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PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 1

PE 103


Learning Outcomes
• Manifest understanding on the basic concepts about
dance as an art and its importance.
• Identify famous male and female individuals who
contributed to the history of dance.
• Discover the benefits of dance to the fitness and
wellness of an individual.
• Show appreciation about dance as part of one’s

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 2


Dance is masterful movement in a rhythmically

coordinated, and expressive way. It is a vital part of a child’s
movement education. When students apply the aspects of the
movement framework to create dance sequences they are
learning how to dance.
Creating dances means exploring the movement
framework, selecting movement elements and refining dance
sequences. Here, learning is on a higher level than simply
repeating a dance that was created by another. It is important to
note that “traditional” dances such as square, folk, and
social/ballroom do have an important place in physical
H ITheseSdancesTcan beO
education. broken R Ythe teacher or
down, by
the student, into body, space, effort and relationship
aspects. Students can use these pieces of dances to create their
own unique dance.

Lesson 1. History of Dance

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 3

Dance has always been with us, even before the arrival of written language and

modern history, when our earliest cultures evolved utilizing oral and performance

methods to pass the stories from one generation to the next. Many historians believe

that social, celebratory and ritual dances are one of the essential factors of the

development of early human civilizations.

From the earliest moments of known human history, dance accompanied

ancient rituals, spiritual gatherings and social events. As a conduit of trance,

spiritual force, pleasure, expression, performance and interaction, dance became

infused into our nature from the earliest moments of our existence - from the

moment when first African tribes covered themselves in war-paint to the to the

spreading of music and dance across all four corners of the world. Without a doubt,

dancing remains one of the most expressive forms of communications that we


The oldest proof of existence of dancing comes from the 9000 year old cave

paintings that were found in India, which depicts various scenes of hunting,

childbirth, religious rites, burials and most importantly, communal drinking and

dancing. Since dancing itself cannot leave clearly identifiable archeological

artifacts that can be found today, scientist looked for secondary clues, written word,

stone carvings, paintings and similar artifacts. -(Dance Facts)

Dance is defined as…

A series of rhythmic expressive body movements that has pattern and goes
through the speed and rhythm of a music.

Expression of feelings A form of ART

Why do People Dance?

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 4

for recreation for competition

for execercise for entertainment

for worship/ rituals

Elements of Dance
Are the foundational concepts and vocabulary that help students
. develop movement skills and understand dance as an artistic practice
1. Space/range/dimension 3. Level- this refers to the way 4. Direction- the
a performer execute the course or way in
2. Focus- This how movements in low (floor level which movement is
performers appear with such kneeling, lying ect.) directed such forward,
reference to the audience middle ( half kneel, standing backward, sideward.
view. The nearer the position ect.) and high
performer , the bigger he (standing with the ball or
would appear, the farther lifting the body as jumping
the performer the smaller he ect.) 5. Floor Design/
would appear. Pathways/ Contours
or Shape- shapes and
forms created by the
body or bodies as they
6. Mass and Volume- This is dictated by the number of the move through space.
bodies performing through space. There are dances or part of
the dance performance that require more dancers while some
requires less or few

7. Balance- it may be static or dynamic in nature. Static balance is balance at rest, while
dynamic balance is balance in motion.

Benefits of Dance
Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 5


Dance is exercise, so the physical benefits of dancing will be similar to that of

other cardio activities.

Improves cardiovascular health

The heart-pumping health benefits of dance are right in line with the Department

of Health and Human Services’ physical activity guidelines Trusted Source for


Improves balance and strength

Dance is such a great form of physical fitness, it’s because it incorporates

movements on all planes of motion and from all directions.

Gentle on your body

Many forms of dancing, such as ballroom, are appropriate for people with

limited mobility or chronic health issues.


Boosts cognitive performance

If you need a reason to get moving, consider this: A lot of research shows how

dancing can maintain and even boost your ability to think as you age.

But how does this happen? Well, according to some studies, scientists have

found that the areas of the brain that control memory and skills, such as planning

and organizing, improve with exercise like dance.

Challenges your brain

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 6

If you’ve ever tried tap dancing, then you know exactly what we mean by dance

challenging your brain.

Tylicki points out that the brain power you need to access for dance, specifically,

requires you to focus on both the constant changing of movement and recalling

moves and patterns.

This is an excellent form of mental exercise for your mind, regardless of your



Is inclusive

One of the greatest things about dance is that anyone can participate. If you’re

able to move, even if it’s only your upper body, you can dance..

