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Journal of Experimental Psychology:

Animal Behavior Processes

1975, Vol. 104, No. 1, 22-29

Blocking and Overshadowing in Two Species of Fish

W. A. Tennant and M. E. Bitterman
University of Hawaii
In Experiment 1, a mixed blocking-overshadowing effect of color on an
auditory discrimination was demonstrated in goldfish. In Experiment 2
(with lines differing in color and angle), blocking of angle by color and
of color by angle was demonstrated in goldfish. In Experiment 3 (again
with lines differing in color and angle), overshadowing of angle by color
was demonstrated in carp, but the same animals (like goldfish in a pre-
vious study) failed to show greater intradimensional than extradimensional
transfer. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that blocking
and overshadowing are general phenomena of vertebrate learning. They
suggest also that the processes responsible for blocking and overshadowing
are different from those which produce the dimensional transfer effect.

In recent experiments with goldfish (Ten- shadowing effect, independent of prior train-
nant & Bitterman, 1973), we failed to find ing with B, is due, presumably, to its "sa-
better intradimensional than extradimen- lience," while the blocking effect is defined
sional transfer, a phenomenon which has as an outcome of such prior training. In
been found in other veterbrates (pigeons, the present experiment, we used a design
rats, and monkeys) and which constitutes which permitted both effects to operate, a
some of the strongest evidence for the op- conservative strategy justified by the fact
eration of an attentional process in those that the only previous study of the problem
animals (Sutherland & Mackintosh, 1971). (an unpublished blocking experiment by
In the present experiments with carp and Ingle) had produced negative results. In-
goldfish, we looked for blocking and over- gle's results led Gleitman and Rozin (1971),
shadowing, two Pavlovian phenomena who cited them, to the conclusion that "at-
which, like the dimensional transfer effect, tentional processes in fish are weak and
are well known in other vertebrates and labile" (p. 259).
have been explained in attentional terms,
although alternative interpretations (which Method
do not predict the dimensional transfer ef- Subjects. The subjects were 13 10-cm- goldfish
fect) are available. The results bear on the (Carassius auratus) supplied by a local dealer.
phyletic generality of blocking and over- They were maintained on a 24-hr feeding sched-
ule in a temperature-controlled laboratory room.
shadowing as well as on their functional All had extensive previous training in a series of
relation to the dimensional transfer effect. free-operant red-green discrimination reversals.
Apparatus. Each subject was trained in its in-
dividual living tank which was carried to an ex-
EXPERIMENT 1: A HETEROMODAL perimental chamber located in a larger sound-
MIXED EFFECT IN GOLDFISH attenuating enclosure. ' The training apparatus,
mounted on a chassis of black Plexiglas, covered
A common feature of blocking and over- the top and front end of the tank. The manipu-
shadowing is that learning about A, a com- landum was a circular target, 4 cm in diameter,
ponent of the compound stimulus AB, is presented at the front end of the tank. The tar-
reduced by the presence of B. The over- get was fixed to a rod, the other end of which
was inserted into the needle holder of a phono-
This research was supported by Grant MH- graph cartridge, and any contact of the animal
23294 from the U.S. Public Health Service. with the target produced a voltage across the car-
Requests for reprints should be sent to M. E. tridge which was used to operate a response relay;
Bitterman, Laboratory of Sensory Sciences, Uni- the circuit has been described elsewhere (Wood-
versity of Hawaii, 1993 East-West Road, Hono- ard & Bitterman, 1974). At the center of the
lulu, Hawaii 96822. target was a Plexiglas nipple through which liquid

