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Upgrading EBS Volume Types-Lab [Do lab one more time important for exam,4-5 or 6

question from this section]

* AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

* EBS (Elastic Block Store)
* EFS (Elastic File System)

* NS Name Service --rout 53

* SOA Start of authority -Routr53

* RDS Relational Database Service

* DMS Database Migration Service
* SNS Simple Notification Service
* SQS Simple Queue Service
* SWF Simple WorkFLow
* ARN Amazon Resource Name

* ACL Access Control Lists

* RDP Remote Desktop Protocol

*TTL Time TO Live

* CORS Cross Origin Resource Sharing

* SES Simple Email Service
* RRS Reduced Redundancy Storage
* RDP Remote Desktop Protocol

* STS Security Token Group

* VDI Virtual Desktop Interface-WorkSpaces

* ECS ---> Elastic Container Service

* Key Management Infrastructure (KMI)

* Hardware Security Module (HSM)

* AWS SAM serverless application model
* SEM Simple email service
* EFS Elastic File system

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