Can be a social activity

While you may prefer to bust a move when no one is watching, there’s

something incredible about dancing with others

Helps boost your mood

“Movement and dance are extremely expressive, which can allow you to escape

and let loose,” It’s this “letting loose” that helps improve Trusted Source your

mental and emotional health by reducing stress, decreasing the symptoms of anxiety

and depression, and boosting your self-esteem

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 7

Importance of Dance

Dance also enables students to better understand themselves and the

world in which they live. Through the arts, teachers can often teach children to

recognize the contribution of all cultures to the fabric of our society and

increase the understanding of diversity and values of all people. Dance lends

itself well to this task through learning traditional dances and creating new ones

based on children’s ideas. Dance also enhances skills of perception,

observation, and concentration which will undoubtedly help students in all of

their school subjects

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 8

Activity 1. PAR-Q and YOU!

In every physical activity that we plan to do, let us

always remember to check everything first, especially your

health in order to avoid serious incidents that can happen.

This set of questionnaires will guide you in doing any

physical activities. Check the boxes provided below. Answer

it will all honesty.

• If you answered YES to any of these questions, talk with your doctor before you

start engaging in physical activity. Tell your doctor about the PAR-Q and which

questions you answered yes.

• If you answered NO to all PAR-Q questions, you can take start participating in

physical activity.

Note: Failing to accomplish this task will not advance to the next activity.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 9

Activity 2. Essay.

Instruction: In this activity you will be articulating the unique characteristics of

the history of dance for a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 100 words.

Place your answer in the space provided below. A rubric is presented after the

answer sheet.











Activity 2. What am I To You!

Instruction: In this activity you will be giving the benefits of dance to one’s self

in achieving a physically active life and a sound well-being. Place your answer in

the box provided beside each statement.

How does dance benefit me…


Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 10



Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Content Content Content Content is Content is Content is

surmount surmount near the beyond the very basic

expiation. expiation. expected expected and lacks in

Treatment of Treatment of result. content. depth

details is in details is in Treatment of Details are analysis

advance and in proficient details in

detail. and of good approaches developing

quality proficiency phase and

with some very

shallow lines shallow

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | History of Dance 11

Organization The structure of The structure The structure The Structure is

and style the essay is of the essay is of the essay is structure of unorganized

highly organized organized somewhat the essay is and not

and shows and organized not too coherent with

consistency. consistency and coherent. organized the topic.

There is variety is obvious. There is and There is no

in the style There is somehow coherent. variety in the

which makes the multiplicity multiplicity There is structure and

essay very in the style in style little variety subject

impressive which makes which makes in structure matter.

the essay the essay and subject.

impressive good.

Grammar There are no There are There are There are Grammar

grammatical minimal some many errors lacks order

errors in the grammatical grammatical found in the and neatness.

essay error in the errors found grammar. There are

essay in the essay Editing is numerous

suggested errors. Major


is suggests.

Spelling There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-6 There are 7- There are

spelling errors in errors in errors in the 10 errors in more than 10

the theme spelling. spelling spelling. errors in


Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 1

PE 103


Learning Outcomes
• Identify the fundamental dance sequence.
• Execute the fundamental steps in dance correctly
for male and female.
• Create a dance routine using the fundamental steps
and movements.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 2


Fundamental movement skills are

movement patterns that involve various body parts
and provide the basis of physical literacy.
Fundamental movement skills are the
foundational movements, or precursor patterns, to
the more specialized and complex skills used in
play, games and specific sports. Physical literacy
describes the ability of a person to instruct the
body to perform an action accurately and with
confidence and to recognize the physical, social,
cognitive and emotional attributes required to do
so effectively.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 3

Lesson 1. Fundamental dance position


The basic step, basic figure, basic movement, basic pattern, or

simply basic is the dance move that defines the character of a particular dance. It

sets the rhythm of the dance. It is the default move to which a dancer returns,

when not performing any other moves. For some dances it is sufficient to know

the basic step performed in different handholds and dance positions to enjoy it


There are five fundamental or basic positions in dance that are

commonly termed as 1st position, 2nd position, 3rd position, 4th position,

and 5th position of the feet and arms.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 4

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 5

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 6

Preparatory postion for male and Female:

Activity 1. TRY ME!

Instruction: In this activity you will be executing the

fundamental dance position following the provided video posted

in our fb group or gclassroom. In doin this activity be guided

with the following:

1. you will be recording yourself in any video recording gadget

executing the fundamental dances steps.

