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Moon, You’re Not Sun

written & Illustrated by Jerome Littles

Moon, You Are Not Sun
Text Copyright © 2020 by Jerome Littles
Illustrations Copyright © 2020 by Jerome Littles

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

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Any references to historical events, real people, real places, or real things
are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the
author’s imagination.

Book design by Jerome Littles.

Printed in the United States

First printing edition 2020.
Moon always felt so
distant from Sun.
Both going through the
changes in time of life.
Although, moon felt that
life revolved much
stricken in its case.
Darkness being upheld
against its fundamental
functions in life.
As for Sun, things spun
differently before it -
much brighter...
Though at times Sun could
be overcast by Cloud.
Faced with similarities of
adversities, Sun’s
Repression phase could
not be compared to Moon’s
dark times of diminish.
Sun’s life appeared to be
much more significant
because of its brilliance
and desirability.
Moon’s luminance was
often overlooked by the
appeal of Star brilliance,
feeling flippant and
Earth spun in between
and spoke...
“Both you and sun are
important in controlling the
stability and health of me.
I would not be able to
function without either of
you. yes, Sun has been given
the privilege of being at the
forefront of controlling the
quality of life but Moon you
possess an intricate role as
“You create balance!
Because you continue to
cycle in the midst of the
dark times.”
“Creating order in
controlling the tide of the
high and low times in life.”
“Your energy provides a
sense of peace and
calming preventing
things from spinning
abruptly out of place.”
“Sun’s presence has been
viewed for its
dominion but there are
times when you have made
your mark - totally
eclipsing Sun, making
your presence known.”
“Because of your constant
revolutions you have made
it known that your
presence Matter!”
“Even though there is that
Space between you and
Sun - your strength and
Energy have been felt and
shown through the tests
of Time.”
Stricken - to be within a situation feeling Discomfort and
Upheld - a decision made against the favor of the victim
Fundamental Function - a necessary base Intended for
the Individual
Overcast - to cover
Adversity - Difficulties
Repression - restraining, controlling someone
Diminish - to make someone feel less than, Unimportant
Significant - to be important and greater than
Brilliance - The light surrounding the surface
Luminance - the reflected light from a surface
Desirable - an attraction that’s wanted
Flippantly - to show no respect or seriousness
Alienate - to feel isolated, Alone
Privilege - an advantage, a special benefit
Dimension of words
The Oort Cloud Begins at about 2,000 Astronomical Units from the
sun. Named after Dutch Astronaut Jan Oort

The star that appears closes to the moon in the early mornings is
the planet Venus

Matter happens when two objects begin to move together creating

Time and space is consider by the third object viewing and
judging the distance between the two objects unity

Gravitational Pull comes from the Moon controlling the high and
Low Tides on Earth. The moon also controls the rotation of Earth’s
axis, controlling it from spinning furiously

a Solar Eclipse is when the Moon overlaps the Sun blocking its

a Revolution is the movement of an object around a center object

General Relativity is when gravity curves time and space,

changing its Configuration

The New Moon happens when the sun and moon are aligned and
the sun and earth are on the opposite sides of the moon
Can you find the planets?
You can’t mention equality
without including equity. all
is entitled to equal rights
and having a voice for
social justice. in the end,
none is superior over of the
other. Life shouldn’t feel
cold and dark like space -
for the minority.

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