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Urgent-Important matrix

Urgent-Important matrix is one of the helpful time management tools and approach open to
us and usually referred to as the Eisenhower Matrix. This matrix can help us in prioritizing
the tasks based on the scale of importance of urgency. At the core of this matrix, there are
two main questions –

 Is this task urgent?

 Is this task important?

Before understanding this, we have to know the actual difference between urgent and
important. The task becomes urgent when it needs immediate attention and one pointed at
defensive, hurried and negative. Such tasks also put an individual in a reactive approach. On
the contrary side, tasks which hold importance contribute in long term goals, purpose and
value system. These tasks put an individual to follow a responsive approach which helps
them to be rational, logical, and polite and ultimately, help in gaining new opportunities. It
may be a time when important tasks can also be perceived as urgent, however, usually, they
are not.

Business scholar Stephen Covey also has mentioned about Time Management Matrix as
showing – Urgent vs. important tasks in his book - The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People and First Things First. Through this matrix, he wants to help people to improve their
time management skills while allowing to challenge activities that are a waste of time and
efforts. There are a total of four quadrants in this matrix stating as –

1) Urgent/Important – Highest priority tasks, need to be done now.

2) Not urgent/Important – Focusing on for long term attainment of objectives and
required strategic thinking.
3) Urgent/Not important – needs tasks elimination or minimisation while re-assess the
importance of such tasks, perhaps add little to no value.
4) Not urgent/Not important – Often known as trivial time wasters or called to be as
“dicking around” activities. Needs total elimination and minimization.

Some of the examples are presented below in relation to these four quadrants -
The Time Management Matrix

Interest Not Urgent

Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2

It includes activities such as – It includes activities such as –


 Project Meetings  Exercise and Personal care

 Work needs to be submitted  Holding relations with family and

on a hard deadline. friends.

 Family emergencies  Assessing the career path

 Last-minute demands  Working towards aims

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4

It includes activities such as – It includes activities such as –

Not - Important

 Telephone calls (off-topic)  Tedious browsing on the web

 Emails need a response  Playing television and surfing on

immediately or they will social media

lose value.  Activities we used to delay for

 Reports some other works

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