reinforcement (Biorell blended with tragacanth TABLE 1

and water) could be delivered from a syringe by DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT 1 (MIXED EFFECT)
a Peti-Pump (Harvard Apparatus Co.). The ILLUSTRATED IN TERMS OF TREATMENT
target could be illuminated diffusely by 7.S-W OF Two SAMPLE SUBJECTS
Christmas-tree lamps in a light box behind it,
while auditory stimuli could be presented through No. of
Stage sessions Subject 1 Subject 2
a speaker mounted on one wall of the enclosure.
All events of the experiment were controlled by
programming equipment cabled to the chamber, 1 S R+G-
and responses were recorded with a printing 2 IS R,200 + G,800 - R,200 + R,800 -
counter. 3 1 W,200- W.800-
Procedure. The animals, which had previously
been trained in another apparatus, first were Note. Abbreviations: R = red, G = green, and W = white j
adapted to the present apparatus in several ses- 200 and 800 are auditory frequencies; + = reinforced, - = un-
relnforced. Subject 1 is In the blocking group and Subject 2 is
sions of variable interval (VI) 1-min training in the control group.
with a white target light which served as the
stimulus (S). The reinforcement was a drop of the negative tone. Again each session began with
liquid food delivered through the nipple. Each a warm-up on the white light, after which there
session began with a warm-up period during which were 10 presentations of each stimulus in Geller-
the white target was presented and response to mann orders.
it was reinforced on a VI 1-min schedule until In Stage 3, all animals had a single extinction
the animal had made at least 60 responses in 3 session with the two tones and a white target
mia Then there were 10 3-min presentations of light. There were 10 unreinforced presentations
the white stimulus, each preceded by a time-out of each stimulus in Gellermann orders following
in darkness of at least IS sec, any response in the the standard (reinforced) warm-up procedure. In
interval being penalized by resetting of a S-sec Table 1, the design of the experiment is illustrated
penalty timer which postponed the next presenta- in terms of the treatment of two sample subjects.
tion. The measure of performance was the num-
ber of responses made during each 3-min presenta-
tion exclusive of responses in a S-sec period fol- Results
lowing each reinforcement, the purpose of this ex- The performance of the blocking group
clusion being to ensure that the measure of per- was unaffected by the introduction of the
formance would not be contaminated by residual
consummatory responses. (After discrimination tones in Stage 2. As may be seen from
training was begun, exactly the same procedure Figure 1, it discriminated the two tone-
was employed during presentations of the negative color compounds from the outset (presuma-
stimulus except that no food was actually de- bly on the basis of color) and continued to
In Stage 1 of the experiment, all animals were perform at the same level throughout the
retrained for five sessions on a red-green discrimi- 15 sessions. By contrast, the performance
nation, red-positive for seven fish and green-posi- of the control group fell almost to chance
tive for the remaining six. Each session began in the first session, recovering gradually in
with a warm-up on the white light, after which subsequent sessions (as the animals began
there were 10 3-min presentations of each of two
stimuli in Gellermann orders, S+ on a VI 1-min to discriminate the tones), and reaching the
schedule and S— on extinction. On the basis of level of the blocking group by Session 15.
their performance in Stage 1, the animals were In the extinction test with a white target
divided into two groups, a control group of six light accompanying each tone, the control
animals and a "blocking" group of seven animals.
In Stage 2, both groups were trained for IS group continued to show good discrimina-
sessions to discriminate between two tones, nomi- tion, while the performance of the blocking
nally 200 and 800 Hz (calibration with a hydro- group was disrupted, falling almost to the
phone showed the 200-Hz tone to be 217 Hz at chance level. Analysis of variance shows the
35 db re .1 /iN/m*, and the 800-Hz tone to be
785 Hz at 10 db re .1 /uN/m". For half of the difference in extinction performance to be
animals in each group, 200 was positive, and for highly significant, F (1, 10) = 32.90, p <
the remaining half 800 was positive. For the con- .001. We conclude that the colors corre-
trol group, the target light was the same color on lated with the tones in Stage 2 impaired
positive and negative trials—the color which had learning about the tones, although, as has
been positive in the color-discrimination training
of Stage 1. For the blocking group, the previously already been noted, it is impossible to say
positive color was presented along with the posi- whether the color difference would have had
tive tone and the previously negative color with such an effect independently of the pre-

