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How Chocolate is Made

Have we wondered how we get chocolate from? Well this time we will enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can
understand exactly we are eating.

Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in place such as South America,
Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. In side the fruits are the tree’s seeds.
They are also known as coco beans.

Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun. After that they are shipped to the chocolate maker. The
chocolate maker starts processing by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have
different qualities and flavour. So they are often shorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.

The next process is winnowing. The roasted beans are winnowed to remove the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then
the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are grounded to make it liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.

All seeds contain some amount of fat and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why they
ground nibs from liquid. It is pure bitter chocolate.

Snake is a legless carnivorous reptile. There are around 3.600 species of snakes in the world. All of them come in different size and color.
Some of them have venom which strong enough to cause death to human. They live in various habitats such as underground burrow, lake,
swamp, mountain, tree branches and also in the sand.

Snakes have scaly skin. Their skin has various patterns and colors depending on their species. Some of their skin patterns are: black and
white stripes all over the body, black-red-yellow stripes, diamond shapes, and also a very unique symbol like on the back of a King Cobra.
Snakes from different species also have different body size. The smallest snake, the long thread snake, have a body size of 10,4 cm. The
largest snakes such as Python can reach the size of 12 m long.

Snakes have a very flexible body which allows them to enlarge it when they want to eat a prey that has larger body than theirs. The tongue of
a snake is split into two; it is called the forked tongue. They use this tongue to smell the track of their prey. If they open their mouth, we will
see that they have two fangs on their upper side of the mouth which they use to bite the prey or to deliver their venom to the enemy.



Ular adalah reptil pemakan daging yang tak memiliki kaki. Terdapat sekitar 3.600 spesies ular di dunia ini. Semua nya memiliki
ukuran dan warna yang berbeda. Sebagian dari mereka memiliki bisa yang cukup kuat untuk menyebabkan kematian pada
manusia. Mereka hidup di berbagai habitat seperti liang bawah tanah, danau, rawa, gunung, cabang pohon dan juga di pasir.

Ular memiliki kulit yang bersisik. Kulit mereka memiliki berbagai pola dan warna tergantung pada spesies mereka. Beberapa
pola kulit mereka adalah: belang hitam dan putih di seluruh tubuh, belang hitam-merah-kuning, bentuk berlian, dan juga simbol
yang sangat unik seperti pada punggung seekor King Cobra. Ular dari spesies yang berbeda juga memiliki ukuran tubuh yang
berbeda. Ular terkecil, the long thread snake, memiliki ukuran tubuh 10,4 cm. Ular yang terbesar seperti Python bisa mencapai
ukuran panjang 12 m.

Ular memiliki tubuh yang sangat lentur yang memungkinkan mereka untuk memperluasnya ketika mereka ingin memakan
mangsa yang memiliki tubuh lebih besar dari tubuh mereka. Lidah ular terbagi menjadi dua, ini disebut the forked tongue.
Mereka menggunakan lidah ini untuk mencium jejak mangsa mereka. Saat mereka membuka mulutnya, kita akan melihat
bahwa mereka memiliki dua gigi taring di bagian atas mulut mereka yang mereka gunakan untuk mengigit mangsa mereka atau
untuk memasukkan racun pada musuh mereka.
And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.

For many, many years, different cultures and religions around the world have used snakes as symbols.

Websites such as and Encyclopedia Britannica tell us about snake symbolism in ancient cultures. They say
the image of a snake meant fertility and rebirth for some native American groups, as well as people living in ancient
Greece and Egypt.

One ancient symbol of eternity is a snake eating its own tail. This image was found in the burial place of King
Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut. He served as Egypt’s ruler over 3,300 years ago.

A serpent was an important god for ancient Mayans. And the Aztec earth goddess – both creator and destroyer – is
represented by a serpent wearing a skirt of snakes.

Serpents are also important in both the ancient Norse and Chinese cultures. Encyclopedia Britannica notes that in Baltic
traditions, running into a snake was considered good luck. And it was bad luck if you killed one.

However, in some religious traditions, a serpent tempted Eve — the world’s first woman — to disobey God by eating
forbidden fruit. This got her and Adam — the world’s first man — expelled from the Garden of Eden.

So, snakes were important in many cultures. Sometimes they represented creation. At other times, they represented good
and evil and sometimes just evil.

Now, as you just heard, sometimes we call snakes “serpents.” A serpent sounds bigger, more threatening, and even more
important than a snake.

You can call a serpent a snake when talking about ancient symbols. But it does not work well the other way. If you saw a
snake moving on the ground, you would not say, “Hey look! A serpent just slithered under that rock!” We often use the
word “slither” to describe how a snake moves.

In the English language, snakes have a bad reputation. A person described as a “snake” is a liar. He or she acts like a
friend to your face but then does something terrible behind your back. A snake is someone you thought you could trust,
but they end up biting you in the end.

People who act like your friend, but who want to hurt you instead, are a hidden danger – just like a snake in the grass.

Although snakes have a bad reputation, in nature they really want to avoid human contact. Some snakes live in tall grass,
often hidden from people and animals. But if you walk too close, one might bite you. So, in that way, snakes are
dangerous. The same can be said of a person who acts like your friend.