2. Accompany your movements with any ¾ time signature music.

3. Combination of hand and foot works must have to be executed simultaneously

following the proper sequence for 8 repetitions.

4. Refer to the video posted in our Fbgroup.

5.Wear appropriate exercise out-fit (avoid showing too much of your skin--if possible,

wear comfortable clothes that do not expose the armpit, abdomen, and legs)

6. Consider the warm-up and cooldown exercises.

7. Post your activity in the portal provided in our FBgroup and or Google Classroom.

8. Keep in touch in our FB Messenger Group Chat for update with the due time and date

for your activity.

9. Rubrics for the activity:

Indicators of Performance 5 4 3 2 1
Performs the movement correctly with mastery
Perform the movement patterns with mastery and
proper counting
Displays proper posture (bodylines) while doing
the movements
Fosters positive attitude towards the activity

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Fundamental Dance Steps 7

III. References











Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 1

PE 103

UNIT III: Philippine Folkdances

Learning Outcomes
• Recognize the male and female pioneers of the
Philippine Folk Dance.
• Show appreciation on the value of Folk Dance as a
part of Philippine History.
• Categorize the dances of the different regions in
the Philippines.
• Distinguish the gender-classified folk dances of
the Philippines.
• Perform the basic movements in folk dance with
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 2


The kinds of dances found in a nation reveal the culture, art,

and temperament of the people of that nation. There is a Chinese
Saying Which runs thus: "One may judge OE a king by the state
of dancing during his reign." True enough, the kinds of dances
found in the Philippines even before the Spaniard set foot on
Philippine soil reveal the high 0f the Filipinos.

Because of the scattered positions of the 7,083 Philippine Islands,

a great variety of dances are found in the Philippines. As a people,
the Filipinos love singing. dancing. and feasting. For centuries.
Singing. playing musical instruments, and dancing have the
recreational activities of the people. They have dances and Songs
forH I S
all occasions. T O R Y
Retrieved from:
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 3

Lesson 1. Nature of Philip[pine folk Dance

Traditional dances are dances of indigenous communities that

show cultural traits of people in specific time and place.
Customs and traditions ( through dance steps and costumes) are
preserved in traditional dance. Handed down from generation
to generation, with fixed sets or patterns, these dances can
either be ethnic or folk.

1. Ethnic Dance are those that imitate nature and life while

at the social core are performed rituals that keep an ethnolinguistic

group (or a convergence of several) which is spirited and cohesive. It is an

indigenous dance from a certain race or country.

According to some literature ethnic dances in the Philippines are classified into two


▪ a. Non-Christian dances refers to the pre-Hispanic and Muslim dances. Dance of

traditionalist or “pagan” group (click the links for sample video, watch sample video

stored in your flash drive PE103- vid #1)

▪ b. Christian dances have strong influence from western culture and mostly

performed by the lowland Filipinos. Dances are vigorous and mimetic in character.

Some are light hearted and mimetic. Some are performed without music or melodic



PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 4

2. Folkdance is developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain

country or region. It is classified according to:

a. Geographical Locations

a.1 national- dances with common basic movements with slight

variations such as carinosa.

a.2 regional or local- dances that are unique to certain localities only

such kalapati, lapay bantigue and many other imitative natures of movemen

b. Nature of dances

b.1 occupational depict actions of a particular occupation. (e.g.

Planting, Punding)

b.2 religious or ceremonial associated with religion, vows and


(e.g. Dugsu, Sua-sua)

b.3 comic depict funny movements for entertainment. (e.g. Kinoton,


b.4 courtship depict the art of courtship. (e.g. Hele-hele, Tadek,


b.5 game dances done with play elements. (e.g. Lubi-lubi, Pavo)

b.6 wedding performed during wedding feasts. (e.g. Panasahan)

b.7 festival suitable for special occasions. (e.g. Pandanggo,


b.8 war show imagery combat. (e.g. Sagayan, Palu-palo)

Importance of Folk Dance

Value Importance
Philippine folk dance helps keep People think folk dances are
the people connected to their important because they help keep
ancestry and their traditions. Folk a culture alive. People have been
dance helps to preserve the doing folk dances for hundreds of
cultural unity of the people years, and there is value keeping
that tradition alive.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 5

Folk dances are important because they preserve the Philippine culture and

pass it on to the next generation. They are a uniting force to the Philippine


It is important to note…

That Philippine Traditional/ Folk dances serves as a reflection of our identity

it gives us sense of pride. As a Pilipino it is important for us to be aware of our

culture, customs and, traditions. Learning Philippine folkdances is a manifestation

of transferring the value of keeping it alive. Because every dance is a history!