(3.2 cm long and 1.5 mm wide, the feeding nipple

oro at its center) on a dark ground. The line could
fe '9 be varied in color and in angle. The colors used
in this experiment were green (Wratten filter
f -8 No. 58), blue (No. 47), orange (No. 21), purple
(No. 34A), and white (no filter). The light
1 .7 source was a 200-W Sylvania projector lamp
(Model CGW) operated at 65 V. The angles
^ .6 were 0° (vertical), 45° (diagonal), and 90° (hori-
Procedure. The method of discriminative train-
cr ing was in general the same as in Experiment 1.
u • BLOCKING Each session began with a warm-up on the white
> CONTROL light, and then there were 10 3-min stimulus pres-
entations, 5 of each of the two stimuli used, in
I , , . . I , Gellermanrj orders. The S+ was reinforced on
a VI 1-min schedule and the S— was on extinc-
5 1O 15 tion. The procedure was divided into eight stages
SESSIONS distinguished by the letters A-H for easy reference
to Figure 2. In Table 2, the procedure is illus-
FIGURE 1. Performance of blocking and control trated in terms of the treatment of two sample
groups in acquisition and in the extinction test subjects.
(Experiment 1). Stage A. In Sessions 1-12, all animals were
trained to discriminate green and blue 45° lines.
vious color-discrimination training—that is, For half of the animals, blue was positive, and for
whether we are dealing here with blocking the rest green was positive. The animals then
alone, overshadowing alone, or both com- were divided into two groups (blocking and con-
trol) matched for performance in the green-blue
bined. problem.
Stage B. In Sessions 13-18, all animals were
EXPERIMENT 2: BLOCKING IN GOLDFISH trained in a confounded color and angle problem
with green and blue horizontal and vertical lines
Our purpose in this experiment was to —either green-0" vs. blue-90° or blue-0° vs. green-
look for pure evidence of blocking (uncon- 90°. For the blocking group (e.g., Subject 1 of
Table 2), the previously positive color remained
taminated by the possibility of overshadow- positive (vertical for half and horizontal for half),
ing). Two visual dimensions were used— while for the control group (e.g., Subject 2 of
color and angular orientation of a line. The Table 2) the previously positive color now was
blocking of angle by color was studied first, negative (again, vertical for half and horizontal
and then the blocking of color by angle.
Subjects. The subjects were 12 experimentally Two SAMPLE SUBJECTS
naive 10-cm goldfish supplied by a local dealer.
They were maintained on a 24-hr feeding schedule No. of
Stage sessions Subject 1 Subject 2
in a temperature-controlled laboratory room.
Apparatus. The 12 individual living tanks, their
two long sides and back ends painted flat black, A 12 B,D + G,D-
were arranged on a circular table which could be B 6 B,V+G,H- G,V+B,H-
rotated to bring each tank in turn into the train- 1
ing position. The training apparatus, mounted on
C W,V- W,H-
a chassis of black Plexiglas, covered the top and D 1 B,V+G,H- G,V+B,H-
front end of the tank providing a darkened ex- E 10 w,v+ W,H-
perimental enclosure. The manipulandum was a F 8 0,H+P,V- O,V+P,H-
circular target, 4 cm in diameter, with a feeding G 1 0,D- P,D-
nipple at its center. It was situated at the front H 1 O,D + P,D-
end of the tank behind a circular opening in a
black Plexiglas surround designed to require the Note. Abbreviations: B = blue, G = green, O = orange,
fish to approach the target on a perpendicular P = purple, W = white, D = diagonal, H = horizontal,
V = vertical, + = reinforced, — = unreinforced. In the
path. The target could be illuminated from be- first portion of the experiment (blocking of angle by color).
hind, either diffusely by a white lamp or by an Subject 1 is in the blocking group and Subject 2 is in the control
group. In the second portion of the experiment (blocking of
optical system designed to project a line of light color by angle), the roles of the two subjects are reversed.

