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The ability to write meaningful sentences, lines, paragraphs which a reader can easily understand is termed as
Excellent Writing Skills. It is a perfect way to write & express your views on the topic you want to address your
audience & listeners.

Effective Writing abilities or Skills

Learning how to write brief paragraphs and essays is one of the terrible experiences for students in school, but it is
also one of the essential skills. If kids do not attempt to learn the skill of writing at a young age, they will face
difficulties in mastering the skill in their later life.

However, it’s true that a student should be proficient enough to write a sentence together accurately.

Writing goes beyond school purposes. Businesses require candidates who can write and communicate effectively.
Even the digital age has not reduced the need for writing. Be it emails, online chat conversations, faxes or website
updates all these require excellent writing skills.

The clearer the communication is, the greater will be the chance of a high success rate. Be it any field or any
profession, writing skill is required in some part of the journey in life.

Moreover, writing also facilitates a person to think better. When student learn how to write, he or she becomes more
capable of analyzing what they read, interpret and think.

1. Ability to Explain Yourself

Writing is a great way to teach, inform, entertain one’s behavior and educate oneself. Some children are natural
in writing, while others learn to write. One requires a good sort of knowledge & appropriate experience about the
topic which he/ she is writing, required to be natural in this skill.

2. Serves as a Record for Future

Jotting down your ideas & experiences on a paper for future references. For instance, scientific, logical & technological
achievement can’t be verbally communicated. They must be presented in a composed format, such as scientific
journals, logical diaries and white papers. Science would not have existed if the researchers had not recorded each
experiment in an equitable composed format.

3. Helps you in getting a job in later life

Children who start learning writing skills from an early age achieve high levels of academic success. These
benefits result in excellent professional skills.

Mastering over good writing at an early age is associated with better outcomes on the overall performance of children
in school. Students who learn to write a complete sentence without an error from a very young age are more likely to
develop that skill while they become old.

4. Improve Communication Skills

Yes, this eventually increases your communication skills as well. Writing abilities channelize your knowledge and
brain to the point of value. It about conveys the point that is significant for other people.

If you want to be successful in speeches & debates, you’ll need effective writing skills. Apart from facts & figures to
present your ideas & viewpoints to the audience.

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5. Improve focus & connects with yourself

Whether it is a blog post, an article, essay, travel experience, business trips, quotes, shayaris, or whatever you write,
one cannot write effectively without connecting his/ her brain to the heart. This is the way you become focused, more
conscious & intelligent. It also reflects the personality of an individual.

6. Increases your Knowledge, Creativity & Imagination

Effective writing ensures a writer to be smart enough as he/ she writes with his experience as well as creativity.

While writing anything, a human brain uses every part of the brain & cells. If a person is writing his/ her life
experiences, travel experience, article for a blog, editorial or anything else, all his knowledge related to that,
memories, incidents, success & failures, present situations & future possibilities, everything comes out of writing.
This ultimately increases awareness, improve memory, make you sharp and increase your creativity and imagination.

These are desirable traits to be successful in students’ life and career.

7. Help in Getting a Job

Today, due to the advancement of information technology (IT), writers & authors are in demand to make digital
media content. Such as digital marketing companies, advertising organizations do require a content writer or a

News websites, social media marketing companies and many other IT or non-IT companies need a writer to help them
write for their digital marketing channels such as brand cites, commercial advertisements, social media posts and

It is the most demanding skill that will help you get a job.

Tips for good writing

 Make simple, short & precise sentences that are easy to read & understand.
 Stay away from the excessive stuffing of words.
 Avoid the use of jargon while paying attention to grammar & spellings.
 Do not use repetitive sentences as it may confuse the reader.
 Instead of passive form, always use the active voice of the verb.
 Don’t delay in writing instead get it done now.
 Review your previous work & examine how you’ve grown up your skills till now.
 Brush up on the basic principles of writing skills by starting writing anything roughly.
 Try to imitate your favorite writers & authors.
 Outline, edit, simplify & improve your writing tasks.
 Take your time to analyze what all you’ve read.
 Develop your skills & abilities by reading more & more.
 Accept your mistakes as first attempts are always wrong.
 Join a workshop, meet up, consult adults or else take a writing class.
 Write something every day.
 Ask your friend to read what you’ve written and also provide you with feedback.
 Do good research on the topic you need to write.
 Do the practice of writing daily.