Health Benefits of Folkdancing

• Folk dance provides a gentle form of exercise for children’s, adults and for older

people. It provides an activity that is socially engaging, physically challenging,

creative, and culturally and mentally stimulating.

• Engaging to Folkdancing has general exercise benefits, which contribute to a

healthy lifestyle. It optimized the fitness level of an individual in their cardio,

flexibility, alertness and balance.

• Exposure to folk costumes, customs, and traditions, can increase awareness of

other cultures. It would expose an individual in experiencing the elegance and

beauty of the dances from different regions and tribes in the Philippines.

• Folk dance has a beneficial effect on interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects of


Just like any dance styles or genre, Folk dancing is beneficial to one’s health
and fitness for it require the whole body to move. It makes an individual
become mentally well for they need to memorize the transition of steps, in
addition it makes a person be socially and emotionally well because folk
dancing involves connections, it requires the dancer to convey the feelings
needed for the dance.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 6

Lesson 2. Nature of Philip[pine folkDance

Maria Clara Dance /Spanish Influenced Dance

Dances reflects socialites to the Christianity, and stringed music of the European

art and the rondalla culture "Filipinized" by the use of bamboo castanets and

abanico as a form of adspptaion to European dnces. Examples are jotas, fandangos,

mazurkas, waltzes. This dance is prominently been originated in Luzon and

Visayas. Locally, in Ilocos Region La Jota Moncadena, Madrillena,

Pampilpilalecan are som examples of this dance.

Rural Dance are dances dominantly be seen in Luzon . This dance illustrate the

fiesta spirit and love of life; best known type of Filipino dance for it reflects the

simple life of perseverance in the barrio depicting common work. This dance

characterized by clapping, gaiety, and laughthers, accompanied with rondalla music

and the daily activities of the percussion peasant instruments. . Dance attire: girls -

colorful balintawak and patadyong skirts, boys: camisa de chino and colored

trousers. Example: Binasuan, Tinikling

PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 7

Muslim Dance Southern Mindanao characterized by vivid colors and

rhythmic intricate movements of the fingers expressing feelings and emotions. This

dance portrays mysticism, royalty and beauty which reflect the influence of Arabian

and Indo-Malaysian cultures. Singkil, Vinta

Tribal Dance Dances from

Mindanao. Tribal dances performed

essential "for the gods" ceremonial

and ritual type dances. It also shows

intricate craftmanship in metal,

clothing, and jewelry. T’boli, Bilaan,

Manobo and Bagobo are some of the

common tribes. Example: Udol,


Cordillera Dance predominantly from

Northern Luzon these dances are performed

to celebrate victories, festivals, religious

rituals, thanksgiving, etc; musical

instruments include nose flute, bamboo

guitar, drums, gongs and wooden sticks.

This dance is characterized by a strong foot

executions and a free hand movement as if

flying. Example of which is Uya-uyoy.

PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 8

lesson 3. Basic movement in folkdance

Basic Folkdance

1. Arms in lateral position- 2. Brush- weight on one foot,

both arms are at one side, hit the floor with the ball or
either sideward right or left, heel of the other foot (the free
This may be done at foot) after which that foot is
shoulder, chest or waist level. lifted from the floor to any

3. Clockwise- like the motion 4. Counterclockwise- the

of the hands of the clock. R reverse direction of
shoulder is toward the center clockwise. L shoulder is
of an imaginary circle toward the center of an
imaginary circle.

5. Cut- to displace quickly 6. Do-si-do- the vis-à-vis

one foot with the other, thus (opposites) both advance
completely taking off the forward, pass each other’s
weight of the body from the right (or left) side, step across
displaced foot. to the right (or left), move
backward without turning
around pass each other’s left
(or right) side to proper places.

7. Free foot- the foot not 8. Free hand- the hand not
bearing the weight of the placed anywhere or not doing
body. anything.

9. Hands on waist- place 10. “Hayon-hayon”- to

hands at the waistline. place one forearm in front
and the other at the back of
the waist. This is a Visayan
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 9

11. Hop- a spring from one

12. Inside foot- the foot
foot landing on the same foot
nearest one’s partner, when
in place or in any direction.
partner stand side by side.

