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House office work children

2. Out inside next to part
3. raise raising raises ir raised
4. cooked cooking cooks will cook
5. recognise will recognise is recognising are recognising
6. mother’s women’s children’s man’s
7. impact opportunity success low impact
8. say know have do
9. married single widow alone
10. drink cooking have eating


A major issue for women at work is how to balance work (1) and life. This balancing includes
working in or out (2) of an office and at the same time, taking care of family, raising (3) children,
keeping the house clean and cooking (4). Fortunately, companies are recognising (5) that it isn't
just a women's issue, but a man’s (6) issue, too. Fortune magazine recently ran an issue on fathers
at work and the impact (7)that balancing work/family is having on them.

Employers are also having to deal with the fact that many workers are single parents. Almost 80%
of children in the U.S. will be raised in a single household sometime in their lives. This raises many
new concerns for women at work. The question for some becomes NOT, "How can I succeed?” But
"Do I really want to work that hard and make the sacrificies to my family that I need to make in
order to succeed?

More and more people, including successful and well-known women-and men, say (8), "My family
comes first." “The fact that I'm a single (9) parent and supporter of two young children has
definitely influenced on my decisions. It's important for me to have (10) breakfast every morning
and dinner at night with my children. I have canceled meetings to make sure I am dedicating
enought time to them.”

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