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FORM: 3H, 3F, 3C TERM III 2018 TIME: 1 hr 30 mins

Calculators NOT allowed. Show all working. Diagrams essential. Neat Work.

1. a) Solve for x and y in the pair of equations:

(i) 5x + 3y = 21 (ii) 2x + y = 11
2x + 7y = 20 x=7–y
b) A girl bought 2 rotis and 3 pies for $10.00. If she had bought 5 rotis and 2 pies she would
have paid $19.50.
(i) Write two equations to represent the information given above.
(ii) Calculate the cost of a roti.
(iii) Calculate the cost of a pie. [8]

Total = 16 marks

2. a) Calculate the value of x in each triangle shown:

i) ii) x cm iii)
x˚ 40˚ 35˚
6 cm 8 cm 10 cm
x cm

4 cm
b) Determine the value of each of the following;
4 1
−( ) 4 3/2
i) 83 ii) 27 3 iii)
c) Make x the subject of the formula
i) y = mx + c ii) x2 + y2 = w2 [2,2]
Total = 25 marks
3. A survey of 60 families showed that 31 had a television set and 23 had a CD player; 25 had neither.
Illustrate the above information using a Venn Diagram and hence determine the number of families
who had both a television and a CD player. [5], [3]
Total = 8 marks

4. a) (i)Using rulers and compasses only, construct the triangle PQR shown.

9 cm

45˚ Q
R Q [6]

(ii) Measure and state the length RQ. [3]

b) Karen deposits $1000 in her bank. What is the amount in the bank after 2 years, with
compound interest at 10 % per annum? [4]
Total = 13 marks
5. a) Remove the brackets and simplify

i) (3x + 2 )(x – 1) [3]

ii) (x ̶ 6) ( x ̶ 9) [3]
iii) (x + 4)2 [3]

b) Solve for x by the method of factorization

i) x2 ̶ 8 x + 15 = 0 [4]
ii) 3 x2 + 23 x + 14 = 0 [4]

c) One card is chosen from a pack of 52 playing cards.

What is the probability that the card is: (a) a King (b) a black card [3]
Total = 20 marks

6. a) Find i) the area of the sector OAB

ii) the total perimeter of OABO

Use π = 22
7 42 cm

O 30˚

b) Find the volume of the bird cage shown. [6]

15 cm

20 cm

7 cm

c) Find the volume of a ball of radius 7 cm. [2]

Total = 18 marks

The End.

Growth in Assessment Competence: 2(b)

The two principles that will be looked at concerning this test are Validity and Reliability. Is this

test Valid? Validity refers to the degree to which a method assesses what it claims or intends to assess.

In Content Validity the assessment method should match the content of the work. This statement would

hold for Questions: 1, 2(b, c), 4(b), 5(a, b), 3 and 6 as all that was taught on these particular topics do

test every aspect of the topic. The other questions only test one aspect of the content that was taught.

Now, Criterion Validity relates to whether the assessment method is explicit in terms of procedures

correlating with particular behaviours. This test was created based upon previous end of term exams

that had been already created for this particular term so its content was very similar to that. The results

that were yielded were considerably similar to that of the previous year, hence, it might be concluded

that this test had a relatively high criterion validity. The next aspect in Validity is Construct Validity.

This relates to whether scores reflect the items being tested. Some questions in this exam do conform to

Construct Validity such as Question 6, 1, 2(b, c), 4(b), 5(a, b) and 3 as they do conform to the ‘what do

we want to measure?’ questions, however in the other questions some aspect of this is missing and is
not addressed. The last type of Validity is Face Validity. This is where the content of the test appears to

be suitable to its aims. This test was created based upon the scheme of work for this particular term,

hence, all the topics that should have been taught for this term would be reflected in the questions put

in this end of term test. Therefore, the questions on the test would have covered all topics that would

have been taught, hence, this test should have a relatively high face validity as all content would have

been covered.

Is this test Reliable? Reliability refers to the extent to which an assessment method or instrument

measures consistently the performance of the student. Test-retest reliability measures the consistency of

the same test over time. This aspect of reliability in this test has not been examined, only assumptions

can be made of this. Now, Interrater reliability measures the consistency of the same test conducted by

different people. This aspect of reliability can be considered as tested as the exam was given to three

from three classes having different supervisors and the responses of the students were relatively the

same according to the supervisors. Another aspect of reliability is Parallel forms, the measures different

versions of a test which are designed to be equivalent. This aspect of reliability as well has not been

examined, only assumptions can be made of this. Lastly, Internal consistency, measures the consistency

of the individual items of a test. This end of term test does lack in some questions in terms of internal

consistency as all aspects taught on a topic was not measured.

In terms of Validity, some questions can be improved upon, these are Questions: 2(a), 4(a) and

5(c) require attention in both content and construct validity as they are missing aspects of the topics

that would have been taught in those questions. For example, in question 2(a) there lacks a worded

problem and in question 4(a) lacks variety as this as well was not the only type of angles that were

taught to be constructed. For these questions, all aspects should be tested where is lacking by putting in

the missing content. In terms of Reliability, this exam would have done poorly as only one aspect of

reliability had proven to be well. Suggestions for this would be to in the future perform these missing

tests of reliability and improve on internal consistency by putting in questions that would allow for

testing of all aspects taught on a topic.

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