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Medical Hypotheses (2006) 67, 1173–1184

Sensory gating deficits, pattern completion, and

disturbed fronto-limbic balance, a model for
description of hallucinations and delusions in
Arash Javanbakht *

Ibn E Sina Psychiatric Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, No. 180 Banafsheh Street,
Sajjad Boulevard, Mashhad 91876, Iran

Received 21 March 2006; accepted 30 March 2006

Summary Schizophrenia, if not the most difficult, is one of the most difficult mysterious puzzles for psychiatrists,
psychologists, and neuroscientists to solve. In this paper, based on the previously known pathologies of
schizophrenia, a new model is proposed for explanation of the formation of positive psychotic symptoms of
hallucinations and delusions. This model can be used for understanding psychotic or psychotic-like positive symptoms
of bipolar mood disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive, and amphetamine and drug-induced
psychotic disorders. Based on the postulated model, a spectral view on these disorders with psychotic features is also
These pathologies include auditory sensory gating deficits in hippocampus, abnormal emotional coding in
amygdala, pattern completion in thalamic and cortical areas, and disturbed fronto-limbic balance. This model
includes anatomical and neurotransmitter defects of hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, cingula, and prefrontal
cortex and their interconnections. A role for hippocampal sensory gating deficits in the pathogenesis of positive
psychotic symptoms and interrelation between amygdala and its dopamine level with hippocampus is speculated. This
model also hires the interesting function of pattern completion in thalamus and cortical areas for a better
explanation of the pathogenesis of hallucinations and delusional psychotic symptoms.
Furthermore, there is also explanation for the polygenic etiology of the schizophrenic and psychotic disorders and
relation between schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder in anatomy and neural systems involved. A spectral view is
proposed that explains the absence of clear cut border between different psychotic or psychotic-like disorders in
their form and severity based on the involved genes and brain functional systems. Including excessive prefrontal
pruning, there is also explanation for the appearance of positive psychotic symptoms in early adulthood.
An explanation for the high dopamine level of amygdala despite its decreased size and abnormal anatomy is also
suggested as a compensatory function which might explain the decline in positive psychotic symptoms when
schizophrenics age according to amygdala burn out.
Based on this model, speculations are provided for: late onset of the effects of antipsychotics on positive psychotic
symptoms, mechanism for the therapeutic effect of serotonin type 2A receptor blockers and GABAergic medications

* Tel.: +98 915 314 4145.

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0306-9877/$ - see front matter c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1174 Javanbakht

in psychosis, role of smoking in diminution of psychotic symptoms, and relationship between biological and
psychological issues in the formation of psychotic symptoms.
Finally, based on this model, a new role for nicotinic cholinergic drugs (such as galantamine) for treatment of
schizophrenia and other psychotic or psychotic-like disorders is proposed.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction to focus our attention on important stimuli, while

filtering out (gating) less relevant stimuli [1]. Sen-
Schizophrenia, as a spectrum of deficits in many sory gating (SG) is a way of habituation to repeti-
brain areas and neural networks, has been one of tious and unimportant stimuli for the brain to
the most difficult puzzles for neuroscientists, psy- reserve its limited resources to focus on impor-
chiatrists, psychologists and psychoanalysts to tant stimuli that need processing. In a schizo-
solve. However, there has yet not been a compre- phrenic brain, sensory gating is defective and
hensive and definite model for explanation of all the patient is bombarded with many stimuli that
the psychotic phenomena and signs and symptoms enter his/her consciousness and all need process-
observed in schizophrenic people. By the emer- ing. SG is assessed by the study of auditory
gence of impressive technological developments evoked potential P50 response which is a sum of
in brain imaging, we have a big amount of neuro- the electrophysiological neuronal response de-
anatomical and neurotransmitter data about tected after stimulation by an auditory signal.
schizophrenia that need to be understood, inter- The stimulus is repeated after 80–120 ms and
preted, and related to each other in order to sug- the auditory evoked response to the paired stim-
gest more acceptable and comprehensive models uli is detected. In normal people, because of
for explanation of how the changes in brain macro- habituation to the repeated stimulus, the re-
scopic and microscopic anatomy end in clinical sponse to the second stimulus is significantly
symptoms observed in schizophrenic patients. diminished by at least 50% while schizophrenic pa-
While there is less ambiguity in understanding the tients lack much of this inhibition. This results in
etiology of negative symptoms of schizophrenia, an overflow of stimuli into the schizophrenic brain
that are mostly related to deficits in cognitive sys- [2,3].
tems especially frontal lobe, there are more con- SG is mostly related to hippocampal formation
troversies about the etiology of positive psychotic of limbic system which is a main area of malfunc-
symptoms of hallucinations and delusions. In this tion and anatomical defects in schizophrenia. Hip-
paper, I suggest a new model to explain the pocampus is not a primary sensory processing area.
appearance of psychotic symptoms of hallucina- Rather, it is concerned with interpreting the signif-
tions and delusions in schizophrenic patients. This icance of sensory stimuli, to orient the organism to
model is mainly based on sensory gating deficits, its environment [4]. The primary auditory cortex in
dysregulation of amygdala, pattern completion, temporal lobe projects to entorhinal cortex and
and disturbed frontal-limbic balance. In neuroana- that has perforant projections to CA3 portion of
tomical level it mainly includes prefrontal cortex hippocampus as well as direct projections to den-
especially dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), tate gyrus and CA3 through cholinergic neurons de-
hippocampal and amygdala limbic formations, cides what data are worth to be processed by CA1
thalamus, and their interconnections. I will first [5].
have an overview of anatomical changes in these In schizophrenic patients there are clear macro-
regions that I need for my model and then briefly scopic and microscopic defects in hippocampus
describe sensory gating deficits, pattern comple- that can be responsible for disturbed sensory gat-
tion, and frontal-limbic imbalance in schizophre- ing. Studies have revealed a decrease in the size
nia, and will finally describe my model based on of hippocampus and entorhinal cortex [6] and also
these defects. neuronal disarray in both the areas in schizophre-
nia. There are reports of decreased neuronal den-
sity in all CA1–CA4 regions along side a decline in
axonal markers and dendritic connections [7].
Sensory Gating deficits in schizophrenia There is also decreased metabolism in hippocam-
pus especially in left hemisphere. GABA and gluta-
In a world where we are simultaneously bom- mate neurotransmitter systems that are both
barded with a great deal of stimulation, we learn defective in schizophrenia, are needed for the
Sensory gating deficits, pattern completion, and disturbed fronto-limbic balance 1175