for half). Thus, the blocking group could con- terms of mean discrimination ratios for the
tinue to respond in terms of the previously estab- blocking and control animals. The results
lished color discrimination, while the control group
could not. For both groups, of course, the two for Stage A (Sessions 1-12) show that the
angles were differentially reinforced. two groups were closely matched for per-
Stage C. In Session 19, all animals had an formance in the original color discrimina-
extinction test with white horizontal and vertical tion. The results for Stage B (Sessions 13-
lines. (As usual, the stimuli were presented in 18) suggest that the blocking group was
Gellermann orders, but response to neither was
reinforced.) unaffected by the introduction of the con-
Stage D. In Session 20, all animals were re- founded angle cues; the performance of the
trained on the confounded color-angle problem as control group was substantially affected by
in Stage B. the reversal of the color cues, although re-
Stage E. In Sessions 21-30, all animals were
trained to discriminate the white horizontals and covery was complete by Session 17-18.
verticals used in Stage C. For animals whose The results for the extinction test of Stage
previously positive angle was 0°, white-0° was C (Session 19) provide clear evidence of
positive, while for animals whose previously posi- blocking—the performance of the blocking
tive angle was 90°, white-90° was positive.
Stage F. In Sessions 31-38, all animals were group fell to chance, while that of the con-
trained on a confounded color-angle problem with trol group showed substantial discrimina-
orange and purple horizontals and verticals— tion of angle alone. The difference is sta-
either orange-0° vs. purple-90" or purple-00 vs. tistically reliable, F (1, 10) = 7.14, p < .05.
orange-90°. The former control group (e.g., Sub- It is interesting to note that in Stage D, when
ject 2) now became the blocking group and for
these animals the previously positive angle re- both groups were returned for a single ses-
mained positive (orange for half and purple for sion to the confounded problem of Stage B,
half). For the former blocking group (e.g., Sub- the performance of the control group gave
ject 1), now the control group, the previously some indication of disturbance by the prior
negative angle was positive (orange for half and
purple for half). That is, the blocking group extinction test with angle, while that of the
could continue to respond in terms of the pre- blocking group (apparently entirely under
viously acquired angle discrimination, while the the control of color) did not, F (1, 10) =
control group could not. 16.13, p < .01. Further evidence of block-
Stage G. In Session 39, all animals had an ex-
tinction test with orange and purple 45° lines ing is to be found in the superior perform-
(Gellermann orders, neither reinforced). ance of the control group in Stage E when
Stage H. In Session 40, both groups were both groups were trained with the white an-
trained to discriminate between the orange and gles, F (1, 10) =6.59, p< .05.
purple 45° lines. The positive color of Stage F As may be seen from Figure 2, the per-
was positive again in Stage H.
formance of both groups in the angle dis-
Results crimination of Stage E soon became very
Performance in each session of each stage good. When, in Stage F, a confounded
of the experiment is plotted in Figure 2 in color difference was introduced, the per-

0 .7



10 15 2O 25 30 35 40

FIGURE 2. Performance of blocking and control groups in each of the

eight (A-H) stages of Experiment 2, (For description of conditions,
see text.)

