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1.Define communication by enumerating the five elements of the

communication process.

Answer: Communication is the unique tool that marketers use to persuade

consumers to act in a desired way. It can also be symbolic—represented, say, by a
high price, premium packaging, or a memorable logo—and convey special meaning
that the marketer wants to impart.

Communication can evoke emotions that put consumers in a more receptive frame
of mind, and it can encourage purchases that help consumers solve problems or
avoid negative outcomes.

Sender: This is the person that is delivering a message to a recipient.

Message: This refers to the information that the sender is relaying to the receiver.

Channel of communication: This is the transmission or method of delivering the


Decoding: This is the interpretation of the message. Decoding is performed by the


Receiver: The receiver is the person who is getting or receiving the message.

Feedback: In some instances, the receiver might have feedback or a response for
the sender. This starts an interaction.

2. What is the significance of communication?

Answer: Communication is so important because it lets the other person or persons

know what you are feeling. If we didn't say anything to each other we would not know
what was going on inside. It lets you understand what the other person is saying or
thinking at a given time.
It is also important to expressing our thoughts, our ideas, our feelings, our views
• For connecting with others
•Sharing information
•Giving advice
•Writing rules and laws
•Sharing values
•For expressing our creativity
•For expressing our life philosophy
•Sharing the findings of our research work
•Selling goods and services
•Publicity and advertising
•Networking with people with common interests

3. Features of communication

1. Information/Messages: Information or message is the basic element of all types of
communication. Communication takes place to transfer particular informational
2. Transfer of message: The main function of communication is to transfer particular
message or information.
3. Two or more persons: Basically communication is a two way process. One person
cannot make successful communication. At least two persons are required to
complete the communication process.
4. Media: Without a media communication cannot take place. Information can be
transferred through written, verbal or non-verbal media.
5. Feedback: Communication experts think that 'no feedback-no communication'.
Infect the communication cycle ends with feedback. For effective communication
there must be feedback from the receiver.
6. Specific objectives: Communication always made to satisfy a predetermined
objective(s). That is in any type of communication there must be a specific purpose.
7. Understanding: Communication must include both the transfer and understanding
of messages. Only the transfer of messages cannot complete the communication
To be effective the transferred message must be understood by the receiver.
8. Barriers: where there is communication there must be some kind of barriers. In
real world we cannot think of communication without barriers. In fact we are to make
communication by overcoming the barriers.
9. Dynamic Process: Communication is not a static process; rather it is a dynamic
process which has different steps.
10. Indispensable: Perhaps the most important feature of communication is, if is an
indispensable part of human life or social life. Without communication will be static.

4. What are the principles of communication?

Answer: 1. Completeness: In a complete message, the audience has everything

they need to be informed and, if applicable, take action.
Does your message include a "call to action", so that your audience clearly knows
what you want them to do?
Have you included all relevant information - contact names, dates, times, locations,
and so on?

2. Conciseness: When you're concise in your communication, you stick to the point
and keep it brief. Your audience doesn't want to read six sentences when you could
communicate your message in three.
Are there any adjectives or "filler words" that you can delete? You can often eliminate
words like "for instance," "you see," "definitely," "kind of," "literally," "basically," or "I
Are there any unnecessary sentences?
• Have you repeated the point several times, in different ways?

3. Concreteness:
When your message is concrete, then your audience has a clear picture of what
you're telling them. There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts, and there's
laser like focus. Your message is solid.

4. Courtesy:
Courteous communication is friendly, open, and honest. There are no hidden insults
or passive-aggressive tones. You keep your reader's viewpoint in mind, and you're
empathetic to their needs.

5. Clarity:
When your communication is coherent, it's logical. All points are connected and
relevant to the main topic, and the tone and flow of the text is consistent. NATIONAL

6. Correctness:
When your communication is correct, it fits your audience. And correct
communication is also error-free communication.
Do the technical terms you use fit your audience's level of education or knowledge?
Have you checked your writing for grammatical errors? Remember, spell checkers
won't catch everything.
Are all names and titles spelled correctly?

7. Clear:
When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or message. What is
your purpose in communicating with this person? If you're not sure, then your
audience won't be sure either.
5. How to make communication effective?

Answer: Effective communication is when a desired result of received through the

process of communication. Not only is the desired effect received but it also is made
to last and influence the potential increase after the message is passed and

•Use actual rather than intellectual words wherever possible.

•The content has to be made meaningful to the receiver
•The message should be framed according to the capability of the receiver.
•There should be a proper blend of verbal and non-verbal communication
•Eye contact should be maintained
•Speak at a moderate rate and Communicate a little at a time.
•Create rapport with the receiver
•Select appropriate channel
•Encourage listening & feedback
•Avoid communicating in extreme emotional states
•Know your audience, your purpose, your topic.
•Anticipate objections.
•Achieve credibility with your audience.
•Follow through on what you say.
•Present information in several ways.
•Develop a practical, useful way to get feedback.
•Use multiple communication techniques.