CA3 region to perform its SG function properly [8]. that the network will output a noise-free and
From the cholinergic system, a7 nicotinic (a7N) complete pattern. During this testing phase, the
receptors exert an inhibitory effect in hippocampus autoassociative network outputs an idealized ver-
and thalamus. In hippocampus, these receptors are sion of the testing input pattern. This idealized
responsible for inhibition of response to the second output is a blend of the Principal Components ex-
stimulus in P50 sensory gating. A 50% decrease in tracted by means of the hidden layer. In this
a7N receptors in schizophrenic brains is thought blend, irrelevant data are not recalled and, in this
to be mainly responsible for SG deficits [9,10]. way the output can be considered an ‘‘idealized’’
There are also other neurotransmitters involved version of the input. The author proposed that the
in modulation of sensory gating. Dopamine in- thalamus is also able to complete noisy or dam-
creases the response of cortical neurons to incom- aged patterns by means of the PC that are ex-
ing stimuli, so that more of their activity is tracted in its reticular layer [15]. Peláez agrees
transmitted to the hippocampus while serotonin that this idealized pattern completion may be
through 5HT2A receptors increases the release of the consequence of a top-down process from high
glutamate onto the pyramidal interneurons of hip- level cortical areas but he suggests the site of
pocampus [5]. Finally, norepinephrine interferes pattern completion might also be at the thalamus
with the calcium influx produced by a7N and NMDA instead. The proposed model of computation at
receptors that leads to decreased sensory gating the thalamus corroborates experimental data in
[5,11]. This means, dysregulation in any of these which feedback signals from cortex are capable of
systems might lead to disturbed sensory gating. It making the thalamus reconstruct and anticipate a
is needed to mention that schizophrenia is not pattern that will be presented to it at the next in-
the only disease with sensory gating deficits and stant [16]. He brings an example: if an image is sta-
SG is also defective in amphetamine psychosis, bilized in the retina so that relative movements
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychotic between the retina and the image are no possible
mania, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) any more, a remarkable fact takes place: the image
[12,13]. soon fades and disappears and, after a while, frag-
ments of the image appear again. For example, a
monogram formed of the letters H and B breaks into
Pattern completion, a means of the brain recognizable letters and numbers that come suc-
to understand vague stimuli cessively into view [17]. In other words, a distorted
figure is transformed into a more rounded one!
Peláez, in an interesting paper describes the phe- Important for our work, Peláez finally suggests
nomenon of pattern completion in neural net- that schizophrenia might be a result of pattern
works such as thalamus and suggests it to be a completion in a cortically deafferented thalamus.
probable cause of hallucinatory and delusional Neuroimaging studies confirm an abnormal small
phenomena [14]. Pattern completion in thalamus size of the thalamus and adjacent white matter
is the key concept used in this paper for analyzing in schizophrenic subjects and there are reports of
some cognitive disorders that involve hallucina- a loss of cortico-thalamic inputs especially that of
tions of several kinds: visual hallucinations in the prefrontal to medial dorsal thalamus in schizo-
Charles Bonnet syndrome and psychedelic drugs phrenics [18–20]. Besides, target cells in medial
consumption, somatic hallucination in phantom dorsal thalamus are decreased and there is de-
limbs, hallucinations in schizophrenia and multiple creased dopamine in cortico-thalamic feedback
personality disorders. In his view, thalamic archi- loops [21]. Interestingly, treatment with haloperi-
tecture is very similar to a folded autoassociative dol in schizophrenic people leads to a decrease in
neural network in which the hidden layer acts as a thalamic metabolism and also frontal and cingular
hinge [15]. A neural network is a collection of metabolism [22].
neurons, that can consist of a few to a few billion Finally, noting that there are also defects in
neurons connected in an array of different meth- thalamo-limbic and thalamo-prefrontal connec-
ods. Autoassociative networks take input and out- tions; Peláez suggests that delusion might be the
put the same vector. Usually, autoassociative result of thalamic deprivation of cortical and
neural networks are used for pattern completion: limbic inputs that make the process of thought.
during the phase of training of an autoassociative He also suggests that, just like other syndromes
network, equal patterns are presented to its input discussed above, auditory and visual hallucinations
and output layers. Once an autoassociative net- of the schizophrenic patients might be a result of
work is trained, a noisy, damaged or incomplete pattern completion in a sensory deprived
testing pattern can be input to the network so thalamus!
1176 Javanbakht

