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Is owning a pet good or not?

Animals have been our companions for thousands of years. I´m sure everybody
knows that life´s better when we share it with an animal. Owning a pet has many
advantages but also disadvantages.

There are many advantages of buy a pet. Firstly, when somebody has a pet they
don´t feel alone. Pets are always happy when they see their owner. Sometimes
you can talk to them and they listen and then you feel better right away.
Secondly, pets are very good for physical as well as mental health because they
can help reduce stress. Finally, one can often learn more responsibility and
patience from them. For example, children will learn how to take care of
someone and how to be responsible.

However, some people cannot take care of a pet. Pets need to be fed, bathed or
taken outside, go to the vet. But most of all, they need time. For instance,
sometimes people buy a pet to children for birthday but they are not ready to
take care of it. Many of pets then end up in shelters because the owners do not
take care of their pets or do not have time for them.

In conclusion, pets are very good company for people. But they are not for
everyone and the decision about whether or not to buy a pet needs careful
consideration. In my opinion, owning a pet really pays off but you should be
sure you can take care of it.

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