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Supervisor :

Akhmad Ivan Zulkarnaen,M.Li

Arranged by:



2. N. ALDI SAPUTRA (AOA0190906)
5. NATALIA DESI (AOA0190909)




I. Introduction paragraph

General Statement : 

corona virus found in China. Researchers and journalists have speculated from the
start, how the new corona virus suddenly appeared in Wuhan.

Thesis statement:

1. There are several alleged causes of corona virus

2. The first suspicion is that the virus originated from a fish market that also sells
wild animals. But a number of western media are now reporting that the virus
might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is located not
far from the Wuhan fish market.
3. There is a theory.
this theory is mixed with conspiracy theories about the secret research of
biological weapons by the Chinese military.

II. Body paragraph

Argument 1

1. The first suspicion is that the virus originated from a fish market that also sells
wild animals. But a number of western media are now reporting that the virus
might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is located not
far from the Wuhan fish market.
2. But this theory is mixed with conspiracy theories about the secret research of
biological weapons by the Chinese military. At that time, the Washington Post
denied the theory that the possibility of the virus was the result of human
3. Interviews with a number of virologists say, looking at the nature of the virus,
it is possible that it is a man-made mutation. This is reinforced by research
from a research team under the leadership of Kristian G. Andersen, who was
quoted in the scientific journal Nature Medicine published March 17.
4. Beginning in 2019 Shi and his team published the results of extensive
research on the corona virus in bats. Reports say, horseshoe bats are the host
of strains of the corona virus similar to the virus that emerged later in Wuhan.
Argument 2

1. Thanks to the team work he led, the scientists were able to carry out a rapid
sequence of the viral genome, and also publish it quickly. This creates an
unexpected historical opportunity to accelerate research and manufacture of
the vaccine.
2. Even so, until the last few weeks, Professor Shi Zhengli continues to be the
target of constant attacks on social media in Asia and in other regions of the
world. This sparked the defense of his research associate, Peter Daszak, head
of the EcoHealth Alliance, an NGO in New York, which focused on scientific
research and pandemic prevention.
3. Daszak said in an interview on Democracy Now on National Public Radio, a
public broadcasting institution in the US, that the charge of leaking the virus
from a laboratory in Wuhan was baseless. He said, working for 15 years with
the laboratory and did not save the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
4. the government in Beijing has tightly limited reporting on the origin of the
corona virus. Even the Chinese embassy in London reacted furiously to the
Daily Mail article, accusing it of being "baseless." "Research into the origin of
the Covid-19 virus is currently ongoing," the embassy said in an official


This creates an unexpected historical opportunity to accelerate research and

manufacture of the vaccine. Even so, until the last few weeks, Professor Shi Zhengli
continues to be the target of constant attacks on social media in Asia and in other
regions of the world. This sparked the defense of his research associate, Peter Daszak,
head of the EcoHealth Alliance, an NGO in New York, which focused on scientific
research and pandemic prevention.Even the Chinese embassy in London reacted
furiously to the Daily Mail article, accusing it of being "baseless." "Research into the
origin of the Covid-19 virus is currently ongoing," the embassy said in an official
statement.even to this day the emergence of the corona virus is still a mystery
throughout the world and various research is still being done on the emergence of this
virus and its vaccine

Corona virus is a type of virus that urually causer fever, tiredners and lough,
and can also cause breathing problems .

Imilially that corona virus that attacked China, Wuhan. After wands spresd
thraoghtout the world , Indonesia, USA, Italy andother countries.

Mary people dee affect caf corona virus from childern to adults, even medical
workerr who struggle to treat ihfectedpeople also die from ex posure to the virus and

Another impaid caused bythe coronavirus is that our activities are stopped, publik
places are closed , shooping center are closed , anployyes are terminated by
companies hot operating so that the poor are getting poorer. The government is
providing assistance to the people sperding up to trillions. Once the world becomes
sad/ pathetic.

As for general signs include respiratory symptons, fever cough, shouters of

breath and breathing difficolties, in more severe acote respiratory syndrome kidney
failure and ever death

Standed recommendation to prevent infection sprend includehand washing, covering

month and nose after coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meatand eggs.
Auoid close contact with ay one showing symptoms of respiratory items such is
coughing and sweezing.

We know that corona virus is very dangerout and spreads sotast, to reduce the death
rate, it would be better it we know in advance what is corona virus, the symptoms and
prevention. Stay at home,keep healthy, keep you distancing and tollow gowerrment

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