Fronto-limbic imbalance in The model

schizophrenia, the theory of bowl and
bugs Defective sensory gating and abnormal
limbic dopamine level, beginning of the
In another paper, I have discussed the prefrontal pathogenic cycle
dominance over limbic system (especially amyg-
dala and hippocampus) and have suggested the po- As it was noted above, there are clear evidences of
sitive delusional and hallucination symptoms of decreased sensory gating in schizophrenia due to
schizophrenic people to be related to the disturbed disruption in architecture, function, and neuro-
balance between the two brain areas [23,24]. Inner transmitters of hippocampus. Because of this de-
experiences, traumatic and pathological memo- fect, the schizophrenic hippocampus and
ries, and repressed fears are the bugs that, by dys- amygdala (that are responsible for development of
function or weakening of the ego bowl, come out of emotional significance and response to environmen-
the bug hole (hippocampus) and take the energy of tal and internal contexts) are bombarded by a big
limbic system (hyperdopamine state of amygdala) amount of auditory sensory data that is more than
to overcome the prefrontal dominance and show the capacity of the defective limbic system to han-
off as delusional and hallucinational symptoms. In dle [31]. Besides, auditory sensory processing areas
schizophrenia, the damage in prefrontal bowl is are also defective due to well understood decreased
clearly understood and it has been mostly related volume and function of left temporal lobe [32]. As a
by other authors to negative cognitive symptoms result, patient’s limbic system has to deal with
and signs [25]. Besides, the role of PFC in control many unfiltered auditory sensory data. Hippocam-
and overriding of emotions is known [26]. There pus, receives auditory sensory inputs from primary
are also disturbed reciprocal fronto-limbic path- auditory cortices through the entorhinal cortex [4]
ways that impair prefrontal dominance and control and as an associative area of the brain, interacts
over the hyperactive limbic system [27]. with amygdala in the development of emotional re-
On the bugs’ side, amygdala, that is responsi- sponse to environmental stimuli. For this to happen,
ble for recognition of emotional significance of auditory stimuli need to be conceptually understood
external stimuli and coordination of cortical re- and amygdala is supposed to detect the emotional
sponses is in a hyperdopaminergic state. Limbic salience of incoming stimuli and relate proper emo-
dopamine, that determines emotional importance tional value to each stimulus [31,33]. While amyg-
of the received internal or external stimuli [28], dala itself is defective and small in size, its
is interestingly usually increased only in the psy- bombardment by many stimuli that it has to work
chotic state of schizophrenics but not in remis- on, may lead it to function in a more chaotic man-
sion. It is also increased in psychotic manic ner. Since it is proven that in many schizophrenics
patients but not in non-psychotic ones [29]. Fur- amygdala dopamine level is increased in acute psy-
thermore, dopaminergic drugs such as ampheta- chotic phase [34], this dopamine rise might be re-
mines can produce psychotic symptoms in some lated to increased need for amygdala function of
people or worsen schizophrenic symptoms in pa- emotional salience coding of the enormous unnec-
tients [30]. Hippocampus, as the third element essary inputs from hippocampus. However, dysfunc-
of the frontal-amygdala-hippocampus model for tional amygdala may also fail to relate proper
schizophrenia, is both a source of unconscious emotional values to all the stimuli because of its
traumatic memories and experiences and pro- own disturbed architecture and function. In this
ducer of bizarre memories that, by the force of view, hyperdopamine state of amygdala might be
heightened dopamine level of amygdala, pass both primary, and secondary to highly increased
the barrier of PFC and become real to the pa- need forced on a defective amygdala. On the other
tient. They become real delusions or hallucina- hand, as it was noted above, increased limbic dopa-
tions that are merged with the reality as a mine level might also increase sensory input by
result of dysfunction of PFC to discriminate them decreasing the gating of sensory stimuli in hippo-
from real experiences and dominating them. In campus [35]. So, one can suggest these dysfunctions
this psychobiological model, the manic psychotic in hippocampus and amygdala can be causatively
state is an escape of the hyperactive limbic sys- interrelated. This interrelation is evidenced by a de-
tem from the PFC dominance in which the elated crease in psychotic hallucinations after smoking
emotion-congruent positive memories of hippo- that is one reason for the high rate of smoking in
campus take the form of pleasant delusions and schizophrenics [36]. As it was noted above, nico-
hallucinations. tine, by activation of a7N receptors, potentiates
Sensory gating deficits, pattern completion, and disturbed fronto-limbic balance 1177