formance of the blocking group (for which mensional transfer effect, which had failed
the previously positive angle remained posi- to appear in our previous work with gold-
tive) was unaffected, while the performance fish, led us to look also for the dimensional
of the control group (for which the pre- transfer effect in carp.
viously positive angle now became negative)
was disrupted for a time, although it Method
equalled that of the blocking group by the Subjects. The subjects were 12 experimentally
end of Stage F. Evidence of blocking ap- naive 10-cm carp (Cyprinus carpio) supplied by
a local dealer. They were maintained on a 24-hr
peared again in the extinction test of Stage feeding schedule in a temperature-controlled lab-
G (when the stimuli differed only in color). oratory room.
While the performance of the two groups Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as in
was equally good at the end of training, per- Experiment 2. The colors used in this experi-
formance based on color alone in the ex- ment were red (Wratten filter No. 25), yellow
(three thicknesses of No. 8), green (No. 58),
tinction test was significantly better in the and blue (No. 47). The angles were 0" (ver-
control group than in the blocking group tical), 45°, 90°, 120°, 135°, and 150°, all mea-
F (1, 10) =67.90, p < .01. Retraining sured clockwise.
was rapid, however, and the performance Procedure. The discriminative training method
was the same in general as in the previous ex-
of the two groups did not differ significantly periments. Each session began with a warm-up
in Stage H (F < 1). on the white light and was followed by 3-min
We conclude that the blocking of angle presentations (in modified Gellermann orders) of
by color and of color by angle has been dem- the various stimuli to be discriminated, S+ on
VI 1-min reinforcement and S—• on extinction.
onstrated in goldfish. Part 1. The first part of the experiment was
concerned with overshadowing. In Table 3, the
EXPERIMENT 3: OVERSHADOWING AND procedure is illustrated in terms of the treatment
DIMENSIONAL TRANSFER IN CARP of two sample subjects.
In Stage 1 of Part 1, all animals were trained
In this experiment, we set out to deter- for five sessions with a yellow 135° line on VI
mine if a more salient color difference would 1-min reinforcement. There were 12 presenta-
overshadow a less salient angle difference, tions of this stimulus in each session. The pur-
salience being defined in terms of difficulty pose of the training was to familiarize the ani-
mals with the yellow color to be used in the over-
of discrimination as established in indepen- shadowing tests (Stages 3 and 4).
dent tests. Although we had begun our In Stage 2 of Part 1, six animals (overshadow-
work on attention in fishes with goldfish, ing group) were trained for: 20 sessions on a
we found it necessary here to use carp be- confounded color and angle discrimination. For
three of the fish red-120° was positive and green-
cause goldfish were for a considerable time ISO0 was negative, while for the other three,
in very short supply. Interest in the rela- green-ISO" was positive and red-120° was nega-
tion between overshadowing and the di- tive. The remaining six animals (control group)
were trained for 20 sessions on a pure angle
TABLE 3 discrimination; red-120" was positive and red-ISO0
was negative for three fish, while green-ISO0 was
DESIGN OF PART 1 OF EXPERIMENT 3 (OVER- positive and green-120° was negative for the other
SHADOWING) ILLUSTRATED IN TERMS OF three. In each session, there were 6 3-min pres-
TREATMENT OF Two SAMPLE SUBJECTS entations of S+ and 6 3-min presentations of S—.
In Stage 3 of Part 1, both groups had a single
No. of
Stage sessions Subject 1 Subject 2 extinction session in which yellow-120" and yel-
low-ISO" were presented in a balanced order (six
3-min presentations of each).
1 5 Y,135° + In Stage 4 of Part 1, both groups were trained
R,120°+G,150°~ for a single session on a pure yellow-angle dis-
2 20
R,120°+ R,150°- crimination with the angle which was positive in
3 1 Y,120°- Y,150°- Stage 2 positive again in Stage 4. For animals
4 1 Y,120° + Y,150°- whose previously positive stimulus was red-1200,
yellow-1200 was positive and yellow-ISO0 was
Note, Abbreviations: Y = yellow, R = red, and G = green; negative. For animals whose previously positive
120, 133, and ISO are angular orientations; + = reinforced, stimulus was green-150", yellow-150" was posi-
— = unreinforced. Subject 1 is in the overshadowing group
and Subject 2 is in the control-group. tive and yellow-1200 was negative.

Part 2. In the second part of the experiment,

we looked for the dimensional transfer effect. All oro
animals were pretrained for three sessions with H .9
two sets of four stimuli—red and yellow hori-
? -8
zontals and verticals, and blue and green diag-
onals. The stimuli were presented equally often
in balanced orders and response to each was re-
inforced on a VI 1-min schedule. Then differ-
ential reinforcement was begun. In Table 4, the 1 .5
procedure is illustrated in terms of the treatment 01
of four sample subjects.
In Stage 1, all animals were trained for IS
ti .4
° .3
sessions with the red and yellow horizontals and
verticals. For six of the animals, color was rele- 1O 15 2O
vant and angle irrelevant; red was positive for SESSIONS
three and yellow for three. For the remaining
animals, angle was relevant and color irrelevant; FIGURE 3. Performance of overshadowing and
horizontal was positive for three and vertical for control groups in acquisition and in the extinction
three. There were four 3-min presentations of test (Experiment 3, Part 1).
each stimulus in each session.
In Stage 2, the animals were trained for seven Results
sessions with the green and blue diagonals. For
six fish (one previously trained red-positive, two Performance in the 20 training sessions
yellow-positive, two horizontal-positive, and one of Stage 2 and in the extinction session of
vertical-positive), color was relevant (blue-positive Stage 3 in Part 1 is plotted in Figure 3.
for three, green-positive for three) and orientation The superior performance of the over-
irrelevant. For the remaining fish, orientation
was relevant (13S°-positive for three, 4S°-positive shadowing group shows that the confounded
for three) and color irrelevant. Thus, for half color and angle discrimination was easier
of the animals the shift was intradimensional, than the pure angle discrimination. In ex-
while for half it was extradimensional. tinction, however, the control group con-
In Stage 3, the animals were retested with the
red and yellow stimuli in a single session, and in tinued to give evidence of discrimination
Stage 4, all eight of the stimuli were used, with while the performance of the overshadowing
two presentations of each stimulus in a single ses- group fell to chance, suggesting that color
sion. In the latter two stages, the stimuli were had interfered with learning about angle.
differentially reinforced as in the preceding stages. The performance of the control group was
TABLE 4 significantly better than that of the over-
DESIGN OF PART 2 OF EXPERIMENT 3 (DIMEN- shadowing group both in the Stage 3 ex-
TREATMENT OF FOUR SAMPLE SUBJECTS tinction test, 'F ( I , 10) = 7.74, p < .02, and
in the Stage 4 retraining test, F (1, 10) =
Subjects 5.16, p < .05. We conclude that the over-
Stage No. of Stimuli
sessions shadowing of angle by color has been dem-
1 2 3 4
1 IS R,V + + + + The results for dimensional transfer, plot-
R,H + + ' ted in Figure 4, are quite like those pre-
Y,V — + +
Y,H — — viously reported for goldfish. The curves

