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1. The main objective of this reading is how to properly write an E-mail to a Professor
2. Point which “DO”
a. Use an e-mail address that shows your name, such as your name or school email
b. Write the purpose of the email in the subject
c. Always start the email with greeting, ex: Dear Prof. Smith
d. The content of the mail must be brief, and clear.
e. Always remember tobe polite, say “please” or “thank you”
f. Don’t forget to thank your professor at the end of the mail
g. Check the grammar before you send the mail
Point which “DON’T”
a. Don’t use spam email address, ex:
b. Don’t send an email without proper subject
c. Never send an email without greeting, use polite word. Do not use “hi there”, or “whats
d. Don’t write long mail, the content must be brief and not pages of texts.
e. Don’t tell professor what to do on the mail, don’t say “Reply ASAP” or impolite word
such as “ I need the assignment right now”
f. Don’t use abbreviations, such as LOL (laughing out load), TTYL (talk to you later) or
3. Yes, we must write a greeting in the mail body.
Greeting which can be use :
- Dear Prof. Smith
Greeting which cannot be use :
- Hi there
- What’s up
4. Don’t write too many pages, the mail must be brief and no more than one screen.
5. Because this is mail to professor, not a friend.

1.         You write     (write) the questionnaire and I’ll write the answers. Does that sound fair?

2.      Kate, ____does___ (do) some research on the Internet.

3.      Dale, _____will be____ (be) the salesperson, and Josh, __will be playing  _ (play) the role of the

4.      We’ll get a good grade, _____dont worry____ (not worry)

5.      Who’s going to be A and B? I’ll be A, and ____You'll be_____ (be) B.

6.      Binh, ____will be____ (be) the group leader, and Ana, ___will take__ (take) notes.

7.      Claudia, __would think_____ (think) of a clever title for our report.

8.      Asha, __will find___ (find) the pictures, and I’ll print them.

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