1. Define Advertising with example.

Answer: Advertising is any form of paid non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or
services for the purpose of inducing people to buy. Examples include informing
people about a new product, a change to your practices, special features or services,
or even just letting customers know that you exist in the first place.

2. What Are the Objectives of Advertising?

Answer: There are 3 main objectives of advertising – to inform about the brand or
offering, to persuade to buy or perform a task and to remind and reinforce the brand

To Inform
Advertisements are used to increase brand awareness and brand exposure in the
target market. Informing potential customers about the brand and its products is the
first step toward attaining business goals.

To Persuade
Persuading customers to perform a particular task is a prominent objective of
advertising. The tasks may involve buying or trying the products and services
offered, forming a brand image, developing a favorable attitude towards the brand

To Remind
Another objective of advertising is to reinforce the brand message and to reassure
the existing and potential customers about the brand vision. Advertising helps the
brand to maintain top-of-mind awareness and to avoid competitors stealing the
customers. This also helps in the word-of-mouth marketing.

Other objectives of advertising are subsets of these three objectives. These subsets

Brand building
Increasing sales
Creating demand
Expanding customer base
Changing customers’ attitudes, etc.

3. What are the factors influence of consumer behavior in advertisement?

Answer: Advertisement is an attempt at creativity which influences the consumer’s
motive to buy a particular product and change or make the perception of the product
in the mind of the consumers. Advertisement appeal act as a supplier to arouse the
psychological motive of the consumer for buying. Advertisement involves rational
and emotional appeals. In rational appeals the product can be emphasized mainly on
its benefits and the problems which it can solve while on the other hand emotional
appeal meet the consumer’s psychological, emotional and social requirements.
Advertisement is a way to communicate with the audience. They believed that
culture highly influence the buying behaviors of the people because every person
has different wants and trends according to their life styles. Thus, if we say that
advertisement is like a magic than it will not be false because advertisement actually
changes the needs and wants of the people and sometimes it creates the need
among the people. People are highly affected by the advertisements and
organizations are trying to target the masses of the people. Organizations are using
above the line and below the line techniques of the advertisement which fit best with
their products. Researchers have found that media advertisement are most popular
advertisements and people like television ads, so it is a suitable medium to advertise
products like cosmetics and FMCG.

4. Impact of Advertising in Consumer Behavior briefly explain.

Answer: Role of advertisement is to carry message to the far distances. It is also use
to target the scatter mass audience. The role of advertising on sales volume is very
important. It is proved to be very essential tool in enhancing the sales of brand.
Advertisement is directly linked with the sales of the products. Through
advertisements customer behavior shaped and they motivate to buy such products.
Researchers found that repetition in the advertisement hit the mind of the customers
which also help them to remember that product and purchase repeatedly.

• Advertising persuades the audience of usefulness of the product and makes them
feel the need to have the product. effective advertisement creates demand and
makes the person go to shop and buy the product.

• It promotes new uses of the product and helps in understanding the methods of
using it.

• Attracts customers with special offers like festival discounts, stock clearance sales

• Comparative advertising creates brand preference.

• It reminds the consumer about the product and thereby induces them to repurchase

• It provides information about availability of products, method of using product etc.

• It overcomes the dissonance of customers.

5. How Consumer attitude and behaviors affect in advertising?
Answer: Consumer buying pattern is directly evolved from the consumer behavior
and its attitude. Many things combine to build up the behavior of any individual. The
first thing which influences the consumer behavior and shapes it is his culture.
Culture builds the strong perceptions of the products in the mind of the customers.
There are several national and international brands which people recognized and
have strong perception in their minds. These perceptions are pinched in their mind
because of their culture, life styles and surroundings. Also, advertisements have very
important role in shaping the consumer behavior. Advertisements are the source of
motivation which forces them to buy a particular product. Advertisements are also a
source of building trust. Consumer is induced significantly if he is looking for the
quality and prices of the products. Purchase attitude can also be built up by product
evaluation and brand recognition.
Consumers in all over the world are attracted towards the brand and products which
are emotionally attached with their behaviors. Studies found that emotional
attachments put a huge influence on the customers and their buying behavior as
people tend to associate themselves with the brand.
Advertisements shape the behaviors of the people through cognition. Cognition is
the perception of a person towards the information communicated through
advertisements. These cognitions are observed by the individual through his senses,
perception, attention, memory, reasoning, language, etc. best way of attracting the
customers is to understand the psychological cognitive aspects of the consumers.

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