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Assignment-1 “Should You Listen to the Customer?

Group Members Name ID

Md. Hossain Ahmed 1835274090
Meherun Nesa 1735297090

Course Name: Principles of Marketing and Management

Professor’s Name: Professor Md. Mizanur Rahman

Submission Date: 01.03.2019

Name: Hossain Ahmed
Student ID: 1835274090
Should You Listen to the Customer?
Name : Meherun Nesa
ID : 1735297090

Summary of the Case:

The main problem identified in this case is related to the communication between Elizabeth and
Natalia on one side and Henry on the other. The discussion of whether or not we should listen to
customers to foster creativity and innovation is a recurring one. Natalia needs to decide whether
to bring her new marketing director's customer research plan to the board or follow the founder's
lead and support creativity from within. The company's founder, however, believes that
innovation comes from employees, not customers.

4 Basic strength of this Case Study:

The value proposition of Delacroix is consisting of the dance show but also the 'show enablers'
(price level, price model, venue, launch, publicity, frequency, location, positioning, and so on).
While approaching international customers - it would be important to understand the awareness
levels, interests & expectations from Delacroix's troupe. We agree with Henry that artistic people
determine the core value of their value proposition, and that it needs to be done in freedom.

Weakness of this Case Study:

 Both Henry and Elizabeth might be right, but none of them was able to clearly and
tactfully explain their vision also Elizabeth failed to explain to Natalia and to the board
members the power that resides in customer intelligence and how customer survey can
help on accomplishing company’s mission.
 According to the academic scholars, there is a key difference between being customer-led
and customer-oriented which clearly Henry misunderstands the crucial difference
between being informed by customer desires versus being led by them.

5 big lesson from this Case Study That We learned:

1. We think customer survey is important for Delacroix only they go for international
market otherwise If customers know before what is to be expected, they may feel boring
and might not go back to see again.
2. Customer survey may not be applicable for the Delacroix because this type of company is
not a company that makes products where marketing department have to do lots of
research, it is a company that delivers art.
3. Dance performance is creative business and Delacroix cannot get that much meaningful
data or information from customer research.
4. Generally, market research is not used for Entertainment Company, market research only
needs to be used for purposes of price, environment and so on, and we should know that
to assume the same method may not reproduce a similar result in every context.
5. From this case it is clear that customers should ask what they like, to know their most
favorite, what stirred them emotionally, what they had trouble understanding through
some demographic questions rather ask them what they want to see.

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