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Project: Instruction

1. Create a document under My- Document, file Name your full name
2. Use text size 12, font type Times New Roman or Arial , except the title size
3. Apply the first paragraph indent 0.5 the right and left from margin
4. Copy the last paragraph and break in to four columns

Records life cycle

Records, like living organisms, have live cycle .They are created or receive have or adopted .At
this stage their physical form (paper, electronic, magnetic, photographic and informational
content are established). Records are then used and maintained they mature.

Controlling records throughout their life cycle is the basis for records management.
During the creation phase, records can be controlled through forms management
(establishment of standards for forms creation, design analysis, and revision,
Correspondence management (establishment of uniform system for formatting preparing,
and processing correspondence, and copy management.

Produce a memo based the following information ( use 4 x 0 style , Save on Desk top )

Please send a memo to Ato Abdi Biru, from Mesert Bekele, the main Subject Sending new
marketing representative and use current date.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the addition of Fatuma Mohammed to our New town
Company of marketing representative. Fatuma has a wise range of marketing experience, and I
know she will be an asset to our department.
A reception to welcome Fatuma will be held in the marketing conference room on Friday, June
1, at 3, 15 p.m. please plan to attend and extend a personal welcome.

Keep up the great work in all your marketing endeavors.

Attachment 1 page
CC.Ato Kadir

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