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Date: April 2, 2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about I have shared the information that I have learned in our challenge question for today. It is all about the cause of
gastrointestinal symptoms that some of the COVID-19 patients experience. Based on the data gathered by researchers, it is
today with a family due to the compatibility of the receptor cell located in the digestive and the virus itself. After all, the virus will not be able to
member(s)? totally invade the body if it does not attach itself to a receptor cell. This is why they also concluded that the virus COVID-19
can also be transferred through fecal-oral transmission.

I feel good today because…

I get to learn new information that helps me understand more about the crisis that we are experiencing. Moreover, I just
feel blessed that God continues to give us the gift of life.

What makes you stress

today? Tell more about it The criticism and evilness that continues to engulf our world. It saddens me that instead of helping and understanding
one another, we only focus on the things or judgement that we believe. Especially on this season of lent, I hope that we
may learn to humbly accept each other’s flaws and learn to work together.

Looking into the brighter side


of things, despite of things I pray for God’s guidance that He may continue to be our guiding light through this darkness that we are experiencing.
And I pray for each one of us, that our action, thoughts and words may be cleansed from wickedness.
that are stressing me I…

Signature of a housemate


Date: April 3, 2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about I have shared some of the amazing facts that I’ve learned regarding the Central Nervous System which is composed of
the brain and spinal cord. We are all fascinated about the distinct functions of every part of the brain. As the command
today with a family center of the body, it is composed of many parts. I told them about the different regions that are responsible for the different
member(s)? actions throughout the body. Even the meninges (protective layer of the brain), are divided into 3 layers namely: Dura
mater, Arachnoid mater, and Pia mater. Like me, it was a big “wow” for them.

I feel good today because…

I get to relax after I have accomplished all the tasks given to us for this week.

What makes you stress The increase in the number of COVID-19 patients. It is devastating to know that even some of our frontliners who risked
their lives are now affected. And despite the crisis, even a few of them are facing discrimination which they should not be
today? Tell more about it experiencing in the first place.

Looking into the brighter side

of things, despite of things I keep my hope in tack that someday the world will get through this. And I continue to talk to God that amidst this crisis,
we may learn the value of His creation.
that are stressing me I…
Signature of a housemate


Date: April 4, 2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about I have told them about the Peripheral Nervous System this time. It is a collection of nerves connecting the CNS to all the
organ systems found in the body. I also enlightened them about the two main division of PNS which are the Somatic
today with a family Nervous System (SNS) and the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which is also furthermore divided into two namely:
member(s)? Parasympathetic Nervous System and Sympathetic Nervous System. Autonomic NS controls the functions that occur below
the level of consciousness. While the Somatic NS, is responsible for the voluntary control of body movements.

I feel good today because…

Unlike the past weeks, the number of new cases of COVID-19 patients for today have decreased. In addition, new and
approved local testing kits are now disseminated. This just brings hope to me that we can beat this pandemic.

What makes you stress

today? Tell more about it I have heard some issues in the news that some of the politicians are using the current state of our country as a contest
or an outlet to prove something to their rivalries. Instead of helping us, our country men, they just do things for the sake of
pride and fame. I just cannot understand how toxic their motivation is. They wouldn’t be there in the first place if it wasn’t for

Looking into the brighter side

of things, despite of things I continue to talk to God with all the things happening today. I always pray for justice and peace to reign throughout the
that are stressing me I…

Signature of a housemate


Date: April 5, 2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about I talked to them about our sensory system which contains the sensory organs, the structures responsible for carrying
messages about our surroundings to the CNS. I explained the two divisions of sensory organs namely: General and
today with a family Special. General senses are the ones wherein most of its receptors are found throughout the body. It can either be somatic
member(s)? (gather info about the body and environment) or visceral (gather info about the internal organs). On the other hand, Special

senses are more specialized in structures that are bound to a specific part or function in the body.

I feel good today because…

I feel blessed and complete because I got to celebrate the Holy Mass of Palm Sunday despite our current state. And I
am happy that I got to receive the body and blood of Christ spiritually and condition myself for the Holy Week.

What makes you stress

today? Tell more about it I am proud to say that nothing stresses me for today.