for Stage 1 (Sessions 1-15) show that the
2 7 G,Da + + + +
G,Db + +
two groups were properly matched for per-

B,Da —
— + —
+ formance with the red-yellow horizontal-
B,Db ' — —
vertical set of stimuli. (It should be noted
that in this and in all subsequent stages of
3 1 Same as in Stage 1
4 1 Same as in Stages 1 and 2 combined the experiment, as in the previously pub-
lished experiment on dimensional transfer
Note. Abbreviations: R = red, V = yellow, G = green, in goldfish, the color and angle problems
B = blue, V = vertical, H = horizontal, Da and Db = diago-
nals, -\- = reinforced, — = unreinforced. Subjects 1 (color were of almost exactly equal difficulty.)
relevant in both sets of stimuli) and 4 (angle relevant in both
setsi of
oof stmu
stimuli) aare
r e intradimensional
ntramensona aanimals,
nmas, w e Subjects
while uects2 Subsequent performance with the green-
(angle to color) and 3 (color to angle) are extradimensional
animals. blue diagonal set of stimuli in Stage 2 (Ses-

sions 16-22) also was the same in the two tion that components of a compound stimu-
groups—that is, performance was the same lus independently acquire excitatory and
whether the relevant dimension had been inhibitory properties by association with
relevant or irrelevant in the prior stage. reinforcement and nonreinforcement—or
Furthermore, performance with the red- whether some principle of stimulus domi-
yellow horizontal-vertical set in Stage 3 nance or stimulus selection is required.
(Session 23) was not impaired by extra- Even where (as here) the experimental de-
dimensional training in Stage 2; nor in sign makes it possible to rule out explana-
Stage 4 (Session 24) was concurrent per- tions in terms of stimulus generalization or
formance with the two sets of stimuli any afferent neural interaction, the possibility
better when the same dimension was rele- must be considered that different experience
vant in both sets than when the relevant with the critical components in the training
dimension of one set was the irrelevant di- stage is responsible for the outcome. Con-
mension of the other. Like goldfish, then, sider, for example, the present experiments:
carp fail to show dimensional transfer un- Although in each case the two groups had
der these conditions. equal exposure to the blocked or over-
shadowed components, and the same number
DISCUSSION of reinforcements for response to S+ (with
The work reported here is significant pri- VI 1-min training, a minimal rate of re-
marily because it extends the range of ver- sponding to S+ ensures the delivery of all
tebrates in which blocking and overshadow- scheduled reinforcements), the blocking or
ing have been demonstrated, lending weight overshadowing group made more unrein-
to the common assumption that they are forced responses to S+ and fewer unrein-
general phenomena of vertebrate learning forced responses to S— than did the control
(Bitterman & Woodard, 1975). The re- group. There simply is no way in the train-
sults bear also on the theory of blocking ing stage of a blocking or overshadowing
and overshadowing. experiment to equate the experience of the
The first question to be asked about the two groups both with respect to dura-
two phenomena, of course, is whether they tion of exposure to the critical components
can be dealt with in terms of conventional and with respect to frequency of respond-
continuity theory—that is, on the assump- ing in the presence of those components.

0 9
? .8
- R-Y

Q .7
or '

1 1O 15 20
FIGURE 4. Performance of the two groups in the initial training with
the red-yellow (R-Y) set, in the subsequent training with the blue-green
(B-G) set, and in subsequent tests with the red-yellow set and with both
sets combined (Experiment 3, Part 2).

