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Hypnosis had been used for many years for professionals to solve different problems

related with health, fears, anxiety etc. during a hypnosis session the person experience

changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, or behaviour. There are many different

hypnotic inductions, but most of them include suggestions for relaxation end calmness. As

every person is different, the way they respond to a hypnosis therapy can be different too.

Some people describe their experience as an altered state of consciousness. Others describe

hypnosis as a normal state of focused attention, in which they feel very calm and relaxed.

Despite of how and to what degree they respond, most people describe the experience as

very pleasant. 1

Most people can be hypnotized in some degree, but they vary in their degree of

responsiveness to hypnotic suggestions, this is called is hypnotizability or hypnotic

susceptibility. Hypnotizability can be measured using special tests or hypnotizability scales.

Those tests rates people on their responsiveness to suggestions, people are rated as high,

medium, or low hypnotizable individuals depending on whether they respond to many or

few suggestions.2


People who have high and medium hypnotisability average are sufficiently to use hypnosis

in medical, dental, or psychological therapy. People who are low in hypnotizability can

improve in their response to suggestions with training and practice, and in that way use

hypnosis to work on their problems, however, many clinical uses of hypnosis do not require

very high hypnotisability.



Advanced writing
Sleep Disorders Magali Viscarra Zúniga.
April 18th, 2007.

Maybe the most pleasant moment at the day is when its time to sleep. We want to recover

energy and rest. However, the sleep hours not always are what we expect. There are some

sleep disorders that affect us such as nightmares, apnea and insomnia.

Surely more than once we have dreams where we experience fear or anxiety; those dreams

that are not pleasant are called nightmares.

Nightmares can be understood by learning about the useful nature of dreams and by

recognizing that many nightmares, represent opportunities for therapeutic, and can warn of

psychological imbalances that we need to remedy, or of current behaviors or decisions

which may soon become detrimental unless we change them.3 In other words nightmares

usually represent problems or preoccupation that we have, and until we solve them they

will be appearing.

Sometimes when we try to sleep we simple cannot, we spend hours and hours trying to seep

until we finally do it. Unfortunately for some people this problem is more that spend some

hours trying to sleep, those people spend days even weeks without sleep a single hour. This

sleep disorder is called Insomnia, which is the inability to fall asleep or get enough sleep. It

is often generate by stress and results in worrying that inhibits proper sleep. Fortunately

there are some treatments that little by little can achieve the origin of the patient’s problem

and improve the disorder.

Another sleep disorder that affect considerable our seep hour is Sleep apnea. This disorder

can affect both the person who suffer it and the people who live with the person affected.

We know this disorder as snore, but actually the sleep apnea is lapses of breathing during

sleep (mainly during Rapid Eye Movement sleep), this problem is often connected with

obesity and/or intense snoring which results in excessive sleepiness during the day.

Unfortunately, it has little way of knowing about the source of the trouble.4


Advanced writing
Risks of using cell phones Magali Viscarra Zúniga.
April 18th, 2007.

The risk of using cell phone on health has been reach for the lasts years. Some researchers
had concluded that the use of cell phones is not harmful, but some other investigations have
shown that the use of mobile phones over a long period of time can raise the risk for brain
tumors and it increases risk of infertility on men.

Researchers at the Swedish National Institute for Working Life said the use of mobile
phones over a long period of time can raise the risk for brain tumors and it increases risk of
infertility. These researchers said they looked at the mobile phone use of 905 people
between the age of 20 and 80 who had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and
found a link.5

85 of subjects of the investigation who were at a high level of risk to have tumors on the
brain were high users of mobile phones. Kjell Mild, who led the study, said the figures
meant that heavy users of mobile phones, for instance of who make mobile phone calls for
2,000 hours or more in their life, had a 240 percent increased risk for a malignant tumor on
the side of the head the phone is used. 6

Also, those men who use the movil phone for more than four hours a day had the worst
sperm counts and the poorest quality sperm, according to results released at the American
Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting in New Orleans. 7The electromagnetic
radiation emitted by handsets or the heat they generate could cause the damage, doctors


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