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A Transformation of Some Kind

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Hannibal Lecter Series - All Media Types
Relationship: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Character: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Additional Tags: Wendigo Hannibal, Wendigo Will Graham, Wendigo, Wendigo AU,
Supernatural Elements, Pukeing, Vomiting, Transformation, Wendigo
shifting, First Time Shifting, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha
Hannibal, Omega Will Graham, Alpha/Omega, Will add tags as I go,
Maybe ill make this explicit after a while
Stats: Published: 2017-02-11 Updated: 2017-02-12 Chapters: 2/? Words:

A Transformation of Some Kind

by 123cosplayer


Will wakes up to find he isnt the same anymore. But what happens next?

Im bad at summarys enjoy this Wendigo au


This is my First Fic so as of now it is unbetad but i will be updating with a beta version of it

Get it a beta version??......okay im done with that bad jokes enjoy...

I know it has a lot wrong with it but again its my first fic im still Learning

Will woke with the bang of his heart plusing throughout his body. Sweat pouring down his entire

His Bed and Sheets were completely drenched in his own sweat somthing that was, a normal
occurance for him But seemed to not really register in Wills mind at the moment. as he shakily sat
up and got off the bed throwing his covers away in one swift movement.

Quickly stumbling his way to the sink a few feet away from his sweaty mattress in the dark living
room illuminated by the moon in Some blind pulsing daze. Will reached the counter and Clumsily
Grasped the edge of the sink his whole body shaking. Tremors rippling through what felt like His
bones. Like a saw ripping into his bones at the joints

Will started dry heaving from the pain in his body. His fingers griped around the sink as tightly as
he could knuckles turning white while his fingers started to burn in pain from somthing unknown.

Tears burning his already almost dream like blured vision. His body burned hot as he Groaned out
what could be a mix between a growl and whimper as his body flushed out the ear Hannibal had
just planted in a unknowing Will just hours before.

"F-uc-k.." Will heaved out after the big purge. he looked down at the item that he had just expelled
from his body with blurry vision . his mind and sight not matching up with eachother as Will body
continued to burn in pain.

Will felt like His stomach was trying to come up and out along with every little amount of food and
whisky that he had ingested earlier.

The sound of his blood roaring in his ears made him vomit the rest of the acid from his stomach
Into the kichen sink spewing it off the side of the sink.

Tears where pouring out of Wills eyes down his Chin. Making his skin even more sticky then his
sweat already made him. blinking away a fresh batch of tears Wills addled mind hazly slowly
realized what he had brought up from his stomach.

And in that moment his stomach ached with somthing other than the feeling of wanting to purge. It
was an extreme hunger. An Ear lay amongst a pile of vomit and stomach acid but in his confusing
state it looked like the most delicious thing he had ever seen.

His gums started to feel like they were being ripped and burned as his body began to shift. Wills
finger nails started to shift farther out of his fingers slowly growing into points aswell as his teeth
which began to feel like burning spikes were protruding through his mouth.

Will was heavily heaving in air to his lungs as he moved to grab the ear he had ejected just a few
minutes prior.
Will shakly and painfully reached into the sink with his now clawed hand tinged almost black
starting at the finger tips.

This didnt even register with Will as the man clawed the peice of flesh. Gulping down a gasp of air
as Will brought the severed ear to his halfway opened mouth and without hesitation chomped it
down giving it a few brisk chews before swallowing it letting out a strange pleasure, pain filled
moan before his whole body was Instantly wrecked with full body spasms. His legs went wobbly
and let out from under himself.
Falling to the ground Will groaned as he started to black out. Before he saw the dark figure
standing outside of his window watching the whole ordeal.

Chapter 2



The movement is what slowly roused Will's cotton filled mind his ears were still ringing a bit and
his whole body felt like he had been stretched beyond his limit. His joints popped as he slowly

Cracking and eye open it was still dark out the moon not as high in the night sky and a tinge of
daylight starting to break over the trees. Groaning to himself he now turned himself on the side off
of his stomach and looked around. The movement that had woken had been buster hesitantly
circling his body by the counter occasionally smelling him nudging his nose against his skin.

"Bust-er..heey.. buddy." He groaned out "why am i on the floor...?.. uuuhhg."

Will started to push himself off the floor his limbs felt worked and sore but surprisingly pretty
good for him being on the floor and the nights previous active of vomiting and then passing out.

Sitting up slowly Will leaned against the kitchen counter looking around trying to remember what
happened and why he was on the floor his mind was still a bit hazy and blurry images started to
pop in his head of him getting to the sink and the image of an ear...

"What in the. world..?" He grumbled as he made his way off the floor. Reaching up he braced
himself and pulled himself up on sore legs. Taking a deep breath Will looked around his vision was
perfect. He never had horrible vision but it wasn't 20/20. now he could see clear into his field in the
dark through the window at the distance he was. It was starting to concern him.

Turning away from looking out the front he turned to the sink where the pieces of chunks of food
and pain pills lay now mostly dried in the sink. The sudden memory of last night popped into his
head making him take a shocked inhale

He wanted to feel disgusted at the memory of eating an ear was it real? did he imagine it?. But his
stomach was comfortable if a bit hungry this feeling made him slightly uneasy.. it should make him
feel distraught but he was unable to feel anything really other than hunger at the thought of it.

Pulling himself away from the sink he moved to his bed just gazing over it all the smell of his
house was starting to come to him like his sense of smell was better than it had ever been before.

Grimacing he picked up a pair of pants that happen to be laying across the floor by his bed by a
previously used shirt as well. Getting dressed in the dark of his house the light of the morning
breaching through the tree's rays of the sun were slightly irritating but grunting his displeasure
away he moved to find his coat that was hanging up by the door and put it on. Shoving his hands in
the pocket of his coat revealed his car keys.

Sighing his first thought was to leave get i his car and drive to Hannibal but his senses brought
from out of that when Winston nudged up against him his other dogs scattered around the room
just watching him. Letting out a swift whistle he opened the door and let them out before going to
the kitchen and opening the fridge where he had some previously made dog food in a pan he had
made the day before and spreading it out in the food bowls he had laying around before. Dropping
the pan in the sink and making his way to the door to let the dogs in and make his way to

Opening the door he called the dogs and they rushed right back in past him instantly rushing to the
food. Huffing out small a smile he left the house locking it up along the way and made his way to
his car to began to make his way to Baltimore to pop up uninvited to Hannibal.

Popping himself into his car he started it up and let out a heavy sigh as he just stared at his hands
on the wheel the image of his skin tinged black and claws where his usual dull nails would be was
in his mind was it real?.

A deep growl coming from his stomach snapped him out of his thoughts and made him put the car
into drive and left for Baltimore.



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