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Poultry welfare –extra reading

Here are some of the research papers that are mentioned in the poultry welfare videos

Part 1: Introducing the laying hen and the furnished cages

 Rodenburg, TB, Tuyttens, FAM, Sonck, B, De Reu, K, Herman, L and Zoons, J. (2005) Welfare,
health and hygiene of laying hens housed in furnished cages and in alternative housing
systems. Journal of applied animal welfare science. 8. 211-226.
 Gentle, MJ (2011) Pain issues in poultry. Applied animal behaviour science. 135. 252-258.
 Colson, S, Arnould, C. And Michel, V. (2008) Influence of rearing conditions of pullets on
space use and performance of hens placed in aviaries at the beginning of the laying period.
Applied animal behaviour science. 111. 286-300.
 Guinebretiere, M, Beyer, H, Arnould, C. And Michel, V. (2014) The choice of litter material to
promote pecking, scratching and dustbathing behaviours in laying hens housed in furnished
cages. Applied animal behaviour science. 155. 56-65.

Part 2: free-range systems

 Zimmerman, PH, Lindberg, AC, Pope, SJ, Glen, E, Bolhuis, JE. And Nicol, CJ. (2006) The effect
of stocking density, flock size and modified management on laying hen behaviour and
welfare in a non-cage system. Applied animal behaviour science. 101. 111-124
 Sandilands, V, Moinard, C, and Sparks, NCH. (2009) Providing laying hens with perches:
fulfilling behavioural needs but causing injury? British Poultry Science. 50. 395-406

Part 3: Broiler chickens

 Buijs, S, Keeling, LJ, Tuyttens, FAM. (2011) Using motivation to feed as a way to assess the
importance of space for broiler chickens. Animal Behaviour. 81. 145-151.
 Bizeray, D, Estevez, I, Leterrier, C, and Faure, JM. (2002) Effects of increasing environmental
complexity on the physical activity of broiler chickens. Appled Animal Behaviour Science. 79.
 Sandilands, V, Tolkamp, BJ, Savory, CJ and Kyriazakis, I. (2006) Behaviour and welfare of
broiler breeders fed qualitatively restriced diets during rearing: Are there viable alternatives
to quantitative restriction? Appled Animal Behaviour Science. 96. 53-67

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