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Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción

Equipo de Bilingüismo
Evidence: Greetings, farewells and introductions
Name: Julio Bedoya Partner’s name: Diego Restrepo – Gabriel Mosquera
Group: ___________________________ ________________________________
English A Greetings Script
Section 1 - Greetings:
Partner A (Julio Bedoya ): Good morning
Partner B (Gabriel Mosquera): Hello
Parther C (Diego Restrepo): Good Afternoon
Section 2 - Introductions:
Partner A: What is your name?
Partner B: My name is Julio Bedoya And you?
Partner A: My name is Gabriel Mosquera And you?
Parther C: My name is Diego Restrepo
Partner B: Nice to meet you.
Partner A: Likewise.
Section 3 - How are you? :
Partner B: How are you?
Partner A: I am Very And you?
Partner B: I am Very Good And you?
Parther C: I am Sou sou Tanks
Section 4 - Goodbyes:
Partner A: bye
Partner B: Good Bye
Parther C: Bye Bye

Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes tiene fines exclusivamente educativos del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la
Construcción- Sena- Regional Antioquia

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