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MUCH - e pentru singular MANY - e pentru plural

MUCH TIME - mult timp MANY TIMES - de multe ori

MUCH SUN - mult soare MANY PEOPLE - multi oameni
MUCH RAIN - multa ploaie MANY IDEAS - multe idei
MUCH NOISE - mult zgomot MANY CLOUDS - multi nori
MUCH ANGER - multa suparare MANY FISH - multi pesti
MUCH HAPPINESS - multa fericire MANY DEER - multi cerbi/caprioare
MUCH FUN - multa distractie MANY SHEEP - multe oi
MUCH MONEY - multi bani MANY THINGS - multe lucruri
MUCH LAND - mult pamant MANY LANDS - multe pamanturi
MUCH SAND - mult nisip MANY TABLES - multe mese
MUCH SUGAR - mult zahar MANY CARS - multe masini
MUCH HOMEWORK - multe teme MANY FISH - multi pesti
MUCH WATER - multa apa MANY FLOWERS - multe flori
MUCH FURNITURE - multa mobila MANY HOURS - multe ore
MUCH WATER - multa apa MANY WALKS - multe plimbari
MUCH CRYING - mult plans MANY HARDSHIPS - multe greutati
MUCH WORK - multa munca MANY COUNTRIES - multe tari
MUCH SALT - multa sare MANY BOOKS - multe carti
MUCH SPACE - mult spatiu

Cateodata un cuvant in engleza nu are plural pe cand in romana are - much

money, much homework

Much - se foloseste cu multimi nenumarabile

In engleza moderna, se foloseste in propozitii interogative si negative

In propozitiile afirmative se inlocuieste cu a lot
Is there much work to be done? - E multa munca de facut?
He doesn't know much. - El nu stie prea mult
I have a lot of work to do. - Am multa munca de facut.

Many - se foloseste cu multimi numarabile

Se foloseste in propozitii interogative si negative.
In propozitiile afirmative se poate inlocui cu a lot of dar se foloseste si many
of sau many, dupa context
Are there many coins in the drawer? - Sunt multi banuti in sertar?

There are not many lion tamers in the world - Nu sunt multi imblanzitori de
lei in lume

There are a lot of coins in the drawer - Sunt multi banuti in sertar.


Pentru much se foloseste verbul la singular

Pentru many se foloseste verbul la plural

There isn't much water left - Nu mai e multa apa ramasa

There aren't many wolves left - Nu mai sunt multi lupi

+ optional ( nu este in programa scolara)

so much - atata
So much work needs to be done - Atata munca mai e de facut

so many - atatia, atatea

So many people nowadays are tired - Atatia oameni in ziua de azi sunt

much more - mult mai mult

Much more time is needed - Mult mai mult timp e necesar

many more - mult mai multi

Nowadays, many more people go to college - In ziua de azi, mult mai multi
oameni merg la facultate

so much...that: atat, atata...incat

So much time has passed that he may not remember you - Atata timp a trecut
incat s-ar putea sa nu-si aminteasca de tine

so many...that - atati, atatia...incat

So many leaves have fallen that the ground is a carpet of leaves. - Atatea
frunze au cazut incat pamantul e un covor de frunze

In raspunsuri, afirmatii legate de sentimente se foloseste very much

I like it very much - Imi place foarte mult
Thank you, very much - Multumesc foarte mult.

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