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How to prepare the case report?

1. Problem statement (What is the case about?) (2-3 sentences)

2. Central issues of the case. (You can use a matrix (2*2) based on importance
and urgency each having High and Low categories.
3. Corporate culture of NES China. (Mention the points only).
4. Environment in China
5. Possible alternative solutions to overcome the problem (Mention the pros
and cons of each solution alternative)
6. Pick up the best solution(s). You must give justification favoring your
7. Design implementation plan (Specify the timeframe and specific course of

Some points to consider

1. Form a group of 3/4 members.

2. Prepare a report of 2-3 pages excluding title page.
3. Use A4 page, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Space: 1.5.
4. Don’t bind the report; just staple.
5. Prepare PowerPoint Presentation for 5 minutes. (2 members will present
and 1/2 will defend. I will select who will be doing what.)

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