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1. What impact has the internet had on society, both positive and negative?

For most people, it would be impossible to operate efficiently if the internet was not
there to provide quick and effective communication. However, the internet has
contributed to some negative outcomes in society due to its attributes of efficiency
and ease of information provision. This paper will argue that the world would be a
better place if the internet had not been invented It provides effective communication
using emailing and instant messaging services to any part of the world the positive
impacts of the internet. It improves business interactions and transactions, saving on
vital time. Banking and shopping online have made life less complicated. You can
access the latest news from any part of the world without depending on the TV or
newspaper. Education has received a huge boost as uncountable books and
journals are available online from libraries across the world. This has made research
easier. Students can now opt for online courses using the internet. Application for
jobs has also become easier as most vacancies are advertised online with online
applications becoming the norm. Professionals can now exchange information and
materials online, thus enhancing research. The negative impacts of the internet on
society include Easy availability of illegal or inappropriate materials online that isn’t
age-suitable. Addiction to social networks can disrupt an individual’s life, both
personally and professionally. Some miscreants use the internet to hack into
people’s accounts for spurious activities including stealing data or banking
information. Yet others have been known to misuse the internet for spreading hate
and terrorism, two dangerously catastrophic scenarios.

2. How has the rise of the gig economy and online marketplaces impacted the job market?

. The gig economy is based on flexible, temporary, or freelance jobs, often involving
connecting with clients or customers through an online platform. The gig economy
can benefit workers, businesses, and consumers by making work more adaptable
to the needs of the moment and the demand for flexible lifestyles. At the same time,
the gig economy can have downsides due to the erosion of traditional economic
relationships between workers, businesses, and clients. Individuals provide services
and goods through various online platforms, and enterprises can use new
employment models to reduce personnel and transaction costs and to find suitable
candidates more easily. The world is entering a declining birthrate and an aging
society, coupled with changes in the demographic structure, driving the gradual rise
of the gig economy. In addition to changes in personal work values, digital
technology has driven more and more remote work. Companies can hire freelancers
from all over the world to complete project work, and freelancers can participate
through remote collaboration. Job assignments that fit your professional skills
everywhere. The gig economy means an economic model in which self-employed
people make a living by taking on short-term jobs. Each job is referred to as gig work
and is dominated by short-term contracts or freelance work on a case-by-case basis.
Some friends will use their spare time to take freelance jobs on online platforms to
earn extra money. Many people are fully committed to the gig economy, treating gig
jobs as full-time. Common examples of gig jobs include transportation, food delivery,
courier, etc. There are professional services such as consultants, designers, writers,
illustrators, etc.

3.What are the different ways in which data travels over the internet, and how does this affect
internet speed and security?

-When data is transferred over the internet, it's delivered in messages and packets.
Data sent over the internet is called a message, but before messages get sent, they're
broken up into tinier parts called packets. However, the faster the speed, the quicker
you can complete a task such as downloading or uploading a file. That means that
you're able to do more, and consume more data, in the same amount of time if you have
fast speed. A firewall inspects packets of data before allowing them to pass through to
your network, and this can affect internet speed.

4.What are some common activities that computers engage in on the internet, and what are the
risks associated with each?

. When you use the internet, some common activities that computers engage in on the
internet, and what are the risks associated are you expose your computer and other
devices to potential security threats such as viruses, malware, and hackers. These threats
can compromise your personal and financial information, and can cause damage to your
devices. Privacy risks your online activities can be tracked and your personal information
can be collected and used by third parties without your knowledge or consent. This can lead
to identity theft and other privacy violations. Scams and fraud The internet is full of scams
and fraudulent websites and emails that can trick you into giving away your personal or
financial information, or into buying fake or inferior products. Reputation risks Your online
activities, including the things you post and share on social media, can have an impact on
your reputation. Negative or inappropriate content can damage your reputation and affect
your future job prospects or relationships. Legal risks: In some cases, your online activities
may be illegal or in violation of terms of service agreements, which can result in legal
consequences. Addiction Some people may become addicted to the internet, leading to
problems with productivity, relationships, and overall well-being. It's important to be aware
of these risks and to take steps to protect yourself when using the internet. This can include
using antivirus software, being cautious when sharing personal information online, and
being aware of common scams and frauds.

5. How has the World Wide Web changed since its inception, and what role does it play in our
daily lives?

The internet is a huge network of computers all connected together, but it was
the world wide web that made the technology into something that linked
information together and made it accessible to everyone. In essence, the
world wide web is a collection of webpages found on this network of
computers your browser uses the internet to access the world wide web. 

The world wide web was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 – originally
he was trying to find a new way for scientists to easily share the data from
their experiments. Hypertext (text displayed on a computer display that links to
other text the reader can immediately access) and the internet already
existed, but no one had thought of a way to use the internet to link one
document directly to another.

The internet is a huge network of computers all connected together, but it was
the world wide web that made the technology into something that linked
information together and made it accessible to everyone. In essence, the
world wide web is a collection of webpages found on this network of
computers – your browser uses the internet to access the world wide web. 

The world wide web was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 – originally
he was trying to find a new way for scientists to easily share the data from
their experiments. Hypertext (text displayed on a computer display that links to
other text the reader can immediately access) and the internet already
existed, but no one had thought of a way to use the internet to link one
document directly to another.

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