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English Class

Weeks 2 - 12 December
Topics: Toys. (Consolidation)
Animals. Food. Winter.

Classroom Language

Circle Time: Good Morning! How are you?/ Let’s sit down!? Will you sing along? /Thank you/
You’re welcome/ Well done!


Flash cards with toys: robot, teddy bear, doll, drum, phone.
Flash cards with animals: cat, dog, rabbit, bird, fish.
Flash cards with food: pizza, bread, soup, fish, sandwich.


Story: Goldilocks and the three bears

Story cards: Stop that noise (Cookie and Friends)

Densel: Brm! Brm! Noisy toys.
Cookie: Give me the boat! Stop that noise!
Densel: Beep! Beep! Noisy toys.
Cookie: Give me the robot! Stop that noise!
Densel: Whirr! Whirr! Noisy toys.
Cookie: Give me the plane! Stop that noise!
Densel: Toot! Toot! Noisy toys.
Cookie: Give me the trumpet! Stop that noise!
Dense: Rat-a-tat-tat! Noisy toys.
Cookie: Give me the drum! Stop that noise!
Densel: Ring! Ring! Noisy toys.
Cookie: Give me the phone! Stop that noise!
Cookie: Ouch! Miaow!
Densel: Cookie, It’s for you.
Lulu: Cookie. Stop that noise!

Story cards: What have you got in your pouch? (Cookie and friends)
Cookie: Hello, Lulu. What have you got in your pouch?
Lulu: Well, I’ve got a ball.
Narrator: But does Cookie want a ball? No.
Cookie: A ball! What else have you got?
Lulu: Well, I’ve got a teddy...
Narrator: But doea Cookie want a teddy? No.
Cookie: A teddy? What else have you got?
Lulu: Well, I’ve got a.... Aaaah!
Narrator: Careful, Cookie! Careful, Lulu!
Cookie: Ouch!
Narrator: Oh, dear! Look at Lulu! Look at Cookie!
Cookie: Sorry, Lulu!
Densel: Wheeee!

Story cards: Can I have a pet? – Cookie and friends

Narrator: Cookie wants a pet.
Cookie: Good morning. Can I have a pet?
Lulu: How about a spider?
Cookie: No, not a sp-ider. I want a big pet.
Narrator: Cookie wants a big pet.
Lulu: How about a fish?
Cookie: No, not a fish. I want a big pet.
Narrator: Cookie wants a big pet.
Lulu: How about a birs?
Cookie: No, not a bird. I want a big pet.
Narrator: Cookie wants a big pet.
Lulu: How about a turtle?
Cookie: No, not a turtle. I want a big pet.
Narrator: Cookie wants a big pet.
Lulu: How about a rabbit?
Cookie: No, not a rabbit. I WANT A BIG PET.
Narrator: Cookie wants a BIG pet.
Lulu: Wait a minute! Let me see!
Narrator: What has Lulu got?
Cookie: An elephant! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Narrator: Now that’s a big pet!

Story cards: Let’s make a cake! (Cookie and friends)

Lulu: Let’s make a cake! Now, let me see...
Lulu: How about apples?
Cookie and Densel: Yes! Yes! We like apples.
Narrator: Yum! Yum! A cake with apples.
Lulu: How about chocolate?
Cookie and Densel: Yes! Yes! We like chocolate.
Narrator: Yum! Yum! A cake with apples and chocolate.
Lulu: How about bananas?
Cookie and Densel: Yes! Yes! We like bananas.
Narrator: Yum! Yum! A cake with apples, chocolate and bananas.
Lulu: How about ice-cream?
Cookie and Densel: Yes! Yes! We like ice-cream.
Narrator: Yum! Yum! A cake with apples, chocolate, bananas and ice-cream.
Cookie: What else have we got?
Cookie: How about fish? Yum! Yum! A cake with apples, chocolate, bananas, ice-cream and
Lulu and Densel: Fish! Yuk! Yuk! No, thanks.

The little polar bear and the snow storm

Lexical Game

Lexical Game: Stand up!/ Turn Around!/ Clap your hands!/ Stamp your feet!/ Make a circle!/ Sit
down!/ Sleep!.
Game: Teacher brings some toys: a plane, a car, a teddy bear and a boat and asks children
questions like: What is this?, Give me the boat!, Is this a robot?.
Play: Say the toys and animals in princess and dragon voices.
Play: What’s missing? (for animals and food).


Goldilocks and the three bears

Toys -
Teddy Bear -
Old Mc Donald had a farm -
Do you like broccoli ice cream? -
Little Snowflake -
Jingle bells -
S-A-N-T-A Song:
What do you want for Christmas:

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