13. Inside hand- the hand 14. “Jaleo”- partners turn

nearest one’s partner, when once around clockwise (with
partner stand side by side. R elbows almost touching) or
counterclockwise (with L
elbows almost touching)
using walking or any kind of
dance step.

15. Jump- spring on one foot 16. “Kumintang”- moving

or both feet, landing on both the hand from the wrist either
in any direction. in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
This is an Ilocano term.

17. Outside foot- the foot 18. Outside hand- the hand
away from the one’s partner, away from one’s partner,
when partners stand side by when partners stand side by
side. side.

19. Place- to put foot in a 20. Pivot- to turn with the

certain or desired position ball, heel, or whole foot, on a
without putting weight on it. fixed place or point.
The sole of the foot rest on
the floor.

21. Point- touch the floor

22. “Salok”- to swing the
lightly with the toes of one
arm downward-upward
foot, weight of the body on
passing in front of the body
the other foot.
as if scooping, the trunk is
bent forward following the
movement of the arm doing
the “salok”. This is a Tagalog
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 10

23. “Saludo” -partners bow 24. “Sarok”- Cross the R (or

to each other, to the audience, L) foot in front of the L (or
opposite dancers, or to the R), bend the body slightly
neighbors with feet together. forward and cross the hands
This term is of Spanish origin (forearms) down in front with
and is used in almost all the R (or L) hand (forearm)
Philippine dances. over the L (or R). This is a
Visayan term.

25. Slide- to glide foot

26. Stamp- to bring down the
smoothly along the floor. The
foot forcibly and noisily on
movement may be finished
the floor (like doing a heavy
with or without transfer of
step) with or without transfer
of weight.

27. Step- to advance or 28. Supporting foot- the foot

recede by raising or moving that bears the weight of the
one foot to another resting body.
place. There is a complete
transfer of weight from one
to another.

Basic folk dance steps in 2/4 time Signature

Touch step- Point R foot in front( ct. 1), step R close to L (ct. 2). This is

commomnly done in front. =1M

Close step- Step R foot (ct. 1), close L to R foot (ct. 2) = 1M This may be

executed in any directions

Change Step- Step R foot in front (ct. 1), step L close to R foot in rear (ct. and),

step R foot quickly in front (ct. 2). This may be executed in any directions.

Step-Point- Step R foot in front( ct. 1), point L foot in front (ct. 2) This step is

executed in all directions.

Plain Polka- Step L foot in front (ct.1), step R close to left foot in rear (ct. and),

step L in front (ct.2), pause (ct. and).

Hop polka- Hop on L foot and step R forward (ct.1), step L close to R in rear (ct.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 11

and), step R foot forward (ct. 2) and pause (ct. and). This may be executed in any


Heel and toe polka- Place L heel in fourth in front (ct.1), touch left toe in rear (

ct. 2), Take one plain polka step forward, starting with the L foot (ct. 1, and 2,


Slide polka- Take two slide step forward and a plain polka: Slide L foot in front

(ct. 1), close R to L foot in rear ( ct. and), slide R foot in front ( ct. 2), close L foot

in rear ( ct. and). Take one plain polka forward starting with the L foot (cts. 1, and

2, and)

Basic folk dance steps in ¾ time signature

Some dance steps done in 2/4 time rhythm can also be done in 3⁄4 time. Review

the step patterns of the following basic dance steps which are done in 3⁄4 time and

identify which dance step can be done in 2/4and 3⁄4 time signature.

Touch step- Point R foot in front( ct. 1 ), step R close to L ( ct. 2, 3 ). This is

commomnly done in front. =1M

Step point- Step R foot in front ( ct. 1), point L foot in front (cts. 2, 3 ) This step

is executed in all directions.

Step swing- Step R (cts. 1,2); swing L (ct. 3) or step R (ct. 1); swing L (cts.

2,3)Step hop step R (cts. 1,2); hop R (ct. 3) =1M

Close step- 1) Step R foot ( cts. 1 ), close L to R foot (cts. 2, 3 ) = 1M, ` or

2) Step R foot ( cts. 1, 2 ), close L to R foot (ct. 3) = 1M This may be executed in

any directions

Native waltz- Step L foot in front (ct.1), step R close to L in rear (ct.2), step L in

front (ct.3)

This may be executed in all directions.

Cross waltz- Step R foot across the L foot in front and raise slightly the L foot

across in rear (ct.1), step the L foot close to R in rear( ct.2), step R foot in front
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 12

(ct. 3). Step on the ball of the rear foot on the second count.