sensory gating for a short period and corrects it to ative symptoms. Interestingly, this happens along
some extents. Besides, one distinct action of novel side a decline in the increased level of limbic dopa-
antipsychotic drugs is blockade of serotonin recep- mine in the old age chronic schizophrenic patients.
tor 5HT2A. As it happens in vigilant state that is ob- If we consider the hyperdopaminergic state of amyg-
served in anxiety disorders and PTSD, 5HT2A dala to be in response to defective amygdala func-
receptors activation weakens sensory gating in or- tion and structure, and to some extent to an
der to let more sensory data enter the individual’s increased need for sensory processing as a result of
consciousness [37]. In a normal person, this can be defective sensory gating, the diminution of its dopa-
easily understood as a function of the brain to mine level in chronic patients can be understood as
receive as much sensory stimuli as possible in a an exhaustion and burn out of dopamine producing
danger situation to save the organism from environ- cells. This might also explain in part the rise of neg-
mental insults [38]. However, this protective mea- ative symptoms in schizophrenics as they age. As
sure results in pathology in anxiety disorders [39]. amygdala loses its function more and more, it fails
The antipsychotic effect of serotonin dopamine more to give least proper emotional response to
antagonists might be in part because of the correc- environmental and social stimuli which leads to
tion of sensory gating deficit by blockade of the neg- deterioration of negative symptoms. A similar
ative effect of 5HT2A on it. On the other hand, while exhaustion is evidenced in the endocrine disease of
raised levels of dopamine and norepinephrine are type II diabetes mellitus. In type II diabetes mellitus,
proved to interfere with the effects of a7N recep- the pancreas gland has to increase its insulin produc-
tors and lead to impaired sensory gating in hippo- tion over the normal level to respond to increased
campus, it has been shown that dopamine need for insulin due to decreased sensitivity of adi-
antagonist antipsychotics help sensory gating to re- pose cells to insulin. In that disease, after some time
turn to near normal level [13,40,41]. These evi- pancreatic insulin-producing cells burn out and pan-
dences support the idea of interrelation between creas loses its ability of insulin production.
the disturbed sensory gating in hippocampus and Furthermore, as it will be noted later, while hip-
rise of dopamine level in amygdala. Interestingly, pocampus is responsible for filtering the unneces-
in psychotic manic patients (but not non-psychotic sary sensory inputs from entering the higher
ones), both the limbic dopamine level and sensory conceptual and emotional processing areas, pres-
gating are abnormal. Limbic dopamine level in psy- ence of a gating for the internal stimuli especially
chotic manic patients is shown to be high while sen- those that come through afferent fibers from corti-
sory gating is also impaired in those patients [4]. cal and limbic areas is not impossible [5]. Since
Again, in amphetamine-induced psychosis, both there are many thoughts that rise from the lower
the phenomena are present: limbic system dopa- intellectual areas, most of them are filtered out
mine is increased by the direct effect of the drug, in order to provide a goal directed and meaningful
and sensory gating is also defective [12]. In some process of thought formed. An example of the de-
other researches, dopamine or LSD injection into fect in such a gating is found in obsessive compul-
rat’s brain has lead to disturbed sensory gating sive disorder (OCD) in which many absurd and
[42]. These evidences again support a correlation unnecessary ideas and thoughts enter the con-
between these two defective systems in hippocam- sciousness and impair the normal process of think-
pus and amygdala. ing. It is interesting to note that another disorder
In another psychotic-like state, PTSD, in which that is shown to have defective sensory gating is
patients reexperience the traumatic memories in OCD! In another paper I have suggested the OCD
vivid hallucinatory and dreamlike forms, sensory to be on a spectrum on the other side of which
gating has proven to be defective. Interestingly, schizophrenia lies [23].
in these people, because of a high level of anxiety,
there is higher amount of norepinephrine (dopa- Pattern completion compensates limbic
mine-like and dopamine increasing effects of nor- system malfunction
epinephrine are known) and 5HT2A activation
present [43,44]. We have yet discussed a malfunction in the filtering
Another evidence for the high dopamine level of (hippocampal sensory gating) and emotional under-
amygdala to be (at least to some extent) secondary standing and coding (amygdala-hippocampal dys-
to other malfunctions of the brain (here the sensory function) of the auditory sensory stimuli. This
bombardment) is the observed decrease in active results in an overload of auditory sensory data that
psychotic symptoms in chronic schizophrenic pa- although is handled by primary sensory areas and
tients. As the patient gets older, positive psychotic can be heard, is more than what limbic system
symptoms diminish and what remain are mostly neg- can handle to code and value emotionally and
1178 Javanbakht