Looking into the brighter side

of things, despite of things I draw myself closer to God and reflect on His Paschal Mystery.

that are stressing me I…


Signature of a housemate


Date: April 6, 2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about I shared to them the two types of animal reproduction which are the asexual and sexual. Asexual reproduction is the
process of creating new individual using one parent organism. Contrarily, sexual reproduction is the process of creating a
today with a family new individual using two parent organisms. Asexual reproduction can be binary fission (a cell splits into two identical cell),
member(s)? budding (arises from the parent’s body), fragmentation (regeneration of parts), and parthogenesis (from an ovum without
fertilization). Sexual reproduction can be informal fertilization (occurs outside the body) and internal fertilization (occurs
inside the body of the female).

I feel good today because…


I get to spend the day relaxing with my sisters.

What makes you stress

today? Tell more about it Well, I did not let myself be exposed to certain stressors because I spent my day with my sisters. Hence, that is why I
am not stressed today.

Looking into the brighter side

of things, despite of things I focus on things that are more worthy. Just like what I did today, instead of letting myself be stressed, I spend the day
with my happy pills, my sisters.
that are stressing me I…

Signature of a housemate



Date: April 7,2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about I somewhat shared something about stress. Although my mother and Hade already have a slight knowledge about this. I
explained to them how stress can be either positive or negative. In addition, I added some explanations regarding the
today with a family psychophysiology of stress. Lastly, I reminded them how important it is to know the strategies that are compatible for them
member(s)? to properly cope up with stress.

I feel good today because…

We got to celebrate Hadely’s birthday with an online family gathering, despite our current situation.

What makes you stress

today? Tell more about it Nothing, I just want to fill this day with positivity and thanksgiving.

Looking into the brighter side

of things, despite of things I am thankful for the new amazing year of Hadely ahead.

that are stressing me I…

Signature of a housemate


Date: April 8, 2020

Relevant things I’ve shared,

learned, or talked about As I was reading the material regarding the tips for studying at home, I immediately shared it with Hadely. First is to
organize your study space. Second is to structure or budget your time. Third is to conduct virtual study groups. And Lastly,
today with a family is to determine the study techniques fit for you. This really gave us some strategies that will motivate us to be more
member(s)? productive.

I feel good today because…

I slept pretty good and I even had a happy dream that boosted my motivation to enjoy the rest of the day.

What makes you stress

today? Tell more about it Nothing because I am just full of happiness today.

Looking into the brighter side

of things, despite of things I appreciate every blessing and challenge that God gives me and all these things give me a reason to smile every time.

that are stressing me I…

Signature of a housemate



1. How does emotion, stress, and other habits affect your cognition and focus?
Emotion and stress are one of the factors that can greatly affect your cognition and focus either negatively or positively. These things can interfere with your brain functions
and therefore, may influence you to develop irrational behaviors or make stupid decisions. But with proper coping strategy, these two can bring the best out of you. Emotion and stress
are one of the things that we cannot just disregard in life. Instead of thinking how huge it may affect you, focus on the strategy or ways for you to change these two into something that
would help you unravel the best version of you.

2. Why is communicating thoughts to and from someone a key to mental health and overall brain function?
It is one of the ways for you to attain your psychological well-being. This is one of the strategies that some people use for them to be relieved from all the clouded thoughts
wondering and talking to someone who will really listen can also ease the burden you are carrying. Aside from that, this will always remind you that whatever you are going through,
you have someone with you. You are not alone.

3. Are there instances wherein emotions or stress (both positive and negative) affect other organ systems? If so, how? And why?
Yes, the repeated release of stress hormones disrupts the function or processes of other organ systems. It triggers your brain to do some modifications especially in the
production of your hormones that may cause the unintended effects on the functioning of the different organ systems in the body. For example, it may expose you to numerous heart
diseases, risk of infections and even gastrointestinal problems.

4. In your own opinion, why is it necessary for us to be mindful of our own emotions?
Emotions tell you the truth behind what you really feel. Being mindful and aware with all of these emotions will guard you from vices. Accepting your emotions will teach you the
ways on how to properly deal with it. Sometimes, it is only you who can help yourself and listening to what your emotions really say will mold you into someone you wouldn’t think
you’ve become.

5. Are there any suggestions on how to alter negativities and fill our daily lives with positive vibes? Enumerate and explain your best practices here.
Learn to be contented and grateful for what you have. Nobody in this world can really have everything and continuously asking for more wouldn’t help at all. Instead of filling
your lives with your wants, humbly accept everything that God has given you. Only He alone knows what is the best for you. Be grateful. Draw yourself closer to Him and you will
understand His ways. (Psalm 34:10) Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

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