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I’ll start about the kind of handmade jewerly, in this case it`s posible to use precios metals, like
gold and silver or precios stones like diamonds and esmeralds. I think that extraction of this
minerals are too dangerous for comunnities who lives near to these places of extractions.

For that I thing that government could be do for them, usually their remove that comunnities
to another places or their put new system of water and drain to evit risks in the surroanding
áreas because If the companies don`t have adequate responsibility with the communities or
with their workers, the community will get sick or their workers will die.

Back to the topic this kind of stones are buy for rich people and that isn`t all, their buy clothes
made of silk or fur coats, the latter has become the most dangerous “art” for some species. I
say art because rich people usually consider it that way. Well If we do not become aware of
some species, these species will be in danger of extinction.

For that reason we must begin to become aware of our actions.

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