conceptually. So, a big amount of sensory data with However, as it was mentioned before, the gating
inaccurate emotional value is relayed to upper cog- (hippocampus) and emotional understanding and
nitive areas, especially prefrontal cortex. These processing can be also defective for internal stimuli
data that are not processed properly (because of and as like as sensory stimuli, internal stimuli and
the lack and inaccuracy of resources with highly in- thoughts may be also referred to pattern complet-
creased stimuli), are vague and are not understood ing systems and make them create unreal experi-
well because of inappropriate emotional coding ences according to those internal feelings,
(defective amygdala with increased dopamine). thoughts, and emotions.
Because of this conceptual ambiguouity, pattern Interestingly, schizophrenic patients usually
completing circuits (of thalamus and frontal corti- have meaningful voices as their auditory hallucina-
cal areas) have to use the means of pattern com- tions not nonsense and monotonic sounds. It is be-
pletion to understand the surrounding world. cause the problem is not in hearing of voices and
As an example, when a schizophrenic patient be- sound (that is a task of primary sensory areas).
gins to become symptomatic (I will discuss this pro- The problem is with emotional and conceptual
cess of beginning of the disease later), in a so understanding of those auditory stimuli because
called trema phase, he or she experiences severe of the overload and defective function of the asso-
anxiety with the ambiguity of the environment. ciative and secondary sensory areas. All the stimuli
The patient experiences severe anxiety because are heard, but they are more than what the pro-
of a surge in limbic dopamine level (as an indicator cessing areas can handle to understand. Because
of acute psychosis) and feels something must be of the resulting conceptual and emotional vague-
wrong about the environment (because of that ness of the stimuli, pattern completion will be of
raised dopamine level and also bombardment by a conceptual and emotional kind. Besides, since
big amount of sensory data along side the errone- according to the bowl and bugs theory those are
ous emotional coding and conceptual understand- traumatic and conflictual memories and thoughts
ing of these data that makes them very difficult that are used as means of pattern completion, it
for him or her to understand). At this time, in order will not be surprising for the hallucinations to be
to relate the ambiguous data to the high emotional of meaningful kind.
state of the patient, pattern completion devices
(especially thalamus and higher frontal areas) refer Prefrontal pruning, the last hit to flare up
to the past experiences to fill the empty space in the fire
understanding of the world. So, memories those
are compatible with the present anxious level of As a result of dysfunctional subcortical areas in
limbic system revive in the form of delusional ideas schizophrenia, the prefrontal cortex receives a big
or hallucinatory experiences. In other words, in or- amount of irrelevant and unnecessary data and
der to be able to know what is wrong about the completed patterns. A normal prefrontal (espe-
environment that is presented chaotically to it, cially DLPFC) can eliminate this big load of irrele-
the brain refers to its old bugs that match with vant data. In other words, it can correct the
the emotional state of the patient. In a schizo- products of defective hippocampus, amygdala,
phrenic patient with oedipal conflicts, these bugs and thalamic pattern completion especially through
will be persecutory delusions about father or audi- its dominance over these areas through cingulate
tory hallucinations commanding him or her to kill gyrus. If the prefrontal cortex is normal, it can filter
the father. For a manic patient, due to the very po- these data as a second barrier level and can elimi-
sitive emotional load circulating in limbic system, nate unnecessary, incorrect, or invalid data that
the brain faces the puzzle of the sensory mismatch are relayed from limbic and secondary auditory
this way: I am very happy (A). I have always been areas. This is what happens in PTSD and bipolar dis-
very happy because of something (B). That some- order. For example, bipolar patients do not always
thing is not known (C). Only being a saint can let hallucinate, but the times that increased dopamine
someone to be this much happy (D). To solve the level of limbic system rises as so much as it can pass
problem, memories about the saints arise to com- the normal barrier of PFC. In a bowl and bugs lan-
plete the pattern in the most appropriate manner. guage, only very strongly boosted bugs (by amyg-
In simple words: A + B + C + D = I am a saint. dala dopamine) can pass the sane barrier of
Finally in PTSD, appropriate to the very high le- frontal. In PTSD also, only emotionally very trau-
vel of anxiety, patterns of a previous state with matic and strong experiences can pass through the
that level of anxiety (the traumatic event) are hippocampal-amygdala limbic system to the PFC
completed and the patient only hallucinates those and show off as vivid hallucinatory reexperiences
highly emotional experiences. while the patient does not hallucinate about other
Sensory gating deficits, pattern completion, and disturbed fronto-limbic balance 1179