Waltz balance- Step R in front (ct.1), close L foot to R in rear and raise heels

(ct.2), lower heels with the weight of the body on the R foot (ct.3). The knees are

slightly bent before raising the heels. This may be executed forward, backward,

obliquely forward and backward, sideward right and left.

Three-step turn- step R (ct. 1) turn and step L(ct. 2); turn and step R (ct. 3); close

L to R (ct. 1); pause = 1M

lesson 4. Male and female pioneers of

Philippine folkdances

Ramon Arevalo Obusan (June

16, 1938 – December 21, 2006) was a

Filipino dancer, choreographer, stage

designer and artistic director. Obusan is

credited for his work in promoting

Philippine traditional dance and

cultural work. He is also an acclaimed

archivist, researcher and documentary

filmmaker who focused on Philippine culture. He also founded Ramon Obusan

Folkloric Group in 1971. Among the awards Obusan received was the Patnubay ng

Kalinangan award by the City of Manila in 1992, the Gawad CCP Para sa Sining

award in 1993 and the prestigious National Artist of the Philippines for dance in

May 2006.
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 13

Francisca Reyes-

Aquino. Reyes-Aquino is

considered the mother of Filipino

folk dance. Born in Bocaue,

Bulacan, Reyes-Aquino graduated

with a BS Education degree from

the University of the Philippines.

She traveled to various parts of the

country to record dances from

different provinces. Reyes-Aquino’s research produced a number of books. She’s

the author of Philippine Folk Dances and Games (1927), Philippine National

Dances (1946), Gymnastics for Girls (1947), Fundamental Dance Steps and

Music (1948), Foreign Folk Dances (1949), Dances for All

Occasions (195), Playground Demonstration (1951), Philippine Folk Dances in 6

volumes (1951-1979), Rhythmic Activities (1952), and Philippine Folk Dances and

Songs as co-author in 1966.

Lucrecia Reyes-Urtula. Lucrecia

Reyes-Urtula started her love for

folk dance when she was young.

Born in Iloilo, Lucrecia was

exposed to many folk dances

because of her father, a colonel, who

was stationed in various parts of the


Lucrecia started teaching at PWU

and was active in the Filipiniana Folk Arts Group as both teacher and student. In

1955, the group attended the International Festival of Dance and Music in Dacca,
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 14

Pakistan, which inspired her and the group to continue researching local dances.

They also reached out to more indigenous groups to learn about their culture.

She thenbecame part of the Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company. Lucrecia was

also its choreographer and dance director. In her tours with the group, Reyes-Urtula

started choreographing not just stage but also film and television.

Lucrecia also served as artistic director for dance at the Folk Arts Theater,

conceptualized and managed the Philippine Folk Dance Society, among others. She

was awarded National Artist for Dance in 1988.

Ligaya Fernando Amilbangsa.

Ligaya Amilbangsa is a Ramon

Magsaysay awardee, known for

her research on the pangalay or

igal, a pre-Islamic traditional dance

among the ethnic groups in the

Southern Philippines.

Amilbangsa first learned of

the dance when she her husband, Datu Punjungan Amilbangsa moved to Sulu.

Captivated by the pangalay dance, she began to research about it and later studied

culture, music, and the visual arts of the Sama and Sama Dilaut (Badjao), Jama

Mapun, and the Tausug. Her name became known thanks to the work she did in

documenting the pangalay/igal dance style of the Yakan known as pamansak.

Her work has been recognized both local and international including

UNESCO and the International Dance Competition in Seoul in 1994, where her

pangalay choreography won the silver award under the folk dance category.–
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 15

Activity 1. Create Me!

Instruction: In this activity you will be creating a dance movement

using the different basic dance movements in combination. For better

outcome, refer to the videos of the basic folkdance movement posted

in our Fbgroup or Gclass. In accomplishing the activity be reminded

of the following:

1. Create a dance routine using the different dance movements in combinations of

hand and foot works.

2. Record yourself doing the task in any video recording gadget for the duration of

the music chosen in 2/4 or ¾ time signature. Note it should be any Philippine

Folkdances Music.

3. Wear appropriate exercise out-fit (avoid showing too much of your skin--if possible,

wear comfortable clothes that do not expose the armpit, abdomen, and legs)

4. Consider the warm-up and cooldown exercises.

5 Post your activity in the portal provided in our FBgroup and or Google Classroom.

6. Keep in touch in our FB Messenger Group Chat for update with the due time and date

for your activity.

