure in the company.
2. Number of clients being handled.
3. Numbers of new business they were getting for the organization.
4. Numbers of visits they were giving to their clients.
5. Premium received from the company.
6. Their current salary.
7. Their achievement.

It was found that maximum Relationship manager was doing pretty well. Their work
had received applause. Initially they were happy with a well-done mail and appreciation.
But it was found that during performance appraisal they were not given good rating, as a
result the raise that was given was not enough. Even because of recession, bonus was not
given at all. As a result many of them left the organization and joined other banks or
insurance company.

As it is evident that the relationship managers were suffering from low morale
that resulted in low productive. An immediate remedy was mandatory. Organization has
to give proper raise as well as bonus to retain the relationship managers. Relationship
managers are the major asset of an organization.

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