experiences and memories (weaker bugs). Another campal defective sensory gating or thalamic or
example is for amphetamine abuse. A normal per- amygdala abnormalities are present from earlier
son becomes psychotic only when the amygdala ages, symptoms of the disease appear later in
and limbic dopamine is high enough to overcome a adolescence.
normal PFC dominance. To summarize the theory, hippocampal defec-
The near normal PFC in people, who will be tive sensory gating lets a high amount of sensory
schizophrenic in future, protects them from the data be presented to the previously defective and
products of limbic dysfunction and pattern comple- abnormal amygdala for emotional and conceptual
tion in their younger age before the beginning of processing. The result is an overload on hippocam-
the disease. There has always been a question pus-amygdala system that might end in a compensa-
about why schizophrenia begins in adulthood and tory rise in amygdala dopamine level and abnormal
whether it is congenital or developmental as a field and irrelevant emotional coding by amygdala.
of great controversy. Many scholars believe the Although both the defective sensory gating and
problem to be defects in neuronal migrations in amygdala dysfunction and high level of dopamine
embryonic stages, birth traumas, hypoxias, or con- can be primary, they can also affect each other as
genital defects of the brain [45,46], while pros of described above and worsen each others’ defective
developmental theories lie on the later changes function through the interconnective circuits. Sen-
in brain that cause the patient to become psychotic sory gating and emotional coding might also be
usually in adulthood and not in the childhood age defective in a similar pattern for internal stimuli.
[47,27]. They have strong evidence of the emer- Besides, defective limbic system with an overload
gence of psychotic symptoms in adult age. In my of sensory data coming from the primary sensory
theory, these two ideas can join and both can be areas also fails to discriminate memories of the in-
validated. While the defects in subcortical areas side world (the bugs) from real external experi-
appear sooner, failure in dominance of frontal lobe ences. However, until the PFC and especially
happens later when the process of excessive prun- DLPFC functions are near normal, these errors are
ing takes place! mostly corrected by higher cortical areas responsi-
Opposed to the early model, late developmental ble for reality testing and pattern correction. When
model postulates that at least some of the crucial the prefrontal system fails to do so because of
developmental abnormalities occur during adoles- excessive pruning in adolescence, the brain is bom-
cence to explain why schizophrenic psychotic barded by a high amount of sensory data with
symptoms appear in adolescence not in childhood. abnormally high, irrelevant, and inappropriate
While normal pruning of neuronal dendritic connec- emotional and conceptual labeling by amygdala.
tions take place in adolescence in order to let func- This vagueness of sensory data that are more than
tional and appropriate neural circuits form and what the defective brain (especially PFC and limbic
shape, Keshavan suggests that schizophrenia might system) can handle, forces the brain to use its pat-
result from an excessive synaptic pruning [48]. tern completion defense which might be performed
Since human brain pruning is under genetic regula- both by thalamus and PFC. Since auditory sensory
tion, schizophrenia producing genes might exert data are relayed both to thalamus and hippocam-
some of their effect by compromising cortical mat- pus, when hippocampus-amygdala circuits fail to
uration [49,50]. understand the incoming data appropriately and
In the theory proposed here, as it was noted the data are vague with an inappropriately high
above, I suggest that defects in function of limbic emotional value, brain refers to its memory re-
system and compensatory pattern completion are sources in order to complete the vague and irrele-
eradicated and corrected by near normal prefron- vant received patterns to understand the
tal functioning. Especially, DLPFC that volitionally defective, blurred, and chaotic environment pre-
controls the lower areas and is responsible for self sented to it. The result is emergence of memory
monitoring helps to discriminate real environmen- bugs related to the same emotional situation of
tal experiences from inner experiences and prod- amygdala due to its high dopamine level. When pat-
ucts of limbic system and pattern completion. In terns match the dopamine level and can complete
adolescence, the time in which abnormal and the vague sensory incomings in presence of a defec-
excessive pruning takes place, this last frontier of tive PFC and DLPFC that fails to eradicate erroneous
reality testing gets destroyed and the anarchism patterns and irrelevant incoming sensory and inter-
in subcortical areas finds the opportunity to show nally emerged data, the brain (thalamus or PFC)
off. In a bowl and bugs language, bugs get out of locks the new pattern and a delusion or a hallucina-
the control of the broken bowl of PFC. This ex- tion forms. If the patient is schizophrenic and feels
plains why although malfunctions such as hippo- severe anxiety due to high limbic dopamine level
1180 Javanbakht