And that’s the end of this program. Join me again next week for another Words and Their Stories.

We leave you with this warning: Be careful! Don’t get bit by a snake in the grass.

Until next time … I’m Anna Matteo.

You were there in the garden
Like a snake in the grass
I see you in the morning
Staring through the looking glass …

Anna Matteo wrote this for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor. The song at the end is “Dear Hate” sung
by Maren Morris and Vince Gill.
Words in This Story

symbol – n.. an action, object, event, etc., that expresses or represents a particular idea or quality

eternity – n. time without an end

serpent – n. literary : a usually large snake

skirt – n. a piece of clothing worn by women and girls that hangs from the waist down

tempt – v. to cause (someone) to do or want to do something even though it may be wrong, bad, or unwise

forbid – v. to order (someone) not to do something : formal : to say that (something) is not allowed

slither – v. to slip or slide like a snake

reputation – n. overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general

behind your back – phrase without someone’s knowledge : in secret?

Bahaya! ‘Ular di Rumput’

Dan sekarang, Kata-kata dan Ceritanya, dari VOA Learning English.

Selama bertahun-tahun, budaya dan agama yang berbeda di seluruh dunia telah menggunakan ular sebagai simbol.

Situs web seperti dan Encyclopedia Britannica memberi tahu kita tentang simbolisme ular dalam budaya kuno.
Mereka mengatakan gambar ular berarti kesuburan dan kelahiran kembali bagi beberapa kelompok penduduk asli Amerika,
serta orang-orang yang tinggal di Yunani dan Mesir kuno.

Salah satu simbol kuno keabadian adalah ular yang memakan ekornya sendiri. Gambar ini ditemukan di tempat pemakaman
Raja Tutankhamun, yang juga dikenal sebagai Raja Tut. Dia menjabat sebagai penguasa Mesir lebih dari 3.300 tahun yang lalu.

Seekor ular adalah dewa penting bagi bangsa Maya kuno. Dan dewi bumi Aztec – baik pencipta dan perusak – diwakili oleh
seekor ular yang mengenakan rok ular.

Ular juga penting dalam budaya Norse dan Tiongkok kuno. Encyclopedia Britannica mencatat bahwa dalam tradisi Baltik,
bertemu ular dianggap sebagai keberuntungan. Dan nasib buruk jika Anda membunuh satu.

Namun, dalam beberapa tradisi agama, seekor ular menggoda Hawa – wanita pertama di dunia – untuk tidak menaati Tuhan
dengan memakan buah terlarang. Ini membuatnya dan Adam – manusia pertama di dunia – diusir dari Taman Eden.

Jadi, ular penting dalam banyak budaya. Terkadang mereka mewakili ciptaan. Di lain waktu, mereka mewakili kebaikan dan
kejahatan dan terkadang hanya kejahatan.

Sekarang, seperti yang baru saja Anda dengar, terkadang kita menyebut ular “ular”. Ular bersuara lebih besar, lebih
mengancam, dan bahkan lebih penting daripada ular.

Anda bisa menyebut ular ular ketika berbicara tentang simbol kuno. Tapi itu tidak bekerja dengan baik sebaliknya. Jika Anda
melihat seekor ular bergerak di tanah, Anda tidak akan berkata, “Hei lihat! Seekor ular baru saja merayap di bawah batu itu! ”
Kami sering menggunakan kata “meluncur” untuk menggambarkan bagaimana seekor ular bergerak.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ular memiliki reputasi yang buruk. Seseorang yang digambarkan sebagai “ular” adalah pembohong. Dia
bertindak seperti teman di depan Anda tetapi kemudian melakukan sesuatu yang buruk di belakang Anda. Seekor ular adalah
seseorang yang Anda pikir dapat Anda percayai, tetapi pada akhirnya mereka menggigit Anda.
Orang yang bertingkah seperti teman Anda, tetapi malah ingin menyakiti Anda, adalah bahaya tersembunyi – seperti ular di

Meski ular memiliki reputasi yang buruk, pada dasarnya mereka sangat ingin menghindari kontak manusia. Beberapa ular hidup
di rerumputan tinggi, sering kali tersembunyi dari manusia dan hewan. Tetapi jika Anda berjalan terlalu dekat, orang mungkin
akan menggigit Anda. Jadi, dengan cara demikian, ular berbahaya. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk orang yang bertindak seperti
teman Anda.

Dan itulah akhir dari program ini. Bergabunglah dengan saya lagi minggu depan untuk Words and They Stories lainnya.

Kami meninggalkan Anda dengan peringatan ini: Hati-hati! Jangan digigit ular di rerumputan.

Sampai waktu berikutnya… saya Anna Matteo.

Anda berada di sana di taman
Seperti ular di rerumputan
Saya melihat Anda di pagi hari
Menatap melalui kaca …

Anna Matteo menulis ini untuk VOA Learning English. George Grow adalah editornya. Lagu di bagian akhir adalah “Dear Hate”
yang dinyanyikan oleh Maren Morris dan Vince Gill.

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