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“Nuestra señora reina de la paz”

Assingment: Essay 10%

Student: Génesis Dayanna Bustillo Zelaya

Number account: 0801-2003-12540

Class: English V

Teacher: Ing. Luis Martínez

Section/Period: 1301 2021 2

Place and Date: Tegucigalpa M.D.C 29/06/21

There are some pros and cons of having pets, but I think it depends on people,
because there’s people that no matter how would it cost to have the pet they
want, they would do everything to maintain it, so for some people there are no
cons of having pets.

But generalizing, there are pros and cons of having a pet, like some pros of it is
that pets can reduce your stress level, also they can help you to overcome
difficult periods of your life and it’s proved by doctors, that pets can also reduce
the possibilities of heart diseases. Talking more about health, pets can help to
cure mental issues, and that’s an interesting thing that it can may sound
impossible, but pets have a really strong way to get them a big love and
affection, this is because many people feel a deep connection with their pets
and especially important for older people. Resuming, having a pet basically can
improve your overall quality of life. Something to add about affection, is that
pets can also help to reduce loneliness, what a better partner than a pet? This
is why pets are companions for a lifetime, because once they meet you, they
will love you until their last day of their lives. You can even learn from your pets,
like owning a pet can make you more responsible, and you think, but how?
Well, having a pet it’s a responsibility too, you have to take care of them and
give them what they need, since that moment you’re being responsible, as
same, that would help you to teach your children responsibility. All these
responsibilities in may give you in a certain time a little bit of hesitating, but
that’s another thing that pets teach you, to have patience. Sincerely, that pets
can teach us that they are more loyal than humans. If you want a pet, you can
go to a shelter, there are many organizations that save animals. Making apart
the pros, we have some cons of having a pet, like owning a pet can be time-
consuming, maybe at the start your pet may disturb your sleep and that’s what I
tell at the beginning, is a responsibility to have a pet and some pets can be
quite expensive, making you to spend significant costs for food, so you may
have a considerate salary if you want to have a pet, because another
responsibility is that you have to bring them to the veterinarian in case of
sickness, because as humans, they can get sick too, so the treatment can make
you spend money. Talking about sickness, you have to be careful the pet you
plan to get, and if you live with more people, you need to be more careful,
because some people are allergic to certain animals, this is involved more in
your health too, so that’s why you have to clean your home more often, they are
animals and some are more vulnerable to have diseases. Also, if you have kids,
you need to be aware, because owning pets can be dangerous if you have
small kids, but with a good training, your pet may also protect your kid. Talking
about training, that’s another thing you may consider, some pets are not house-
trained, so you need time and patience to train a pet, to avoid accidents, yes, it
can happen that your pet may get involved in an accident, you have to be
careful in your pets’ actions, because animals are unpredictable, so make sure
to train your pet, you don’t want to be responsible for damages to third parties.
Leaving all that, for me, the hardest one is when it’s the time to say goodbye to
your pet, I know, it’s hard to say goodbye to our friend, pets always get a piece
of our heart, and when it’s time to let them go, they take that piece of our heart,
but we can be satisfied, that our pet will be always protecting us in heaven.

In conclusion, I would recommend to have a pet, it’s a really nice adventure to

meet the purest living thing in this world.

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