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Date: Thursday 21th may 2020

Watch the video:
What does the maitress answer when the client asks for a table by the window?
Watch the video:
 could you tell me what is jack's order of the day?
 could you tell me what is sarah's order of the day?
Watch the video:
a table for how many does the gentleman want to reserve?

now read the following dialogue

First dialogue
A - May I take your order?

B - Yes.  I'd like the chicken and a side order of corn.

A - And what would you like to drink?

B - I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

A - And what would you like to order?    

C - I'll take the spaghetti and a salad.

A - What would you like to drink?

C - Just water, please.

(after the meal)

A - Would you like something for dessert?

B - Yes, I'll have the cake, please.  Would you like something?

C - No thanks.  I'm full.

(after dessert)

B - Could we have the check, please?

A - Yes, here it is.

B - Hmmm.  $23.55.  Here you are.

A - Thank you.  Come again.

B - Thank you. Goodbye.

1)Write the words in order to form sentences

1. Take your order May I?

2. Coffee, cup like a I'd of please
3. Would you drink What to like?
4. Check, the have we Could please?
5. Cake, I'll have please the.

2)Create a dialogue with the

words learned






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