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11, Giwa Street, Iju,


2nd January 2020.

Mr. Samuel Adeyeye,

Supervising Manager,

Ideal Mind Publishers.

Dear Sir,


I am writing in response to your request for a Freelance Writer at Ideal Mind

Publishers. My name is JOSPEH, MATTHEW KEHINDE. I’m a final-year college student
currently undergoing a 6-month Industrial Training in Lagos, Nigeria.

I totally understand that you need a writer who is able to work virtually on short-term,
targeted writing projects. You need someone who isn’t only accustomed to the dexterity and
skill of writing, but is also able to work with your deadline and deliver writing jobs on time.
That’s me. I’ve been involved in this kind of work ethic and am used the demands that come
with it.

As a seasoned writer, who have been writing been offering the service of writing both
online and offline for 6 years, I can assure you that I have what it takes to satisfy the demands
of Ideal Mind Publishers.

My blog, is filled with a repertoire of work that includes

faith based articles, inspirational articles, mental health articles, poetry works and all kinds of
articles that’s aimed at both captivating and blessing the readers.

For years, I’ve been a consistent writer on various articles directories like Hubpages,
Infobarrel. I also offer professional online writing and editing services on that
require vast experience on various kinds of writing including Academic writing, Copy
writing, Technical writing, Fiction writing, and so on.

In addition to this, I’ve offered writing services for various news blog, magazines, and
editorial boards and news outlet on campus.

There are certain qualities that distinguish me as a writer. I will like to outline a few of them

1. Attention to Detail
I strongly believe that great writers are keen observers. Every word and every sentence
have their meaning and function. Like an architect designing a building, I believe that
every piece of writing is a design created by the writer and that design must carry out a
function that serves the readers. Hence, everything in my “building ” must have their

Paying attention to detail goes beyond just my writing. I can use this skill to spot the
every grammatical error while reading through another person’s work.

Also, when the client I’m writing for specifically states what they want me to include in
my writing, I make sure I include them as required.

2. Discipline

As a writer that desires to excel, I ensure that I dedicate my energy strategically to

produce a work that is high in quality and presentable in standard. The only difference
between the ordinary and extraordinary is extra. Sometimes, the extra that is required
might not be a huge degree but just a little.

Discipline is the conduit through which the little extra that is derived. Hence, to
differentiate my writing from the common, I use the power of discipline to make that the
spark of extra is obvious in my written work.

3. Creativity

Creativity goes beyond writing; it is essential in life as well because it is what paves the
way for things that must be done in the future. A writer has to understand life so he can be
able to pen it down. As a writer that engages in philosophical thinking, I utilize the power
and force of creativity to be able to write in various forms and adapt to the requirement of
the client as necessary. As a widely read person that I am, I can help by giving points that
will bolster my client’s writing and give it a touch of class.

4. Strong vocabulary

When a word is repeated time and again in a piece of writing, it could become clichéd if
not used pari passu with other similar words. As a writer that possesses robust
vocabulary, I incorporate interesting a unusual words in my writing, yet doing so at a
pace that wouldn’t make the work difficult to understand by an average reader.

5. Clarity

The level of clarity in a written work determines the degree to which it reaches its
intended audience. However, for the writing to be received by a wider community of
people, it must be comprehensive enough to be read by a 5-year-old.

Having this knowledge about the importance of clarity in writing, I ensure that I include
this important rule in everything I write. Also, the ability to crystallize complex ideas for
everyone to understand is a quality that I’ve exhibited in all my years of writing.
6. Adaptive to Change

When I finish a piece of writing, I wait for the client’s feedback. Whenever s/he states
something they’ll like to adjust, I immediately get to work to ensure that the client’s
requirement is fully satisfied.

I honestly look forward to contributing my quota in being in making Ideal Minds

Publishers much more effective—as well as savoring the opportunity to learn and improve
where necessary.

Yours sincerely,


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