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Grado Noveno

1.    los pronombres personales en inglés y español

 I (ái) - yo.
 you (iú) - tú / usted.
 he (jí) - él.
 she (shí) - ella.
 it (it) - él /ello / ella (objeto)
 we (uí) - nosotros / nosotras.
 you (iú) - ustedes / vosotros.
 they (déi) - ellos / ellas

2.     Elija la opción correcta para responder las preguntas en presente simple

         Are you Irish?

a.    Yes, he is.

b.    Yes, they are.

c.    No, I'm not.

d.    No, he isn't.

         Is it a ruler?

a.    No, it isn't.

b.    Yes, she is.

c.    Yes, we are.

d.    No, they aren't.

3.    Señale la opción correcta para completar las oraciones en presente

         My sister _____ Spanish.

a.    Learn

b.    is learning

c.     learning

d.    learnt

         I _____ at the hair salon until September.

a.    Work

b.    be working

c.     am working

d.    works

         We _____ at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason decided this yesterday.

a.    Eat

b.     are eating

c.     Eats

d.    ate

         Why ________ playing football tomorrow?

a.    he not is

b.     he isn't

c.     isn't he

d.    Is he
         They are _____ a new shopping mall downtown.

a.     Opening

b.     Opening

c.     Oppening

d.    Open

¡En ésta última pregunta las opciones a y b son iguales!

4.    Llene los espacios con el comparativo del adjetivo entre paréntesis

         A rock is heavier than a leaf. (heavy)

         Our house is bigger than yours. (big)

         The princess is beautifuller than the witch. (beautiful)

          Tom is a gooder student than Mary. (good)

          Bicycles are saffer than motorbikes. (safe)

         July is hotter than January. (hot)

         A lion is dangerouser than a cat. (dangerous)

         Helen is happier than Mary. (happy)

          Computers are expensiverer than telephones. (expensive)

          I think golf is borringger than football. (boring)

5.    Llene los espacios con el superlative de los adjetivos entre paréntesis.

         It is the largest shop in town. (large)

         2. Monday is the baddest day of the week. (bad)

          Ben was the noisiest person in his family. (noisy)

         Sam is the in the popularest class. (popular)

         Which is the difficultest subject at school? (difficult)

         Jim is the goodest player in the football team. (good)

          Elephants are the heaviest animals. (heavy)

          Let's pick the biggest apple of the tree. (big)

          Mary is the thinnest girl in the class. (thin)

         That is the comfortablest sofa in our house. (comfortable)

6.    Escriba 5 oraciones utilizando verbos de estado


-       I think too much about my exboyfriend

-       I am going to continue working

-       We will have the best attitude for everything

-       I like chocolate

-       My aunt seems to be sad

-       I believe in God

7.    Escriba F si las siguientes afirmaciones son falsas o V si son verdaderas

         La expresión de cantidad MUCH se utiliza con sustantivos contables (  F   )

         La expresión de cantidad MANY se utiliza con sustantivos contables (  V    )

         A few significa en español, unos pocos ( V    )

         a Little se usa con sustantivos no contables ( V )

8.    Lea el texto, tradúzcalo y responda las preguntas según el texto

Canada's Tallest Tree

A man named Randy liked to hunt trees. He looked for big trees and old trees.
He made maps to show where these trees were. He did not want to cut them
down. He wanted people to take care of them.

Randy was told of a very tall tree on Vancouver Island. The tree was said to be
314 feet tall. That would make it the tallest tree in Canada. Randy set out to find
the tree.

But someone else found it first. It was found by a logger. Loggers wanted to cut
down Canada’s tallest tree and all the trees around it.

Randy made a path in the forest so people could see the tall tree. The tree was
so big and beautiful it would fill them with awe. More and more people wanted
to save that forest. Thanks to these people, that forest is now a park. Canada’s
tallest tree is still there.

There may still be a bigger tree out there. Maybe you will find it. But there are
only a few old forests left in Canada. Many are still at risk of being cut down.

1. Why did Randy make maps?

A.   The maps help the loggers.

B.    Randy makes maps to help campers.

C.    He makes maps to show where Canada's biggest trees

are located.

D.    He makes maps because he works for the government.

2. What did the loggers want to do to Canada's tallest tree?

A.    They wanted to cut it down.

B.    Save the tree.

C.    Take pictures of the tree.

D.    Measure the tree to find out how tall it was.

2. Why did Randy make a path to the tallest tree in Canada?

A.    He needed the path to get home.

B. He wanted more people to see it

C. He made a path, so he could visit the tree more easily

D. He made a path to help loggers get to the tree

4.    What happened to the forest where Randy found Canada’s tallest tree?

A.   Then loggers might cut it down in the future

B.   Nobody kows, it’s a mistery

C.   The loggers cut it down

D.   It became a park

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