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Performance Simulation of Multihop Routing Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor

Networks Using TOSSIM

The engaged routing algorithm mainly defines the efficiency of the WSNs. Many routing

algorithms are developing and also many have already available. The performance of DSDV and

AODV routing protocol for movable and motionless environs. PDR, EED and ROH are measured

by varying the number of nodes and the traffic load. TOSSIM is used for precise simulation

studies with 30 nodes in multi-to-1 routing configuration.

The analysis presented in this paper reflects the importance of routing but also highlights the

difficulty in dealing with Wireless-Sensor Networks. Owing to limitations of memory, efficiency

in energy and latency it is not possible to make such protocols. In this paper the simulation is

done using TOSSIM to cater the algorithm in line with hardware. Because of the fact that the

developed applications in wireless sensor network differentiate, the search for a adaptable

routing protocol is becoming tough. Therefore, these protocols are carefully chosen rendering

to the application and the environment requisite. The performance of AODV is improved as

compared to DSDV in terms of packet delivery ratio in all the environs. On contrary, the

compromise deceits in its high routing overhead.


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