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These are some characteristic traits of good writing skills. These abilities not only help students in their school
academic life but also aides many business people like newspaper editors excelling in their field.

Writing Skills for Career/Workplace

Writing skills are crucial in nearly every profession. Nearly everybody is required to write emails and other
communications to follow workers and managers, while in roles that carry accountability, you need to be able to
document clearly the tasks that you have done.

In short, good writing skills are highly important in the workplace/ Of you are sending emails full of typos, poorly
constructed sentences and grammatical errors, then it can imply that you take a similar attitude towards your work.
Therefore good writing skills not only improve communication in the workplace but can also have an effect on how
you are perceived. Here are some of the reasons why writing skills are important to our careers.
 Professionalism
 Communication
 Credibility
 Consideration
When the job at hands involves writing such as in the case of professional writers, journalists and other
communications professionals then your literacy skills are clearly going to be important. You will be sending emails,
compiling reports and typing memos which is easily comprehensible and well organised.

As mentioned workers are constantly writing notes, emails, memos, letter and reports. All of these required good
writing skills so that people are able to communicator their ideas effectively. Poor writing skills on the other hand –
especially where communication with management is concerned can be a signal that an employee is not suited to ore
senior positions and as can be a hindrance to promotion.

Employees with excellent writing skills are generally viewed as being a hot commodity. Companies around the world
are spending hefty amounts of money to train their employees and improve their writing skills. An email or report fill
of typos, grammatical errors would not only waste a lot of time, but also fail to effectively communicate the message.
This means that the sender was ignorant and did not bother to proof read their work.

Good writing skills open doors for many junior employees to be considered for senior positions. However as
important as these skills are, it is also important to know when and when not to correct another person. Correcting
the wrong person can get you in trouble at work or even fired. Nor everybody likes to be corrected, and not all
mistakes are significant enough to warrant correction.

Goals and Objectives

1. Understanding written communication
2. Understanding importance of possessing good writing skills
3. Knowing about different types of documents used for business writing
4. Discussing company’s current writing skill set among employees.
5. Reviewing, Analysing, Suggesting organisational improvement in written communication

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Writing skills

 A career requirement

 More than a ‘nice thing to have’ a necessity

 Your writing – your personality

 As professionals, it is crucial to write well

 A basic understanding of writing well in all situations is needed as a professional

Writing Process
1. Planning
2. Writing
3. Quality control
4. Planning
5. Keep objective in mind and research the topic in mind and research the topic
6. Think about the audience
7. Outlining helps to organise thoughts


 Follow your outline

 Use the interview approach to supplement the outline. (who, what, where, when, how)

Quality Control

 Proof read your work

 Be critical of your own work

Essentials of a good Writing

1. Completeness: all information needed is provided
2. Correctness: relevant and precise information
3. Credibility: Support your argument
4. Clarity: should not be ambiguous
5. Conciseness: to the point
6. Consideration: anticipate the readers
7. Vitality: Reaction use the active voice rather than passive voice

Writing Style
A writers’ style is a reflection of his or her personality, unique voice, and way of approaching the audience and
readers. There are many writer’s styles as there are writers, there are only four general purposes that lead someone
to write a piece. These are known as the four styles or types of writing.

Knowing all four different types and their usages is important for any writer.

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Expository Writing
Its main purpose is to explain. It is a subject-oriented writing style in which authors focus on telling you about a given
topic or subject without voicing their personal opinions

When you would use Expository writing

 Text book writing
 ‘How to’ articles
 Recipes
 New stories (not including opinion/editorial pieces)
 Business, technical or scientific writing

Descriptive Writing
Its main purpose is to describe. It is a style of writing that focuses on describing a character, an event or a place in
great detail.

When you would use Descriptive Writing

 Poetry
 Journal or Diary writing
 Nature writing
 Descriptive passage in fiction

Persuasive Writing
Its main purpose is to convince. Unlike expository writing, persuasive writing contains the opinion of the author. It is
often used in letters of complaint, advertisements or commercials, cover letters, newspaper opinion and editorial

When you would use persuasive writing

 Advertisements
 Reviews (of Books, Music, Movie, Restaurant etc.)
 Cover letters

Narrative Writing
Its main purpose is to tell story. The author will create difficult characters and tell you what happens to them. Novels,
short stories, poetry, novellas and biographies can all fall in the narrative writing style.

When you should use Narrative writing

 Novels
 Short story
 Poetry
 Novellas
 Anecdotes

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