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How to start a positive change

“Healthy mind in healthy body” says Juvenal’s most famous proverb, which shows a vision
of a more integral life: it is necessary to do exercise not only to have a healthy body but
also to have a better life.
This is the positive attitude to make new purposes according to specialists. It is natural that
people want to change their defects such as overweight, addictions, bad economic situation
or lack of love in their lives.
To admit personal faults is an important step, but no problem can be solved from
weaknesses or lacks. For that reason, every personal purpose should be based on our
strengthens taking into consideration our personal resources, the ones we already have and
that we can use in the changes we should do.
For example, if a person needs a better job, then it is necessary to a have a professional
developmental plan that could include higher educational options, additional training in a
program or an extra course.
Or instead of having the purpose of losing weight, it is better to recognize the importance of
the physical exercise in our lives, and propose to strengthen our heart. The advantage of
this objective is that exercise increases physical strengths, improves blood circulation,
eliminates stress, increases work performance, and initiates discipline, and the fulfilling
objective focus, also, helps to lose weight.

AW 1P1 P1
Personal development
Purposes are attainable if they are realistic and are based on the individual strengths.
Nets and social achievements
We can not underestimate the importance of being part of a community. The fulfillment of
our objectives depends on our capacity to adapt ourselves to the new and changing
conditions of work. Take the time to share with your best friends and people you know, and
make sure you recognize other people’s achievements. This is a social inversion that will
give you results.
Emotional stability
Nothing defines better in what moment of our lives we are, as the relation with our family
and people we love. Give a high priority to your family necessities, recognize the faults of
your relations and listen to what your couple thinks about how to solve them. Plan to spend
time with your family each week.
Strength and physical capacity
The energy we need to work, our social life, our family and even to love comes from our
body. Exercise is important because it gives you strength and energy, improves your heart
and its resistance, as a result, it makes your life longer. Remember that happiness is
produced by a chemical in our brain, and exercise makes that chemical be liberated.
Intellectual growing
It is natural that people want a better job and a better salary, but if this is your purpose you
need a good professional developmental plan. What do you like to do? Which are your
strengthens? Once you have defined your way, make yourself reputation, and invert in your
job abilities with more education.
Spiritual life
To most people the spiritual aspect is very important. A church is a social anchor, also, in
the church it is possible to form community relations and friendship. If we plan our
purposes as axis of personal development in the social, emotional, physical and intellectual
aspects, consequently, the spiritual aspect is used as concrete to join them.

AW 1P2 P1
Life quality Advanced writing
Magali Viscarra Zúniga.
(Abstract) January 15th 2007

The article is about the focus people have about life and how they can have a balance in
their lives despite the violent environment we have in our country. Some doctors give their
opinions about stress and agree that by itself stress is not negative. The article presents
some advice on how stress can be managed. It concludes setting the idea that if stress is
replaced by positive activities, it is possible to make personal changes.

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