The suggestion of Wagner (1969) that clas- might be some objection, furthermore, to
sical conditioning is more appropriate in our use of experienced animals, although
such experiments than instrumental condi- there is nothing in attention theory which
tioning is acceptable only on the assumption suggests that the dimensional transfer ef-
that differences in responding are of less fect occurs only in naive animals or is mani-
importance in classical conditioning. It re- fested less readily by experienced animals.
mains, however, to be determined whether It should be noted that the subjects of Ex-
the entire pattern of results obtained in the periment 1 were not naive, nor were the
blocking and overshadowing experiments subjects that showed blocking of color by
which have been reported thus far can in angle in Experiment 2 (having previously
fact be derived rigorously from continuity been used to demonstrate blocking of angle
theory. by color). Given our negative results, it
Two other interpretations of blocking and seems reasonable for the moment to assume
overshadowing are available, one which may that the dimensional transfer effect is not
be phrased in attentional terms (Sutherland to be found in goldfish or carp and there-
& Mackintosh, 1971.) and the other in in- fore to entertain the hypothesis that the
formational . terms (Rescorla & Wagner, processes responsible for dimensional trans-
1972; Wagner & Rescorla, 1972). The fer are different from those which produce
change in the associative strength of some blocking and overshadowing.
component of a compound stimulus pro- REFERENCES
duced by reinforcement or nonreinforcement
is related, in the one view, to the amount Bitterman, M. E., & Woodard, W. T. Vertebrate
learning; Common processes. In R. B. Master-
of attention paid that component and, in the ton, M. E. Bitterman, C. B. G. Campbell, &
other, to the predictability of reinforcement N. Hotten (Eds.), The evolution of brain and
or nonreinforcement from the compound. behavior in vertebrates. Potomac, Md.: Erl-
In the evaluation of these alternatives, the baum, 1975.
Gleitman, H., & Rozin, P. Learning and mem-
negative results reported here on dimen- ory. In W. S. Hoar & D. J. Randall (Eds.),
sional transfer in carp, along with our pre- Fish physiology (Vol. 6) : Environmental rela-
vious results for goldfish (Tennant & Bit- tions and behavior. New York: Academic Press,
terman, 1973), may be of some assistance. 1971.
Rescorla, R. A., & Wagner, A. R. A theory of
Since attention theory predicts better intra- Pavlovian conditioning: Variations in the ef-
dimensional than extradimensional transfer fectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforce-
as well as blocking and overshadowing, the ment. In A. H. Black & W. F. Prokasy (Eds.),
informational theory, which does not predict Classical conditioning II. New York: Appleton-
Century-Crofts, 1972.
the dimensional transfer effect, might appear Sutherland, N. S., & Mackintosh, N. J. Mecha-
superfluous if the dimensional transfer ef- nisms of discrimination learning in animals,
fect were found in all animals that show New York: Academic Press, 1971.
blocking and overshadowing. With our Tennant, W. A., & Bitterman, M. E. Some com-
failure to find dimensional transfer in carp parisons of intra- and extradimensional transfer
in discriminative learning of goldfish. Journal
and goldfish, however, the demonstration of of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,
blocking and overshadowing in the same ani- 1973, 83, 134-139.
mals suggests that the three phenomena Wagner, A. R. Incidental stimuli and discrimina-
may not have a common explanation and tion learning. In R. M. Gilbert & N. S. Suther-
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emphasizes the usefulness of the Wagner- New York: Academic Press, 1969.
Rescorla model. Wagner, A. R., & Rescorla, R. A. Inhibition in
How seriously this argument is taken de- Pavlovian conditioning: Application of a theory.
pends, of course, on how much weight is In R. A. Boakes & M. S. Halliday (Eds.), In-
given to the negative results of our dimen- hibition and learning. New York: Academic
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sional transfer experiments. The possibil- Woodard, W. T., & Bitterman, M. E. Improved
ity certainly must be considered that dimen- techniques for the measurement of consumma-
sional transfer is a more subtle effect than tory behavior in fishes. Behavior Research
blocking or overshadowing, one which our Methods and Instrumentation, 1974, 6, 321-324.
technique is inadequate to detect. There (Received March 1, 1974)

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