7. Rubrics for the activity:

Indicators of Performance 5 4 3 2 1
Performs the movement correctly with mastery
Perform the movement patterns with mastery and
proper counting
Displays proper posture (bodylines) while doing
the movements
Fosters positive attitude towards the activity
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 16

Activity 1. Dance ME!

Instruction: In this activity you will be dancing your chosen folkdance

posted in our Fbgroup or Gclass. In accomplishing the activity be reminded of the


1. Choose one among the Folkdances : Baingles, Kalapati, Tiklos,

.2. Record yourself doing the task in any video recording gadget executing all the

steps in proper sequence.

3. Wear appropriate out-fit (avoid showing too much of your skin--if possible, wear

comfortable clothes that do not expose the armpit, abdomen, and legs). You are encouraged

to wear costume.

4. Consider the warm-up and cooldown exercises.

5 Post your activity in the portal provided in our FBgroup and or Google Classroom.

6. Keep in touch in our FB Messenger Group Chat for update with the due time and date

for your activity.

7. This serves as your Midterm project

8. Rubrics for the activity:

Indicators of Performance 5 4 3 2 1
Performs the movement correctly with mastery
Perform the movement patterns with mastery and
proper counting
Displays proper posture (bodylines) while doing
the movements
Fosters positive attitude towards the activity
PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 17

PE 103: Dance and Group Exercises | Philippine Folk Dances 18

Dance is masterful movement in a
rhythmically coordinated, and expressive
way. It is a vital part of a child’s movement
education. When students apply the
aspects of the movement framework to
create dance sequences they are learning
how to dance.

The dance has always been with
us, even before the arrival of written
language and modern history, when
our earliest cultures evolved utilizing
oral and performance methods to
pass the stories from one generation
to the next. Many historians believe
that social, celebratory and ritual
dances are one of the essential
factors of the development of early
human civilizations.
The oldest proof of existence of dancing comes
from the 9000 year old cave paintings that were found in
India, which depicts various scenes of hunting,
childbirth, religious rites, burials and most importantly,
communal drinking and dancing. Since dancing itself
cannot leave clearly identifiable archeological artifacts
that can be found today, scientist looked for secondary
clues, written word, stone carvings, paintings and
similar artifacts.
A series of rhythmic expressive body movements that has pattern
and goes through the speed and rhythm of a music.

Expression of
A form of ART
Elements of Dance
Are the foundational concepts and vocabulary that help students
develop movement skills and understand dance as an artistic practice
Elements of Dance
1. Space/range/dimension 3. Level- this refers to the way a performer 4. Direction- the course or way in
execute the movements in low (floor level such which movement is directed such
2. Focus- This how performers appear with
kneeling, lying ect.) middle ( half kneel, forward, backward, sideward.
reference to the audience view. The nearer
standing position ect.) and high (standing with
the performer , the bigger he would appear,
the ball or lifting the body as jumping ect.)
the farther the performer the smaller he
would appear. 5. Floor Design/ Pathways/
Contours or Shape- shapes and
forms created by the body or bodies

6. Mass and Volume- This is dictated by the number of the bodies performing through space. as they move through space.
There are dances or part of the dance performance that require more dancers while some requires
less or few

7. Balance- it may be static or dynamic in nature. Static balance is balance at rest, while dynamic balance is balance in motion.

✓ Improves cardiovascular health

✓ Improves balance and strength
✓ Gentle on your body
✓ Boosts cognitive performance
✓ Challenges your brain
✓ Is inclusive
✓ Can be a social activity
✓ Helps boost your mood
➢Fundamental movement skills are movement patterns
that involve various body parts and provide the basis
of physical literacy.
➢Fundamental movement skills are the foundational
movements, or precursor patterns, to the more
specialized and complex skills used in play, games
and specific sports.
describes the ability of a person to instruct the
body to perform an action accurately and with
confidence and to recognize the physical,
social, cognitive and emotional attributes
required to do so effectively.
The basic step, basic
figure, basic movement, basic
pattern, or simply basic is
the dance move that defines
the character of a
particular dance. It sets
the rhythm of the dance. It is
the default move to which a
dancer returns, when not
performing any other moves.
For some dances it is
sufficient to know the basic
step performed in
different handholds and danc
e positions to enjoy it
The basic step, basic
figure, basic movement, basic
pattern, or simply basic is
the dance move that defines
the character of a
particular dance. It sets
the rhythm of the dance. It is
the default move to which a
dancer returns, when not
performing any other moves.
For some dances it is
sufficient to know the basic
step performed in
different handholds and danc
e positions to enjoy it
The basic step, basic
figure, basic movement, basic
pattern, or simply basic is
the dance move that defines
the character of a
particular dance. It sets
the rhythm of the dance. It is
the default move to which a
dancer returns, when not
performing any other moves.
For some dances it is
sufficient to know the basic
step performed in
different handholds and danc
e positions to enjoy it
The basic step, basic
figure, basic movement, basic
pattern, or simply basic is
the dance move that defines
the character of a
particular dance. It sets
the rhythm of the dance. It is
the default move to which a
dancer returns, when not
performing any other moves.
For some dances it is
sufficient to know the basic
step performed in
different handholds and danc
e positions to enjoy it
The basic step, basic
figure, basic movement, basic
pattern, or simply basic is
the dance move that defines
the character of a
particular dance. It sets
the rhythm of the dance. It is
the default move to which a
dancer returns, when not
performing any other moves.
For some dances it is
sufficient to know the basic
step performed in
different handholds and danc
e positions to enjoy it