and irrelevant coding of the high amount of incom- Finally, defects and malfunctions in hippocam-
ing sensory data in an acute psychotic episode, the pus, amygdala, and PFC hand in hand with the pat-
patterns that will lock with this emotional state are tern completing defense of the brain, correspond
memories (especially traumatic and of persecutory for the formation of hallucinatory and delusional
theme) that have been related closest in anxiety le- phenomena in psychotic states. There are also
vel to the present emotional state of the patient. many evidences of dysfunction of cingula in schizo-
However, these memories can also be unreal with- phrenic brains and also its activation during a hallu-
out any previous experiences because of the dys- cinatory experience [51]. While cingula is the
functional hippocampus as the bug hole. gateway between higher cortical areas and the lim-
If the patient is bipolar in an acute psychotic bic system, its top-down function of modulating
manic episode, patterns of intense happiness will ascending emotions fails in schizophrenia as an-
be completed according to the emotional state in other subset of damaged cortical dominance on
the limbic system and finally, in a patient with subcortical areas.
PTSD, related to heightened level of norepineph-
rine and dopamine in limbic system, the most anx-
iogenic experience (the traumatic event) is the big Implications and conclusion
bug that comes out of the hole. However, in such
anxiety disorders as PTSD and OCD, since the PFC The model presented here, is a suggested explana-
and DLPFC are most intact and amygdala dopamine tion for the formation of positive psychotic symp-
level is not as high as in schizophrenia and bipolar toms of hallucinations and delusions in
disorder, reality testing is the least disturbed and schizophrenic patients but it has also some to say
the brain does not fail to discriminate between in- about other psychotic or psychotic-like disorders
ner products of pattern completion and external such as PTSD, psychotic bipolar disorder, amphet-
reality most of the times. amine psychosis, and OCD.
Interestingly, it is shown that during an auditory In this model, that tries to suggest an under-
hallucinatory state, there is activation in Broca and standing of the psychogenic process of schizo-
Wernicke areas that are related to speech and ver- phrenia, dysfunctions of hippocampus, amygdala,
bal memories [25]. This activation can be because thalamus, and prefrontal cortex are postulated
of the brain need for these areas during the task to form a pathogenic circle. While most of the
of pattern completion while producing its halluci- previous models had put defective prefrontal cor-
natory patterns. In other words, pattern complet- tex on the negative symptoms side of schizophre-
ing circuits take the bugs from these areas in nia, I here propose it to be involved in the
order to understand the vague and emotionally process of production of positive psychotic symp-
irrelevant world. toms by its defective function and lack of mastery
From an energy saving point of view, while dur- on lower brain areas. However, it can also be in-
ing vagueness of the bombarding sensory stimuli volved in pathologic process of pattern comple-
the brain has to expend a high level of energy in tion that leads to formation of delusions and
the defective limbic system to handle the incoming hallucinations.
data, when the pattern completion takes place and Besides as a provider and producer of traumatic
the completed pattern is locked, brain facilitates and pathologic memories, this model suggests an
that circuit of the completed pattern by its repeti- explanation for the little known role of hippocam-
tion and later it will become automatic and facili- pal sensory gating deficits in the pathogenesis of po-
tated through fixation of the delusions. As like as sitive psychotic symptoms. An interrelation
other learned patterns of behavior, that after a between amygdala and its dopamine level with
proper times of repetition become automatic with hippocampus is also included in this model. For
less expenditure of higher brain areas energy, the amygdala, since it is smaller than normal in schizo-
fixated delusions and hallucinations can be re- phrenic patients, one cannot expect it to be hyper-
peated more easily with lower expense of energy active. But its dopamine level is high and in this
for the brain and these psychotic features become model, at least in part, this hyperdopaminergic
more fixed and stabilized during the time of psy- state might be understood as its compensatory
chotic progression. They may also become a locus strive for processing of the high rate of incoming
that pattern completion can more easily relate stimuli due to defective sensory gating alongside
other vague and blurred phenomena and environ- its (amygdala) primary anatomical and functional
mental cues presented to the brain to it and form defects. In this view, a decline in both positive psy-
a systematized complex of delusions around this chotic symptoms and amygdala dopamine level dur-
primary locus. ing the chronic course of illness when the patient
Sensory gating deficits, pattern completion, and disturbed fronto-limbic balance 1181

