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Name:ahmad mhanna Hr:

The Glass Castle Notetaker
Section ​1
Standard 9.1 - INFERENCES

Directions: After reading the first chunk of the excerpt (up to ​“When we got to the hospital…”​)
what are THREE inferences you can make about the family thus far? Provide textual evidence to
support your answer.

What do you see? What do you already know? What can you infer?

(Textual evidence & citation) (Prior knowledge from the​ real ​(What’s an assumption you
“Example” (Walls 1). world​, not what you know from can make by combining the
the text) first two boxes?)

Example: I already know that t​ railer I can infer that​ Walls and her
“I was three years old, and we parks are typically low income family were living in poverty at
were living in a trailer park in housing. that time of the story.
a southern Arizona town
whose name I never knew”
(Walls 1).

Direct quote: “I was standing I already know that if you’re I can infer that our character is
on a chair in front of the wearing something someone close to her grandma
stove, wearing a pink dress bought you it's probably
my grandmother had bought sentimental
for me.” (walls 1)

Direct quote: “Pink was my I already know that if you're a I can infer that our character is
favorite color.” (walls 1) girl who's favorite color is pink very feminine
you're probably more in touch
with your femininity

Direct quote: “"Mommy, help I already know that anyone I can infer that our characters
me!" I shrieked.” who'd instinctively call their a child
mom to help them out of
trouble is probably a lot
younger (elementary)

Section 2
Standard 9.4 - WORDS IN CONTEXT

Directions: Read the quoted text, and then determine the meaning of the bolded word. Highlight
your answer.

1. “The wiener was hot, so Juju licked at it ​tentatively​, but when I stood up and started
stirring the hot dogs again, I felt a blaze of heat on my right side” (Walls 1).
As used in the line above, the word ​tentatively​ most nearly means: ​(Highlight the answer)

○ Positively
○ Quickly
○ Hesitantly
○ Slowly

2. “I smelled the burning and heard a horrible crackling as the fire ​singed ​my hair and
eyelashes” (Walls 1). The word ​singed​ most nearly means ​(Highlight the answer)​:

○ Carried a tune
○ Burned the edges
○ Swept back
○ Deleted

Section 3
Standard 9.1 - INFERENCES Part 2
Directions: Read the second chunk of the excerpt (up to ​“The doctors said…”​) and make an
inference below. Provide textual evidence to support your answer.

What do you see? What do you already know? What can you infer?

(Textual evidence & citation) (Prior knowledge from the​ real (​ What’s an assumption you
world​, not what you know from can make by combining the
“Example” (Walls 1). the text) first two boxes?)
Example: I already know that t​ railer I can infer that​ Walls and her
“I was three years old, and we parks are typically low income family are living in poverty at
were living in a trailer park in housing. the time of this story.
a southern Arizona town
whose name I never knew”
(Walls 1).

Walls feels as though she is​ “causing a big fuss” ​in the story (Walls 1). ​Why might she say
this? Provide textual evidence from the text to support your inference.

Direct quote: “I could tell I I already know that introverts I can infer that… she felt she
was causing a big fuss, and I aren't used to attention. was causing a fuss because
stayed quiet.” (walls1) she wasn't used to the
attention due to being a more
introverted child.

What does Walls’ belief that she is ​“causing a big fuss”​ ​tell us about her home life​ (Walls 1)?
Provide textual evidence from the text to support your inference.

Direct quote: I already know that… her little I can infer that… if her little
brother is that comfortable brothers that comfortable
“i heard a loud crunching around her around her she probably has a
sound and looked down. It healthy relationship with her
was Brian, eating the ice.” family

Directions: Read the third chunk of the excerpt (to the end of the story) and make an
inference below. Provide textual evidence to support your answer.
“The nurses and doctors kept asking me questions: How did you get burned? Have your
parents ever hurt you? Why do you have all these bruises and cuts? My parents never
hurt me, I said. I got the cuts and bruises playing outside and the burns from cooking hot
dogs… Two nurses looked at each other, and one of them wrote something down on a
clipboard. I asked what was wrong. Nothing, they said, nothing”( Walls 2).

It can be reasonably inferred that after the nurses asked Jeanette questions about her
injury, ​(Highlight the correct answer)

A. The nurses made a report to social services

B. The nurses reported to the parents everything she said
C. The nurses adopted her
D. The nurses kicked her out of the hospital

What do you see? What do you already know? What can you infer?

(Textual evidence & citation) (Prior knowledge from the​ real ​(What’s an assumption you
world​, not what you know from can make by combining the
“Example” (Walls 1). the text) first two boxes?)

Example: I already know that ​trailer I can infer that​ Walls and her
“I was three years old, and we parks are typically low income family are living in poverty at
were living in a trailer park in housing. the time of this story.
a southern Arizona town
whose name I never knew”
(Walls 1).

“Afterward, a nurse asked me if I was ok. “Of course,” I said. I told her I didn’t care if I had some
old scar. That was good, she said, because from the look of it, I had other things to worry about”
(Walls 4). ​What can be inferred in this quote?

Direct quote : “Afterward, a I already know that if a nurse I can infer that… her life is
nurse asked me if I was ok. says there's more to worry gonna get harder
“Of course,” I said. I told her I about there's definitely an
didn’t care if I had some old unexpected twist
scar. That was good, she
said, because from the look of
it, I had other things to worry
about (walls4)
At the end of the story, it says:

“He unhooked my right arm from the sling over my head. As he held me close, I breathed
in his familiar smell of Vitalis, whiskey, and cigarette smoke. It reminded me of home”
(Walls 5).

The main purpose of the passage above is primarily to…

A. Illustrate that Jeanette’s parents missed her while she was in the hospital
B. Describe how Walls’s parents believed the nurses weren’t treating her well
C. Emphasize how the parents believed they know what’s best for their children,
which results in their recklessness
D. Show the parents were bored and needed some action

Highlight the correct answer

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