Lesson 1. Nature of
Philip[pine folk Dance
Traditional dances are dances of indigenous
communities that show cultural traits of people in
specific time and place. Customs and traditions (
through dance steps and costumes) are preserved in
traditional dance. Handed down from generation to
generation, with fixed sets or patterns, these dances can
either be ethnic or folk.


are those that imitate nature and life while
at the social core are performed rituals that
keep an ethnolinguistic group (or a
convergence of several) which is spirited and
cohesive. It is an indigenous dance from a
certain race or country.
refers to the pre-Hispanic
and Muslim dances. Dance of
traditionalist or “pagan”
have strong influence from
western culture and mostly
performed by the lowland
is developed by people that reflect the life of the people of
a certain country or region. It is classified according to:
a. Geographical Locations
a.1 national- dances with common basic movements with
slight variations such as carinosa.

a.2 regional or local- dances that are unique to certain

localities only such kalapati, lapay bantigue and many
other imitative natures of movement
b. Nature of dances
b.1 occupational depict
actions of a particular
occupation. (e.g. Planting,

b.2 religious or ceremonial

associated with religion,
vows and ceremonies.
b.3 comic depict funny
movements for
entertainment. (e.g.
Kinoton, Makonggo)

b.4 courtship depict the

art of courtship. (e.g.
Hele-hele, Tadek, )
b.5 game dances done
with play elements. (e.g.
Lubi-lubi, Pavo)

b.6 wedding performed

during wedding feasts.
(e.g. Panasahan)
b.7 festival suitable
for special occasions.
(e.g. Pandanggo,

b.8 war show imagery

combat. (e.g. Sagayan,
People think folk
Philippine folk dance
dances are important
helps keep the people
because they help keep
connected to their
a culture alive. People
ancestry and their
have been doing folk
traditions. Folk dance
dances for hundreds of
helps to preserve the
years, and there is
cultural unity of the
value keeping that
tradition alive.
Health Benefits of Folkdancing
Folk dance provides a gentle form of
exercise for children’s, adults and for older
Engaging to Folkdancing has general
exercise benefits, which contribute to a
healthy lifestyle.
Exposure to folk costumes, customs, and
traditions, can increase awareness of other
Folk dance has a beneficial effect on
interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects of
Nature of Philippine
Folk Dance
Maria Clara Dance /Spanish
Influenced Dance
Dances reflects socialites to the
Christianity, and stringed music
of the European art and the
rondalla culture "Filipinized" by
the use of bamboo castanets and
abanico as a form of adaptation
to European dances.
This dance illustrate the
fiesta spirit and love of life;
best known type of Filipino
dance for it reflects the
simple life of perseverance
in the barrio depicting
common work.
Muslim Dance
Southern Mindanao characterized
by vivid colors and rhythmic
intricate movements of the
fingers expressing feelings and
emotions. This dance portrays
mysticism, royalty and beauty
which reflect the influence of
Arabian and Indo-Malaysian
Tribal Dance Dances from Mindanao. Tribal
dances performed essential "for
the gods" ceremonial and ritual
type dances. It also shows
intricate craftmanship in metal,
clothing, and jewelry.
Cordillera Dance
predominantly from Northern
Luzon these dances are
performed to celebrate
victories, festivals, religious
rituals, thanksgiving, etc;

This dance is
characterized by a
strong foot executions
and a free hand
movement as if flying.

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