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English A2+

Lesly Anahí García Vera

Writing Project: The impact of the
The internet has changed the way
people find information

Good changes Bad changes

• The students can search in • Anyone can publish on the
the internet to gather lots of web, without passing the
very useful academic content through an editor.
information for research Pages might be written by
purposes; any kind of an expert on the topic, or
information on any topic is even a child, or a
available on the internet. disgruntled contributor.
The internet has changed the way
people work in offices

Good changes Bad changes

• The work requires internet, a • Being online for the better
laptop and your personal part of the day with the
time management. This availability of gaming and
makes you more flexible social media sites can get
and means you can be you easily distracted.
able to work from
The internet has changed the way
people shop

Good changes Bad changes

• The internet made it easier • The cybercriminal could has
for individuals to price taken hold of your personal
compare between different information and could now
online retailers to see which use it to commit identity
one offers the best theft or sell it to the black
selections and prices. market.
The internet has changed the way
people communicate

Good changes Bad changes

• We can easily send text, • The ability to send and
talk and email through a receive emails also created
link to anyone all over the a means for cybercriminals
world. to distribute spam and
malware. Malware could
wreak havoc to your PC.

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