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Development of a concept for a successful digital transformation of the BPS

In the digital era we live nowadays, organizations of all sizes are in a constant concept of
transformation and creation of new services that exist with the main purpose of satisfying
the needs of customers. Education organizations and not the exception since they are the
base for the current and future development of our society. As Berlin Professional School is
not the exception, we have developed the creation of a concept for a successful digital
transformation for the institution.

Every deep transformation process will require BPS to generate awareness of its
fundamental “whys”. It is important to understand the purpose of the value they are
creating, regarding what the students need to learn from their business classes and what
media the institution is using to deliver this knowledge in the most efficient way.
Once the university is aware of its purpose, it is important to wonder what is going on in
their value-creation process. Based on the house of digital transformation, it is important to
fully understand the current status of the institution, considering some elemental factors:
- Internal factors: how ready are professors and staff from the university to embrace a
transformation? Are the current tools enough to provide a digital education? Are my
budget and IT current tools enough to embrace new digital processes?
- Competition: What are other universities doing to create a digital education? Are
they being perceived as more digital than BPS?
- Customers: What are students expecting? How do they already use digital tools for

The understanding of the approach towards the customer is vital for a digitization given
that it allows the creation of a goal. Thus, the organization need to create a set of
personas for the different types of customers there are. This profiling of the different
types of students and other customers will be the guide for the digital transformation.
Additionally, this study has to be complemented with the understanding of the customer
journey through which customers go when being in contact with the institution.
To develop a correct digital transformation, it is necessary to develop an organizational
structure change oriented to the constant transformation of educational methods and
creation of educational tools. For this, we propose an agile management method, that
allows the creation of more frequent educational and practical approaches for the
students to the always evolving aspects of the business environment.

The development of transformation itself must be oriented by all the previously

mentioned elements. However, this process in the future must be constantly monitored
so that it is successful and consistent though time. A useful tool for tracking this is the
balanced scorecard; so, digital transformation will always consider the four elemental
perspectives for the development of the business:
- Customer perspective, the first guidance by the previously mentioned concepts.
- Financial, to know how flexible the school can be in the implementation of its
- Process perspective, which will allow the school to correctly implement new ways of
doing things.
- Employee perspective, so that BPS knows how good or bad its staff is doing in terms
of their approach to the transformation and how engaged they are to the use of the
newly implemented tools.

Finally, it is vital that the creation of new tools for the school are provided also in the
form of software. These adaptable tools will satisfy students’ needs according to their
needs and the mega-trends of the worlds; additionally, this type of tools can be easily
modified and adapted to both business and customer needs.

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