becomes older and the disease is more chronic, can By considering the presence of sensory gating
be related to amygdala exhaustion and burn out. deficits in other psychotic or psychotic-like states
This burn out can also explain the increased degree such as bipolar psychotic mania, PTSD, and
of negative symptoms and emotional blunting of the amphetamine use, this model explains why this de-
more chronic schizophrenic patients. This model fect is present in all these disorders. It also sug-
also hires the interesting function of pattern com- gests and explanation for how these patients
pletion in thalamus and cortical areas for a better experience psychotic symptoms similar to those
explanation of the pathogenesis of hallucination of schizophrenics. It includes dopamine and norepi-
and delusional psychotic symptoms. nephrine abnormalities of those disorders in the
Furthermore, this model has suggestions for how pathogenic complex and explains the reason why
the disorder begins in a previously non-psychotic psychotic manic patients have increased level of
person. As it was noted above, there are different limbic dopamine. With some modification, there
congenital, early, and late developmental models might be also some to say about sensory gating def-
suggested for schizophrenia. The present model is icits and anxious emotional dysregulation in OCD
based on pathologies related to both early and late alongside a normal frontal reality testing.
changes in the brain. It hires the early dysfunctions Similarities between the circuits involved in for-
and anatomical defects of temporal lobe, hippo- mation of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia and
campus, and amygdala that are mostly present bipolar disorder as suggested in this model, might
from younger ages and might be due to genetic or explain the concept of schizoaffective disorder. If
environmental influences. On the other hand, it ex- we do not look for one specific gene for bipolar dis-
plains how the late developmental model of exces- order and schizophrenia, gathering of different
sive cortical and especially prefrontal pruning lets genes that affect different parts of the proposed
the pathologies in lower subcortical areas find an pathogenic cycle can produce different degrees
opportunity to flare up and form the positive psy- and kinds of psychosis or make schizophrenia and
chotic symptoms in an adolescent schizophrenic bipolar disorder overlap in some patients. In a very
patient. Since defects in sensory gating, amygdala simplified example, a bipolar patient might have
function, and prefrontal are also found in non-psy- hippocampal sensory gating and amygdala dysfunc-
chotic relatives of schizophrenic patients [52–54], tion and dysregulation without late defects in pre-
based on this model, one can think that all these frontal cortex (pruning) because of lacking the
defects are required simultaneously for the forma- genes responsible for excessive frontal pruning.
tion of psychotic symptomatology. In other words, This patient will have psychotic episodes of mania
in a family with genetic loading for schizophrenia, while another bipolar patient without these genet-
the one member who has abnormal genes responsi- ic characteristics may not become psychotic in the
ble for defective formation and function of all course of his/her manic episodes. However, if the
these systems becomes schizophrenic while others, genes responsible for excessive prefrontal pruning
who own genes related to only one of these de- are also present in a psychotic bipolar patient,
fects, survive and live with no prominent psychotic based on the degree of genetic dysfunction, the
disorder. Since more than one defect is needed for duration and extent of psychotic symptoms may
production of schizophrenic psychosis, one person be longer and it may even lead to a schizoaffective
with only some of these genes will not become disorder.
schizophrenic. In this polygenic view, the extended Some therapeutic effects can also be explained
spectrum of schizophrenia can be also understood by employment of this theory. The eliminating ef-
better. As it was noted before, schizophrenia can- fects of dopamine antagonist antipsychotics on
not be understood as a distinct disorder with un- psychotic symptoms are well known. Alongside
ique features and degree of symptoms in all their effect on amygdala dopamine level, as in-
schizophrenic patients and there are many differ- creased dopamine level disturbs sensory gating,
ences between patients in the spectrum of their these drugs are also proved to be effective in cor-
symptoms and their severity [54]. If we consider rection of sensory gating. By considering a role for
these genes to be gathered differently in different sensory gating deficits in the cycle of production of
schizophrenic people, we can have a spectral view psychotic symptoms, it might be explained why
on schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. In dopamine antagonists do not have an acute effect
this view, people with other disorders such as on delusions and hallucinations. The long time that
schizotypal personality disorder, their short psy- is needed for their effect contrasts the idea that all
chotic episodes, and even their change to schizo- their antipsychotic action is in amygdala because
phrenia might be included in the spectral model they decrease its dopamine level fast but not the
[55]. psychotic symptoms. When we consider that their
1182 Javanbakht

corrective effect on sensory gating needs more nations to some extent and helps them be more
time, this long course of their therapeutic function relaxed. This can be a result of a loud auditory stim-
is better understood. However, correction of stabi- ulus that, by masking other incoming auditory stim-
lized abnormal pattern completions that are re- uli, does an artificial sensory gating and inhibit
sults of defects in hippocampus and amygdala can other sounds from entering the patient’s conscious-
be also a matter of time. ness through the defective hippocampal sensory
By consideration of sensory gating deficits as an gating. This will result in a more understandable
important component of psychosis producing and less stimulus presented to the hippocampal-
pathology, neurotransmitters that affect this sys- amygdala system so that there will be no need for
tem might be also included in the model. Because pattern completion to take place.
of the inhibitory effects of a7 nicotinic receptors Finally, the model presented here, is an explana-
in hippocampus, the corrective effect of activation tion for the coexistence of psychological and biolog-
of these receptors on sensory gating can be related ical, and congenital and developmental etiologies in
to the decreased experience of hallucination with psychotic disorders. It also proposes a wide spec-
smoking and a very high rate of smoking in schizo- trum that covers many heterogeneous psychotic or
phrenic patients [36]. This may let us suggest a psychotic-like disorders based on the level and
search for effective nicotinic cholinergic medica- extent of coexistence of pathologies of different
tions as a novel method for treatment of schizophre- areas of the brain. Besides describing the longitudi-
nia. In other words, while dopamine antagonists nal process of schizophrenia, it also suggests new
break the pathogenic cycle of psychosis in amyg- therapeutic methods for psychotic disorders,
dala, nicotinic cholinergic drugs can do the same mainly schizophrenia.
in hippocampus. Since GABA is another neurotrans-
mitter with inhibitory function that attenuates both
amygdala activation and sensory gating deficits [8],
the effect of high doses of GABAergic benzodiaze-
pines in decreasing psychotic symptoms can be re-
With many thanks to Dr. Robert Freedman for his
lated to the limbic system.
very kind help, advise, and support.
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