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Chapter 1 Business communication

1: Learning outcomes

1) Explain what effective communication is

The key to effective communication is ensuring that your message is understood,
stimulating the recipient to take appropriate action or affecting the way the recipient
thinks in some way.
2) State the benefits of effective communication
Tip: Success
 Stronger decision-making and problem-solving
 Upturn in productivity
 Convincing and compelling corporate materials
 Clearer, more streamlined workflow
 Enhanced professional image
 Sound business relationships
 Successful response ensured
3) Discuss the developments taking place in today’s workplace that increase the need for
effective communication
1-Advancing technology
Today we have a variety of technological tools to help us to communicate faster, more
frequently and across an increased range.
2-Global communications
More and more businesses are now working on a global scale across national
3-The information age
With an increase in the amount of information in today’s business world, you must be
able to make quick, effective decisions based on the information you receive.
4-Team-based business environments
In today’s fast-paced business world, the traditional management hierarchy has
changed, and team working is now in vogue.
4) Describe the various methods of communication in today’s workplace
1: Internal communication
Oral: telephone, messages, face-to face discussions, presentation, meeting/conference
and intercom
Written: report, memo, staff newsletter, minutes, form/questionnaire, intranet, notice,
fax, e-mail, graphs/charts.
2: External communication
Oral: telephone, conversation, conference/seminar, meeting, presentation,
videoconference and teleconference
Written: leaflet/brochure, invitation, forms/questionnaire, press release, customer
newsletter, advertisement, notice, graph/chart, report, e-mail, fax, letter and intranet.
5) Discuss the factors to be considered in choosing the method of communication
1-Cost: Consider how much the communication will cost in terms of the results
2-Confidentiality: E-mail or fax may not be appropriate.
3-Safety and security: Should a special Post Office service be used, e.g. registered or
recorded delivery?
4-Influence: to convey a certain impression, would a congratulatory telegram or
invitation be suitable?
5-Urgency: Choose the method that will produce the desired results in the time
6-Distance: Is the communication within the building, in the same town, or the other
side of the world?
7-Time of day: This is particularly important when communicating with overseas
8-Resources: Consider the equipment and staff available (sender and recipient).
9-Written record: Written communications carry more authority and are proof of a
10-Recipient: Consider who is sending/receiving the message.
6) Explain the stages in the communication cycle
1-Conceive the message: When you have something to say, consider the best means
of putting your message across, and bear in mind that timing is important.
2-Encode the message: This stage involves putting the information into an appropriate
form suitable to both the sender, the recipient and the aim.
3-Select the appropriate channel: This stage is where the message is actually sent
and the information is transferred.
4-Decode the message: Because so many messages arrive in offices today, it is
important to ensure that they are routed promptly and are given the attention they
5-Interpret the message: Very often it is necessary to ‘read between the lines’. It is
always important to consider carefully the tone used in your communication so that the
correct message is received.
6-Feedback: The communication process cannot be successful without appropriate
7) Discuss examples of barriers to communication
1-Non-verbal signals: Non-verbal signals, often referred to as ‘body language’, can
provide valuable feedback where verbal communication is concerned. Such signals
include facial expressions, gestures, movement, eye contact and nodding the head.
2-Language: Choice of words is vital to the effectiveness of any communication. Many
words have different meanings.
3-Listening: Anyone who has something valid to say deserves attention.
4-Prejudgment: What is understood is often conditioned by what we already know and
by our background knowledge and experience.
5-Relationships: The effectiveness of any communication may depend on our
relationship with the person giving the message.
6-Emotional responses: Communication cannot succeed if a person is highly
emotional about the topic concerned.
8) Discuss the different ways communication flows in a business organization
1-Vertical communication: Vertical communication moves between individuals at
different levels in an organization. This is probably the most frequent form of
communication. From the CEO to all employees.
2-Horizontal communication: Horizontal communication occurs between people of the
same status – sales staff, departmental heads, directors, supervisors.
3-Diagonal communication: Diagonal communication takes place between people who
work in different departments and at different levels within an organization.
9) Explain what culture is and discuss some ways in which you can improve cross-cultural
Culture is: a shared system of beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations and norms of
You can improve your cross-cultural communication skills: by recognizing cultural
differences, by being willing to accept that other people have different beliefs and
assumptions, by being open-minded enough to know that not everyone has the same
standards and theories as you, and by constantly making an effort to improve your
intercultural communication skills.
10) Explain the seven steps formula to achieve effective communication.
Step 1: What and why?
Your first step is to consider what is the objective of your communication and why you
have to communicate the message.
Step 2: Select channel
The next step is to consider what channel (or means) of communication would be
Step 3: Select encoding technique
Encoding is choosing the manner in which we send our message.
Step 4: Consider barriers
You must consider all possible barriers that may influence the recipient’s understanding
of the message.
Step 5: Send message
Having considered all these aspects, you may now send your message.
Step 6: Check for understanding
After sending the message, it is important to check whether the recipient has understood
the message as you intended.
Step 7: Obtain feedback from recipient
The final stage is essential – you must obtain feedback from the recipient so that you
know if your communication has been effective.

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